A gift for all Americans of European Ancestry

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Walter Williams, an African American Professor of Economics and also sydicated newspaper columnist grants you a pardon for slavery in the past of the United States so you may...


Therefore, from this day forward Americans of European ancestry can stand straight and proud knowing they are without guilt and thus obliged not to act like damn fools in their relationships with Americans of African ancestry.



  • Reply 1 of 23
    pfflampfflam Posts: 5,053member
    phwew *wipes forhead*

  • Reply 2 of 23
    enaena Posts: 667member
    Williams tells a neat story.

    He's out in his yard, in his grubbies mowing the lawn, when a rich white woman pulls up to the curb. She gets his attention and asks him if she could hire him to mow her lawn as well, and he says no. Getting a little indignant she wants to know why not---which is when he tells her that when he's done with the lawn, he's going back inside to finish his doctoral thesis.

    The woman leaves, presumably to find a hole in the earth that will swallow her up. Great story.
  • Reply 3 of 23
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    I pray that if people like that woman breed they keep their mouths shut around their children.

    Please let our society evolve. Please.
  • Reply 4 of 23
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    Oh let me tell you, even though his comments were laced with some sarcasm (good for the professor), I am really SO concerned about Americans of African ancestry granting me pardon...

    ...for the actions of people who lived over a century ago and who are not in any way shape or form related to me, other than the fact that they too were relatively light-skinned. I just feel so guilty and incomplete because no one has pardoned me, you know... cuz in the end it's clearly the fault of all whities living today that any man of color was enslaved at any time in the past.

    GMAFB. Pardon this....

    And another thing: even if my grandparents had all been slave owners and I had been born after their deaths (which is true), would I still need to be pardoned? Hmm. What about if the slaves had been set free by my parents when they were "handed down"? I swear to God, the only epidemic [that scares me more than] SARS or Ebola is "entitlement syndrome". Pathetic.
  • Reply 5 of 23
    giaguaragiaguara Posts: 2,724member
    and i though most white americans were standing already "straight and proud looking".

    pope should tell the same thing regarding sins. you are born innocent = not guilty for the sins adam & eve and others did before you was born. and nobody died thousands of years ago because you would be born guilty some thousands of years later. \
  • Reply 6 of 23
    pfflampfflam Posts: 5,053member

    Originally posted by Moogs

    you either miss the point entirely or thou doth protest too much . . . sheesh
  • Reply 7 of 23
    giaguaragiaguara Posts: 2,724member

    Originally posted by Moogs

    ...for the actions of people who lived over a century ago and who are not in any way shape or form related to me, other than the fact that they too were relatively light-skinned. I just feel so guilty and incomplete because no one has pardoned me, you know... cuz in the end it's clearly the fault of all whities living today that any man of color was enslaved at any time in the past.

    by the way, those white americans came from europe. so europeans have still to feel guilty for that same thing according to that prof?

    i just can't figure how people can be guilty only for belonging to certain race or religion. blame the actual whites for slavery hundred(s) of years ago, and blame the actual christians for having made jesus died ages ago. well so far he would have died untill now anyway.
  • Reply 8 of 23
    pfflampfflam Posts: 5,053member
    The point is that some people feel guilty over the continuation of racism . . . which is real and has real consequences despite teh unnecessaryness of the guilt fellings . . or despite the refusal of many to acknowledge its existence . . .

    sometimes whiteys act like fools because of that guilt . . .
  • Reply 9 of 23
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,435member

    ..for the actions of people who lived over a century ago and who are not in any way shape or form related to me, other than the fact that they too were relatively light-skinned. I just feel so guilty and incomplete because no one has pardoned me, you know... cuz in the end it's clearly the fault of all whities living today that any man of color was enslaved at any time in the past.

    Moogs that's actually the wrong way to think about it. What you've said seems to be saying "Since no one from that era is living it's now a non issue" when I believe the reality to be policies made by our Gov centuries ago still has a lasting effect on people today. Whether or not you feel culpable is not really the issue.

    Williams seems to be saying "enough is enough" it's time for anyone who feels disadvantaged to stop complaining and do what must be done. Blaming Whites, or whoever won't accomplish anything. I agree with him %100. However I honestly feel that those living in slums need our help. The odds are stacked against them greatly

    Today is the same as it ever was. You fight claw and scratch to leave a little something for your offspring in the hopes of making their life a little easier than that of your own. Moogs you are right. The Entitlement of the US is truly pathetic. But it is also that Entitlement that drives some people forward.

