ThinkSecret, O'grady - New iBooks on the way



  • Reply 21 of 27
    lowb-inglowb-ing Posts: 98member
    I see no reason for a 500 MHz G4. At least 550, but if the 12" gets a 700MHz G3 (and it won't be higher than that) then it'll be 600 fer shure

    They could go for the 600+800 G3's but it seems unlikely, doesn't it?
  • Reply 22 of 27
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    [quote]Originally posted by LowB-ing:

    <strong>I think the 12" ibook will get a 600 MHz G3 and possibly a slight price cut, while the 14" gets a 600 MHz G4. both gets 16MB graphics cards.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Only a 600MHz G3? Isn't that what they have now? I can see a 600MHz G4 or 700MHz G3 on the 12" iBooks and maybe a 700MHz G4 and a better resolution on the 14" iBooks.
  • Reply 23 of 27
    lowb-inglowb-ing Posts: 98member
    Btw, if you want slim+G4, there's always the powerbook

    Cant have it all if you don't pay for it
  • Reply 24 of 27
    lowb-inglowb-ing Posts: 98member
    [quote]Originally posted by EmAn:


    Only a 600MHz G3? Isn't that what they have now? I can see a 600MHz G4 or 700MHz G3 on the 12" iBooks and maybe a 700MHz G4 and a better resolution on the 14" iBooks.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    12" ibook currently has a 500 MHz G3 (and 66 MHz bus!). 14" has a 600. 20% speed increse+100MHZ bus+better videocard (capable of some, but not optimal, QE) seems like a decent upgrade to me

    ...and keep in mind, the "low end" PB is 667 MHZ. Shure, it has some extra features, but it is also a lot more expensive. Gotta justify that somehow, so I don't see a ibook with 700 MHz G4 until a PB update is imminent.

    [ 05-13-2002: Message edited by: LowB-ing ]</p>
  • Reply 25 of 27
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    [quote]Originally posted by LowB-ing:


    12" ibook currently has a 500 MHz G3 (and 66 MHz bus!). 14" has a 600. 20% speed increse+100MHZ bus+better videocard (capable of some, but not optimal, QE) seems like a decent upgrade to me


    Not true. The low-end iBook has a 500MHz G3 and 66MHz bus. The rest of the 12" iBooks have 600MHz, 100MHz bus like the 14".
  • Reply 26 of 27
    timortistimortis Posts: 149member
    How can they come out with an iBook with a 16MB Radeon when they just announced that Jaguar will require 32 MB to function as it should.

    The GUI's slowness has been the major concern and a usability issue since the launch of OS X, and Apple finally came up with a solution to this, apparently.

    You may say a 32 MB video card is too much for a budget notebook but it's not the consumers' fault that Apple's operating system won't run well on lesser hardware. They should bump the Tibook's graphics to 64 MB DDR and put an 32 MB SDR Radeon or Geforce2go in the iBook
  • Reply 27 of 27
    mac voyermac voyer Posts: 1,295member
    Only in Apple's universe is a 32MB vcard a top of the line part. For the price Apple charges for iBooks, you get 32MB vcards in PC notebooks. Don't buy into Apple's pricing madness. There is no reason Apple shouldn't provide fully compliant, G4, 32MB vram, altivec, QE notebook.

    But they won't.
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