And you thought Fran had it bad, check this out!



  • Reply 41 of 76
    netromacnetromac Posts: 863member

    Originally posted by Matrixxx

    you're too blind to see that your just like lemmings and following Your Leader Steve Jobs and his great plans for the future...

    lol - now, thats funny.
  • Reply 42 of 76
    stevesteve Posts: 523member
  • Reply 43 of 76
    I think it's worth posting this story about John's first mishap with a PowerBook. A bit long, but definitely worth reading. Puts his story with the 17" PB in a whole different perspective. (Cf. the original source at the end of the quote):

    "My day begins at 5:45am. The very first thing I do each morning is reach for PowerBook, wake it up and read the email that piled up overnight. I place the PowerBook on a very thick pillow, on my lap, and work until 9am. It is the most productive time of the day for me, peaceful and quiet, with none of the distractions that ultimately come when I walk over to the office later in the morning and switch to my PowerMac for the remainder of the day. The day ends about 10pm, after switching back to the PowerBook about 7pm to finish up the days work with the west coast. I may use other Macs during the day, but it begins and ends with my PowerBook.

    Yesterday morning I had finished a lengthy email to a PR contact when I lifted the PowerBook off the pillow and placed it on the nightstand, swung my legs off the bed and headed for the kitchen for my second cup of coffee. Unbeknownst to me I had mistakenly wrapped the power adapter around my leg and when I got out of bed I dragged the PowerBook off the nightstand and, in what felt like foreve, I watched in horror as my PowerBook was dragged off the nightstand and fell 24 inches to the carpeted floor below.

    After screaming ?NO!!? at the top of my lungs I grabbed the PowerBook and with some panic began to examine it, looking for damage. I was relieved that I could not see any physical damage and I thought I had averted another disaster with yet another very expensive computer.

    It wasn?t until last evening that I noticed a tiny gouge on the upper right edge of the top of the PowerBook. It looks as though someone might have taken a key and gouged out a bit of the metal. My heart sunk and as I was trying to write a letter I could not take my eyes off the damage. I kept rubbing it, hoping that somehow I would be able to rub the gouge out, slowly but surely getting more and more angry as I did so. Just as before, a fraction of a second in the life of my PowerBook forever changed it. Over two months of life with no scratches and no scuffmarks, and it was over in heartbeat.

    But it gets worse. After I gave up rubbing the gouge I closed the PowerBook and noticed that where I had been rubbing the Titanium paint rubbed off as well. Now, in addition to a tiny gouge on the edge I have a 2-inch long area along the edge where the paint has rubbed off. I put the PowerBook on the nightstand, fell back into bed, closed my eyes and sank into a deep depression.

    I just couldn?t get my head around the fact that this $3000 computer could be so easily damaged in a split second. I mean, the damn thing fell 24 inches to a thick carpet and suddenly the value of the computer decreased a few hundred dollars. Worse, the PowerBook no longer looks brand new, flawless, or perfect, as it had for more than two months. All I could think to do was to yell at Steve Jobs, something like ?WHAT WERE YOU THINKING??!!?? But then again, it wasn?t Steve Jobs that makes me continue to buy new PowerBooks, it was my falut that I kept buying a computer I knew was just too damn fragile to be of any practical use.

    So now I am faced with a dilemma, do I call Apple and send it in to be fixed at the cost of $680.00 or do I sell it at a loss of at least $680 and buy one a 17? Aluminum PowerBook in hopes that Aluminum turns out to be tougher than Titanium, a metal that supposedly is stronger than steel but in reality is no stronger than play dough.

    Because I realize I have an addiction, and that perhaps my judgment is clouded when it comes to PowerBooks, perhaps the answer is to ask you, my readers, what I should do.

    Most people would be able to overlook this flaw in the PowerBook and move on, but I simply cannot. I just think that if you spend this kind of money for a PowerBook it needs to be able to take a 24? fall to the carpet without damage."

