eWeek article on Smeagol and Q37



  • Reply 61 of 401

    Originally posted by rok

    sigh... Q37? have the engineering boys lost all flair for naming these rigs anymore?

    Wasn't the Q37 Illudium Detonator the thing Marvin the Martian was going to use to blow up the earth??

    (Before Buggs Bunny put a stop to it, of course..)
  • Reply 63 of 401
    macgregormacgregor Posts: 1,434member

    Thanks boots! I lost my link to that!

    I do think it would be better to use another letter than "G" to label the new processor. "Q" would be nice.

    PS And what happened to that terrible energy shortage that was going to threaten the Western US for years to come so we better drill the Arctic now and cut down energy regs....oh, the companies made their money and the Party won the mid-term elections? okay....
  • Reply 64 of 401
    junkyard dawgjunkyard dawg Posts: 2,801member

    Originally posted by JBL

    Of course the same could be said for the Bushies. Think Iran-Contra. Think Dubya's oil business. Think Neil's banking business. Think drugs and alcohal. Looks like we will soon be thinking WMD.

    Yeah, and the Bushies lie about crap that affects the entire world negatively. Clinton lied about his personal sex life. If he hadn't lied, he would have been bragging, not exactly a gentlemanly thing to do.

    I'd like to see stats on how many Americans lie about their sex lives every day, to protect either themselves, their spouse, or their children. Lies aren't all black & white--justs because Clinton lied about a blowjob doesn't mean he's the sort who would lie about the threat of another bananna republic to start a war of invasion. Clinton never did anything like that, because he didn't have to. He could form rational arguments and policies..

    Sorry to stray off topic but lately I've been more pissed off than usual at that Smirking Chimp in the White House.
  • Reply 65 of 401
    junkyard dawgjunkyard dawg Posts: 2,801member

    Originally posted by MacGregor

    I do think it would be better to use another letter than "G" to label the new processor. "Q" would be nice.

    The "Q" Powermac--Bends space and time at will.

    Nice Star Trek reference, but I'm not sure how many would get it. I'd want one for sure!
  • Reply 66 of 401
    snoopysnoopy Posts: 1,901member
    Remember HAL in 2001 Space Odyssey? If we increment each letter in the alphabet we get IBM, which most everyone has seen by now. Now consider the Illudium Pu36 Explosive Space Modulator that Marvin the Martian was going to use to blow up the earth. If we take the 'u' to be a sound, increment the principal letter and number, and we get Q37. The 'u' sound is already in 'Q.'
  • Reply 67 of 401
    snoopysnoopy Posts: 1,901member
    How about a conspiracy theory about this new report? Apple finally realizes that the rumors and speculation can not be stopped, so Apple decides to make it work for them. The eWeek article is an official Apple leak to heighten interest in WWDC.

    Last year everyone figured out that new 64 bit Power Macs were coming as soon as IBM announced the 970 topic on the Microprocessor Forum. So everyone knows already anyway. Apple fills in a few more details for eWeek, but keeps it low key so there are no unrealistic expectations. Any surprises will be positive, not negative.

    The code names Smeagol and Q37 give away no facts about the new hardware but add a little interest and maybe some confidence in the report's accuracy.
  • Reply 68 of 401
    mokimoki Posts: 551member

    Originally posted by Junkyard Dawg

    I'd like to see stats on how many Americans lie about their sex lives every day, to protect either themselves, their spouse, or their children. Lies aren't all black & white--justs because Clinton lied about a blowjob doesn't mean he's the sort who would lie about the threat of another bananna republic to start a war of invasion. Clinton never did anything like that, because he didn't have to. He could form rational arguments and policies..



    Originally posted by Junkyard Dawg

    Sorry to stray off topic but lately I've been more pissed off than usual at that Smirking Chimp in the White House.

    *cough* and ahem

    Can we get back to rumour mongering again?
  • Reply 69 of 401
    keyboardf12keyboardf12 Posts: 1,379member

    any more tidbits moki?

    care to confirm or deny the flurry of rumor activity vis-a-vis g5 specs.

    (Cool, I used "vis-a-vis" in a sentence, how geo-politcal of me! (god knows if i spelled it correctly.))
  • Reply 70 of 401
    bigcbigc Posts: 1,224member

    Originally posted by MacGregor

    Thanks boots! I lost my link to that!