    Our Public Education system is in shambles overall. Teachers getting in trouble for saying "Niggardly" or pointing out that calling something Gay

    is as bad as calling someone a racial epithet. People feel their "Entitled" to only hear what they want. Anything less could be considered "Hate Speech". Life is so much more grand and exciting than the bums we see spouting off on the boob tube everyday.
  • Reply 10 of 23
    brbr Posts: 8,395member

    Originally posted by Giaguara

    by the way, those white americans came from europe. so europeans have still to feel guilty for that same thing according to that prof?

    i just can't figure how people can be guilty only for belonging to certain race or religion. blame the actual whites for slavery hundred(s) of years ago, and blame the actual christians for having made jesus died ages ago. well so far he would have died untill now anyway.

    It's based on antiquated religious beliefs. Why are we still to blame for "original sin?" Why are the sins of one generation passed down seven generations down the line? Well, it was obviously included in The Moldy Tome as a deterrant. It was aimed a preventing those living in what was then the present from comitting crimes so that their family line is not tainted.
  • Reply 11 of 23
    giaguaragiaguara Posts: 2,724member

    Originally posted by pfflam

    The point is that some people feel guilty over the continuation of racism . . . which is real and has real consequences despite teh unnecessaryness of the guilt fellings . . or despite the refusal of many to acknowledge its existence . . .

    sometimes whiteys act like fools because of that guilt . . .

    but more often they are just racists.

    well not just whites, i read somewhere of the chinese being the most racistical non-canadian group in canada. and i've felt stared uncomfortably in some parts of the world (in europe too) because of my skin color (and sometimes it was the blacks staring).

    it's just skin color, get over it..
  • Reply 12 of 23
    aquafireaquafire Posts: 2,758member
    The One thing marxism was good at was re-inventing history to suit there ideology..American Universities ( God Bless-em ) took this marxist method & added " I am a victim " " I am oppressed " status & added political correctness to the mix..so that ALL americans are born guilty of collective racial crimes committed by their ancenstors.

    This sort of madness is going on in Australia as well with, all current australians of European,Middle Eastern, African & Asian descent being asked to say " sorry " for subjecting the aborigines to gennocide..

    Doesn't matter that most immigrants that came to this country were either convicts. ( no choice ) or war refugees from WW2. We're all guilty of this alledged genocide...
  • Reply 13 of 23
    giaguaragiaguara Posts: 2,724member

    Originally posted by BR

    It's based on antiquated religious beliefs. Why are we still to blame for "original sin?" Why are the sins of one generation passed down seven generations down the line? Well, it was obviously included in The Moldy Tome as a deterrant. It was aimed a preventing those living in what was then the present from comitting crimes so that their family line is not tainted.

    well all that has never made any sense to me. you are guilty because you exist? like if it was you who decided to come to this world? or because your parents had to involve sex in order to procreate themselves, thatswhy you have sin? why the "sinless" person (jesus?) had to be born from a virgin? you are guilty because your mother was assumeably not a virgin when you was born? it just makes no sense to assume everbody's guilty only because they exist (yes, and do even more sin if you suicide then as a means to resolve that or other problems). well, some nations seem to like the feels of guiltyness.

    now how many generations do i have to wait before i can feel un-guilty for the crap that my grand and grand-grand-etc parents that i never knew, and anyone of the same races than me, combined in their life?
  • Reply 14 of 23
    giaguaragiaguara Posts: 2,724member

    Originally posted by aquafire

    The One thing marxism was good at was re-inventing history to suit there ideology..American Universities ( God Bless-em ) took this marxist method & added " I am a victim " " I am oppresssed " status & added political correctness to the mix..so that ALL americans are born guilty of collective racial crimes committed by their ancenstors.

    This sort of madness is going on in Australia as well with, all current australians of European,Middle Eastern, African & Asian descent being asked to say " sorry " for subjecting the aborigines to gennocide..

    Doesn't matter that most immigrants that came to this country were either convicts. ( no choice ) or war refugees from WW2. We're all guilty of this alledged genocide...

    bring the marxist thoughts to europe, please. i don't like when too many people are stared (molested etc) and paid $h!7 because of their race or origin.
  • Reply 15 of 23
    aquafireaquafire Posts: 2,758member

    Originally posted by Giaguara

    bring the marxist thoughts to europe, please. i don't like when too many people are stared (molested etc) and paid $h!7 because of their race or origin.

    Non capisco ?
  • Reply 16 of 23
    giaguaragiaguara Posts: 2,724member

    Originally posted by aquafire

    Non capisco ?

    have you ever been to europe? in most countries i've been to there, the people from eastern europe, pakistan & bangladesh & iraq & similar places in asia, and all africans and black africans are treated like $h!t and they get the most low-paid, low-respected and humiliating jobs the countries have to offer. (many of) the europeans feel no guilty for that, it's "the africans / chileans / pakistani etc come here to ruin our social security and to marry our blond girls etc rant rant" and they get to jobs that are less than what apu has in simpsons. it's like "the way it's supposed to be", or "europe for europeans". if you are white, but from any eastern european country, you are bad and end in low-paid jobs, or even if your face just tells lies about you (the face being "eastern" but you not). they (again, most of) believe that's just right. mas claro ahora?

    weren't the greeks in the low-paid jobs in australia in the 1970s when the greek boom was on? and after them the chinese?
  • Reply 17 of 23
    alcimedesalcimedes Posts: 5,486member
    white people are idiots around black people unless they have at least a few black friends. or at least some non-white friends. it's like white people have been trained to be neurotic around people who aren't white. it's stupid.

    as for the comment


    but more often they are just racists.


