PowerBook G4 12" more graphics weirdness



  • Reply 41 of 61
    robsterrobster Posts: 256member

    Originally posted by Patchouli

    I've had my 12" PowerBook for about a month now and have watched many DVDs on it and have never seen anything like this. I don't see this when I am rapidly moving finder windows either. I also haven't seen this behavior posted at MacNN or the Apple Discussion Forums. Are we all missing something while testing it? This PowerBook has been a real gem so far.

    I've got to agree, it's actually the best powerbook i've ever had! and thats been a few from the 165c onwards...

    Even better now I know that maximum memory limit has just jumped 512mb
  • Reply 42 of 61
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member

    Originally posted by Aquatic

    I think the drivers just need goosing for performance.

    I have to agree with Aquatic. There is definitely a driver issue with the 12" powerbook, and this is apparent when it operates in full screen. I have too noticed the DVD frame drop and the image shift in full screen games. And could you believe that? A classic game named BrickAttack operates in a wallstreet under 10.1.5 much more smoothly than on a 12" powerbook under 10.2.4 (always in classic). For me, this is the proof that there is something wrong with the 12" video drivers. Apple is already aware; hope only for a quick fix.
  • Reply 43 of 61
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    Yep despite craptacular NVIDIA this is the best Apple machine I've ever seen, period. I just used Bluetooth file transfer with another PBG4 12" users, worked like a champ.
  • Reply 44 of 61
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    My PB actually has a slight wobble diagonally left to right..it didn't until I took the battery out (thanks Applecare when I called them about the graphics drivers and they said reset the PMU...just kidding!)
  • Reply 45 of 61
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    It happens to me even while I play Captain Bumper which was VERY smooth on my iBook. That is very sad, Apple should have updated their NVIDIA 420 Go drivers by now.
  • Reply 46 of 61
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    10.2.5 fixed DVD lagging in fullscreen. The lines are horizontal and happen when you pan sideways in a game rapidly, like in Wolfenstein. Hopefully Apple will update 420 GO drivers since even though there are GeForce 2mx mentioned in the 10.2.5 lsbom i still see "lines."
  • Reply 47 of 61
    torifiletorifile Posts: 4,024member
    QT 6.1.1 is sucking on my computer. I'm trying to watch the matrix reloaded trailer and I'm dropping at least 7 fps. This is after upgrading to 10.2.5. Anyone having any luck with this trailer and QT 6.1.1?
  • Reply 48 of 61
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    Sorry to dredge this thread up again but I think I found a solution!

    When I got the Better Blitter Library (Richard Banister is the man) for RockNES I noticed an option for "VBL Synchronization" which I assume means vertically balanced line sync or something. This also works in SNES9x Custom. What does this little gem do? It makes full screen games smoother than buttah. This only works with RockNES and SNES9X.

    My question is, if a shareware developer like Richard Banister can solve this problem, how come Apple can't put this in OS X system-wide? My screenshots from Max Payne (haha the Buffy thing that I read about in MacAddict is funny) look just like the Wolfenstein ones. Max Payne would look much nicer with a little good ol' "VBL Snychronization"

    Paul if you want I'll send you my Max Payne images. Have you played it? High quality game, so amazing I take screenshots daily of cool stuff. One is where these guys are sliding down a rope breaking through a glass window while shooting at me. Another is of the staked guy with "-Buff" in blood next to him, that's great.
  • Reply 49 of 61
    isemirisemir Posts: 11member
    So you are telling me that the 12" powerbook is not that nice as they anounced at the begining? Im a new mac user, I just love the powerbook. I havent switched yet (well i have spiritually), id love to, but if you are telling me that the games and the dvds doesnt look as nice as my old pc, well id think about it...

    Please answer... anyone.
  • Reply 50 of 61
    newnew Posts: 3,244member

    Originally posted by isemir

    So you are telling me that the 12" powerbook is not that nice as they anounced at the begining? Im a new mac user, I just love the powerbook. I havent switched yet (well i have spiritually), id love to, but if you are telling me that the games and the dvds doesnt look as nice as my old pc, well id think about it...

    Please answer... anyone.

    I honestly don't think you will have any problems with it. its a lovely machine. What kind of games are you gonna play on it?
  • Reply 51 of 61
    isemirisemir Posts: 11member
    I love the jedi outcast, warcraft, quake...

    But what i really love the most is to do video edition, cutting, add music, special effects, transitions, titles.

    Do you think that the Ibook G3 will do it fine? or only the G4?

    by the way, which machine do you have and what is your interest area?

  • Reply 52 of 61
    newnew Posts: 3,244member

    Originally posted by isemir

    I love the jedi outcast, warcraft, quake...

    But what i really love the most is to do video edition, cutting, add music, special effects, transitions, titles.

    Do you think that the Ibook G3 will do it fine? or only the G4?

    by the way, which machine do you have and what is your interest area?


    The G4 is definitely desirable for the all stuff you want to do. The 15" has the best graphics card of the Powerbooks (in my opinion), but then there is the expected revision of the 15". It just might be worth waiting for.

    The 12" screen might be a bit small for real video editing.

    But then you can always use an external monitor.
  • Reply 53 of 61
    algolalgol Posts: 833member
    The Nvidia cards in the new PowerBooks are in no way as good as the Radeon 9000 in the TiBooks. I really don't understand why apple switched. The Radeon gets better frame rates than the 440 Go in the 17" and is much better than the 420 Go. Why switch the cards?
  • Reply 54 of 61
    stoostoo Posts: 1,490member
    I'd like to know as well. Probably corporate/marketing politics of some sort.
  • Reply 55 of 61
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    Does anyone know what I'm talking about? USE SNES9x or RockNES with Better Blitter library and watch how VBL sync fixes this problem. Graphics guys, why the HELL isn't this built in to OS X? Will Panther fix it?

    isemir all those games work fine, I have Jedi Knight II and WC 3 and Wolfenstein, Max Payne, etc. These lines are really just minor annoyances but you should see what they do to screenshots. It's just now that I know they can be fixed I'm just like what the fück.
  • Reply 56 of 61
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    There's no problem then that had anything to do with the book itself, just the hack job emulator code you insist on running on it.

    I'm more concerned with the way drop down menus in browser windows just don't seem to work on either IE5.2 or Safari, but work just fine in IE on XP. Probably Apple has real stuff like that to worry about than someone with a 2000 dollar NES ? :P
  • Reply 57 of 61
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    *sigh* let me explain one more time!!!!! I mean the graphics on ANYTHING exhibit these lines, from Ottomatic to Capt Bumper to certain movies in QT. Now, with VBL sync, the problem disappears. My question is: if Richard Bannister could figure out this problem, how come an entire company of geniuses can't? I'm no graphics guy but I know what I see, and when I turn VBL sync in Better Blitter on I see a problem solved. Maybe Unsanity can make a haxie out of it?
  • Reply 58 of 61
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    Sorry, haven't had any problems playing ottomatic here.
  • Reply 59 of 61
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    Besides looking choppier than when I payed it on a FP iMac 800 with Geforce 2 (so same specs), do you notice the lines? Try not looking at the game, but at the screen. There is horizontal image shift in multiple places, once you notice it it's very obvious and if Apple never addresses this problem I will be very sad and probably not buy a rev 1 again.
  • Reply 60 of 61
    Is there where the screen seems like it's under stress and like the pictures going to just wrinkle together?
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