    Source: John Manzione's Web Archive (January 2003)

    P. S. Note how it was the carpet's fault...
  • Reply 44 of 76
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    Matrixxx... We're not rabidly anti-PC or pro-Apple. We just know how to identify a quack when we see one.The topic of discussion is John Manzione's own carelessness and childish behavior. This has nothing to do with bias.
  • Reply 45 of 76
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    Lebensmüde, in addition, note how the mishap occurs after the announcement of newer, better PowerBooks, and that his problem is not only the ding on the screen but the Titanium coating itself. Here he's probably attempting to justify a call to AppleCare to demand a trade-up from his 15" Titanium to a 17" Aluminum. It would only be fair for Apple to provide him with an equivalent machine that doesn't suffer from the Ti paint chipping problem...

    Reminds me of how he demanded a GeForce4 Ti in exchange for his GeForce4 MX when he and I suffered from the screen flashes.

    Reminds me of how he said he was worried his 22" Cinema Display would be destroyed by those flashes...and that he should get a 23 incher in exchange should anything go wrong. clockwork, I tell ya.

    AppleInsider Thread noting the GeForce4 MX problem

    The eventual fix: Mac OS X 10.1.5 - Knowledge Base article

    Many reports of the screen flashes on XLR8YourMac a quality Mac community website. Note my e-mail toward the bottom which already describes my disgust with Manzione's deceitful behavior. He posted devastating looking photos of something that clearly wasn't the same bug. Also note in the KBase article above which indicates the GeForce4 Ti he tried so hard to get also suffers from the bug.

    The Apple Discussions Board thread is gone....I think John Manzione saved much of it, but I doubt he'd be willing to fork it over since it further incriminates him.
  • Reply 46 of 76
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    After the ridiculous start to Macnet2, I pretty much wrote it off. But for some reason I wandered back there in the past two weeks, and thought hey, "heres a fun little soap opera." Now, however, I see that there's quite a little pattern to Mr Manzione's complaints about Apple. To that degree then, I actually kinda believe that he subconsiously "stress tests" his macs. And if he's had that many complaints to Apple in the past, probably to the same people, it's also probably true that someone at Apple was just a little too upset to deal with him for the Nth time. I dunno if anyone let his PB have it, but people in PR probably mentioned him and his habits. Thanks for the info Eugene. Still fun though. He has just enough cred to catch people out. I wonder how Apple will respond to him, if at all? With AppleTurns in a semi-hiatus, we need to look somewhere for our apple-drama fix!
  • Reply 47 of 76

    Originally posted by Matsu

    Now, however, I see that there's quite a little pattern to Mr Manzione's complaints about Apple. To that degree then, I actually kinda believe that he subconsiously "stress tests" his macs.

    Does he "stress test" his Macs or does he "stress test" Apple's customer service?8)
  • Reply 48 of 76
    netromacnetromac Posts: 863member

    Originally posted by Lebensmüde

    Does he "stress test" his Macs or does he "stress test" Apple's customer service?8)

    A little bit of both I guess
  • Reply 49 of 76
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    Come on Matsu. You don't buy his story do you? He has pictures, sure, but none of them show any of the stickered parts seen in the video. There's one very blurry photo of the upper left corner of the base, but in the video you can't really identify the damage there.

    It sounds suspiciously like he dropped his 17 inch PowerBook one night just like he dropped his 15 incher...only this time the screen broke and he needed a major excuse.

    Just look over his history again and again and again.
  • Reply 50 of 76
    alcimedesalcimedes Posts: 5,486member
    yeah, i also have to wonder about someone who "suddenly noticed" that two inches of paint were gone where he'd been busy rubbing it.

    if you notice that you're rubbing the paint off, don't you STOP?!?

    guys a jackass looking for a handout, IMO.
  • Reply 51 of 76
    fred_ljfred_lj Posts: 607member
    For a person to accidentally throw their laptop off a nightstand and then be mad at the company behind it or even its distant CEO is really absurd.

    This guy needs to start treating his computing equipment for what it is ---- delicate, oh so very delicate, balances of miraculous electronics and engineering. They're not Hummers.

    Perhaps this is what John needs to look into:
  • Reply 52 of 76
    matthwumatthwu Posts: 6member
    Ah, funny... I admitted my own writing was wrong? Not quite. Actually, what I said was that it was somewhat pathetic of Microsoft to give Apple's sorry excuse for an ass money to keep it afloat just to save Microsoft from another Anti-Trust suit.