    (and sometimes it was the blacks staring).

    you might want to have that read "and sometimes it was black people staring"

    there is no "the blacks" black isn't a homogenus gorup, you might argue it's a mindset, but that's a different subject.
  • Reply 18 of 23
    aquafireaquafire Posts: 2,758member

    Originally posted by Giaguara

    Have you ever been to europe.

    Weren't the greeks in the low-paid jobs in australia in the 1970s when the greek boom was on? and after them the chinese?

    Comprendo amico.

    I lived in Europe for many years..studying & teaching.

    I saw a lot of racism first hand and found it hard to accept.

    I think that maybe part of the problem is that Europe has such a high population density & people invariably feel over-crowded and squeezed in.

    I know I sorely missed the wide open blue skies & sweeping horizons of Australia. There is nothing like that in Europe unless you go to the Tundra..or parts of Iceland & Greenland.

    As regards waves of immigrants in Australia, it is an interesting history. Other than White British stock & a sizeable German minority, the only other group to come to Australia were the Chinese, who moved to the Goldfields in the 1860's. By 1900 most had been expatriated or driven from their homes & businesses.

    For the next 40 years an unofficial " White Australia " policy was used to decide who did or didn't get accepted as a migrant.

    After the WW2, the call of " Populate or Perish " due again to fear of being over-run by the " Yellow Peril " meant that the strict definitions of what constituted "white" began to be loosened.

    By the 1950's & 60's over a million people had migrated, mainly from England, Italy, Greece & Germany (in that order of numbers ).

    The 1970's saw similar masses of Vietnamese, Cambodians, Lebanese, Cyprians and others coming to Australia as refugees from war-torn lands.

    The latest groups have come mainly from Russia, the former Baltic states, China, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, and African states.

    But the important point is that each group at first was given the shit jobs, each group was subjected to racist taunts, but bit by bit, the racism & the taunts died away, as the mainstream population came to appreciate those migrants for what they contributed and still contribute to society.

    Yes there are problems, yes there are enclaves of peoples huddling together for a sense of protection, but by and large it is the youth, the second & third generations ( australo-immigrants ) who are braking own the barriers & who are less likely to think in strictly racially stereotyped roles.

    I have friends who are from Kenya, Egypt, lebanon, Israel, Iran, Iraq, China, etc etc..

    Maybe Australia is one of the lucky countries, after all.. we still have tons of space to move freely in.
  • Reply 19 of 23
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    Australia's trying to stay white? How quaint, good luck to them, hahaha... but not too different than Japan's or China's methods of excluding whites/blacks.

    As for original sin, the dogmatic part of it, is something like what BR describes, but in the minds of the best theologians it is a far more significant theological innovation/adjustment. It's a wonderful thing, original sin, you'd be utterly boring without it, yes it points to your inperfection, your "corruption", but it also makes you intrinsically interesting for your freedom to choose as you wish. There's the position of the feminine in it, and the deception, and the stupid, stupid, stupid people who read the bible literally, and some plainly evil people who teach it that way, but it's a neat epochal way to say, "Here's the struggle, and it's built into the intellect, the body, the soul, if you will, go see what's what."

    The Bible starts to make a lot of sense when viewed with a poetic mind, rather than a dogmatic one -- hasn't always been taught that way though.
  • Reply 20 of 23
    pfflampfflam Posts: 5,053member

    Originally posted by aquafire

    The One thing marxism was good at was re-inventing history to suit there ideology..American Universities ( God Bless-em ) took this marxist method & added " I am a victim " " I am oppressed " status & added political correctness to the mix..so that ALL americans are born guilty of collective racial crimes committed by their ancenstors.

    This sort of madness is going on in Australia as well with, all current australians of European,Middle Eastern, African & Asian descent being asked to say " sorry " for subjecting the aborigines to gennocide..

    Doesn't matter that most immigrants that came to this country were either convicts. ( no choice ) or war refugees from WW2. We're all guilty of this alledged genocide...

    and this is your little re-inventing of history?! . . . 'academic travesties visited upon the righteous white christians from Orvoton who have never perpetuated any wrong doing' -by your faithful and humble author aquafire

    your 'history' distorts the world as well . . . at least with academic Marxists we can get criticality
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