    Sorry pal, but last I checked, "adding plexi and cathodes to my ATX case" was part of my job description. That is the work that I get done, if your ignorant Mac Zealot self didn't realize, there is a very large market for case modders. Hell, hardware enthusiast sites receive tens of thousands of hits per day, which in turn generates profit for people such as myself. It's called economics, you should've taken it in high school.

    John is simply explaining what has become of Apple, and while I don't agree with everything he's ever said, I do agree with everything in his article, as he is the only one who has the balls to come out and speak the truth. He doesn't care what Apple thinks, but you're all too afraid Steve Jobs will stop sucking your cocks to tell the truth. If you people honestly want to sit there and criticize me and my platform of choice, choose an arguement that carries some weight.

    Oh yeah, and if you really want to tell me how evil Bill Gates is or how PCs suck or whatever you Mac freaks do, go right ahead, as I'm fairly certain I can prove just about anything negative you have to say wrong.

    I have nothing to hide about a PC, and I won't be too afraid to admit weaknesses both in hardware and in Windows itself. If you bring a valid arguement about a PC's incapabilities to my attention I'll be more then happy to battle it out with you; I won't sit there playing dumb and ignoring something I know to be true, that's the job of the people who regularly post on this forum.

    And before you go saying so, I do not condone anything else John has said outside of that one article, so please don't bring that powerbook bullshit into this. He could be lying for all I know, but frankly I don't care. When your company has 5% of the market share, you can't afford to **** up in any area, especially not with customer support, or the quality of the audio on the music network that you created in a last-ditch effort to save your horribly failing company.
  • Reply 53 of 76
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    A.) it's not 5% it's about 2.5%.

    B.) Apple isn't horribly failing, it's slowly (but profitably) fading.

    If trends continue, the mac may be in jeopardy within the next 6-8 years, but not Apple. With money in the bank and some diversification potential, they're fine.

    Also, there is enough reason to believe that long term trends may finally start to slowly reverse. Apple is UP! with consumers, and they're building alternative revenue sources (stores, music didtribution, lifestyle devices). If they hadn't been ass-kicked so badly in edu we might have already been looking at a company with a true 5% worldwide. Applestores UK, japan, Canada shoulod bolster those markets in the next two years. If music is big, and it looks like it will be, mac looks good to recover, and Apple won't have to change too much from what they are now.
  • Reply 54 of 76
    stevesteve Posts: 523member
    I'd say that a lot of people here are technology enthusiasts like I am. They've a good deal of knowledge beneath those skulls about tech trends and processor design, and that sort of thing. They own a Mac or get excited about whatever the next Mac products may be coming out not because they might enjoy fellating a man in a black turtleneck; I know I sure don't.

    I'm just in love with OS X and its various technologies and the beauty of the machines that Apple creates. As soon as Apple stops making things that I enjoy or when it's just not economically viable to buy Apple hardware at a ridiculously inflated price (I don't think they're doing too bad now, except for the PowerMac), and, of course, I can get OS X on a PC near me, then I will stop buying their products. Until then, though, they've done me, and apparently quite a few others here, a lot of good. So why don't we stop acting all immature about it?

    And for the record, I've only been a Mac user since 2001.
  • Reply 55 of 76
    matthwumatthwu Posts: 6member

    Originally posted by NETROMac

    He sure isn't making Apple happy and forthcoming with this behaviour.

    Good point, and that's all that matters to you, isn't it? Making Apple happy. "Oh my God, Apple isn't happy! Let's buy more of their underpowered, overpriced systems to make them happier!" You know, I couldn't care if Apple were happy. Don't take that as Anti-Mac either, because I don't care if Bill Gates is happy either, or if Micrsoft, Intel, AMD, Abit, Dell, Gateway, etc. See a pattern? I don't give a damn of some company is happy, I don't base my articles, forum posts, and life on pleasing a company and telling them what they want to hear. You really should cut out the personal attacks and focus on the actual arguement. Oh yeah, and whoever the sorry Mac Zealot was who posted about the DMA allowing the PC2700 to access "plenty of things" at full speed misses the point: it is a CPU bottleneck to not allow it to access the RAM at the RAM's speed. You don't know your own platform, you only know what you've been paid by Apple to know.
  • Reply 56 of 76
    netromacnetromac Posts: 863member

    Originally posted by MattHWU

    Good point, and that's all that matters to you, isn't it? Making Apple happy. "Oh my God, Apple isn't happy! Let's buy more of their underpowered, overpriced systems to make them happier!" You know, I couldn't care if Apple were happy. Don't take that as Anti-Mac either, because I don't care if Bill Gates is happy either, or if Micrsoft, Intel, AMD, Abit, Dell, Gateway, etc. See a pattern? I don't give a damn of some company is happy, I don't base my articles, forum posts, and life on pleasing a company and telling them what they want to hear. You really should cut out the personal attacks and focus on the actual arguement. Oh yeah, and whoever the sorry Mac Zealot was who posted about the DMA allowing the PC2700 to access "plenty of things" at full speed misses the point: it is a CPU bottleneck to not allow it to access the RAM at the RAM's speed. You don't know your own platform, you only know what you've been paid by Apple to know.

    Talk about heated debate
  • Reply 57 of 76
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member

    John is simply explaining what has become of Apple, and while I don't agree with everything he's ever said, I do agree with everything in his article, as he is the only one who has the balls to come out and speak the truth. He doesn't care what Apple thinks, but you're all too afraid Steve Jobs will stop sucking your cocks to tell the truth. If you people honestly want to sit there and criticize me and my platform of choice, choose an arguement that carries

    How can you agree? Manzione did not have anything factual to back his claims. Somewho I'm supposed to throw away the results of a Million downloaders of AAC files because John and some idiot from MSnbc says AAC sucks "Big Time" ? He was rambling Matt...he had nothing to back his statements up. I don't know how YOU gather information but I try not to base mine on subjective writing. Many of us here at Appleinsider have PCs ..we have varying levels of praise for Jobs. However you seen adept at painting us all as Jobs Worshippers. How could you presume to know that in only 3 posts?


    Oh yeah, and if you really want to tell me how evil Bill Gates is or how PCs suck or whatever you Mac freaks do, go right ahead, as I'm fairly certain I can prove just about anything negative you have to say wrong.

    Stop it! hahaha you're making me laugh here. You came over here looking for a fight didn't you? May I suggest the Battlefront on Here we refute claims that we don't believe in and we debate vigorously but we don't engage in Platform wars on a large scale. PCs are fine but we feel Macs are better. No amount of fighting is needed because as long as we're happy with it then that's all that is required.


    And before you go saying so, I do not condone anything else John has said outside of that one article, so please don't bring that powerbook bullshit into this. He could be lying for all I know, but frankly I don't care. When your company has 5% of the market share, you can't afford to **** up in any area, especially not with customer support, or the quality of the audio on the music network that you created in a last-ditch effort to save your horribly failing company.

    LOL. I'm sure Jobs needs all the help he can get from a 17yr old PC Modder. Matt you weren't even ALIVE when the Mac was announced. I think that speaks volumes about your experience.


    Mac Zealot was who posted about the DMA allowing the PC2700 to access "plenty of things" at full speed misses the point: it is a CPU bottleneck to not allow it to access the RAM at the RAM's speed. You don't know your own platform, you only know what you've been paid by Apple to know.

    No you said RAM runs at twice the speed of the FSB and said this limits the throughput...well no shit sherlock but I added that that affects data that must cross the FSB while items with DMA can bypass the FSB. Why don't shutup...sitdown and get the chip off your shoulder. I got shoes older than you kid LOL. You ain't no different than the average teenager. You're too young to realize you don't know anything. We have a guy that's been around these boards since being a Teen. His name is Applenut. I think he's a little sharper than you though or at the least was able to communicate more effectively. Well you'll learn that soon enough..hopefully.
  • Reply 58 of 76
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member

    Originally posted by MattHWU

    I don't give a damn of some company is happy, I don't base my articles, forum posts, and life on pleasing a company and telling them what they want to hear.

    What articles?
  • Reply 59 of 76
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member
    Don't feed the trolls, kids. It only makes them come back for more.

    (UNIX user since 1986, Mac user since 1986, PC user since 1992)
  • Reply 60 of 76
    matthwumatthwu Posts: 6member

    Originally posted by NETROMac

    Talk about heated debate

    Talk about not knowing what you're talking about. =P
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