    I do think it would be better to use another letter than "G" to label the new processor. "Q" would be nice.

    PS And what happened to that terrible energy shortage that was going to threaten the Western US for years to come so we better drill the Arctic now and cut down energy regs....oh, the companies made their money and the Party won the mid-term elections? okay....

    The energy shortage is real but not as bad as the water shortage will be.
  • Reply 71 of 401
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member

    Originally posted by moki

    Can we get back to rumour mongering again?

    Not if you keep posting political links...

  • Reply 72 of 401
    aphelionaphelion Posts: 736member

    Originally posted by Lemon Bon Bon

    And...my bet is that this new partnership with IBM is just the beginning...

    key word emphasis mine.

  • Reply 73 of 401
    gizzmonicgizzmonic Posts: 511member
    So has IBM started releasing its PPC970 machines to "select customers" yet? There was a post on this forum a while back saying that he had received an email from IBM which gave his organization first dibs on their PPC970 based server machines.

    Based on his previous experience with these type of announcments, the guy estimated that it would be 3 months before IBM shipped PPC 970-based machines. This was up on the board in March or April(?)

    Does anyone have any further info?
  • Reply 74 of 401
    I don't think Apple is going to ship the G5 without 10.3. The whole shebang will be demonstrated at WWDC, ready to go. The date and venue was uprooted for this conference, and there's too much riding on the new machine for the future of Apple's hardware and OS. It's all or nothing.
  • Reply 75 of 401
    macgregormacgregor Posts: 1,434member

    Originally posted by Bigc

    The energy shortage is real but not as bad as the water shortage will be.

    Truth! Just keep away from our water, Cali boy!

    An alliance/partnership with IBM at this time would be very interesting even without a third party (like Moto) but wouldn't that have to come out at an investor's meeting?

    Son of Gib: What would Apple be giving to the attendees then? Beta Panther and Beta hardware?
  • Reply 76 of 401
    jbljbl Posts: 555member

    Originally posted by bunge

    Not if you keep posting political links...

    Yeah moki. You are one of the primary providers of real information on these boards. If the information you provide is about politics we are going to end up talking about that. Like I just can't help but point out that that first link doesn't really provide much of a defence against Bush's claim that the latest round of sanctions were not working. It sure seems like he didn't have any evidence that they were not working other than that sanctions hadn't worked before. Similarly with the second link, it is still true that the US army protected the oil minstry from looting but not the museum and that the museum was looted. Luckily the curators protected many of the artifacts, no thanks to the Bush administration. The third link is actually pretty interesting but seems to me to be not only off topic wrt the original purpose of the thread but also off topic wrt to the political discussion.

    Anyway, I am pretty sure if you posted some meaty hints as to what we might expect on June 23, that would pretty much take over all the threads here.
  • Reply 77 of 401
    programmerprogrammer Posts: 3,467member

    Originally posted by JBL

    Similarly with the second link, it is still true that the US army protected the oil minstry from looting but not the museum and that the museum was looted.

    And there are multiple points of view on any issue: oil infrastructure has greater military and economic value than the contents of a museum, and is typically located in non-urban environments and thus more easily defended against paramilitary activity. Either way, this isn't the place for this discussion.
  • Reply 78 of 401
    Wow, all these rumors are starting to suggest that perhaps something is brewing over at Apple!

    What I find suspicious is that Apple is supposedly issuing C&D orders to only some select sites. It seems unlikely that this is an oversight, since a C&D was given to a site with a LINK to the AI story, but AI has not gotten any C&D warnings. Or maybe AI has gotten some warnings but they simply ignore them

    In any event, I really think it would be a bad move on Apple's part to dilute the impact of Powermac G5s by releasing only single CPU models at first. It would be fine if there was a longer shipping delay for the dual CPU models, even up to 6 weeks or so, but there had better be at least some available for reviews and testing soon after announcement. The "G" moniker has a poor reputation for performance, so this "G5" needs to make a bitchin' first impression, meaning that it must trounce all competition.

    Of course I'd rather dual CPUs across the entire Powermac line, but even if Apple only makes the high end dual, it will go a long way towards rehabilitating the "Powermac Gx" moniker's image.

    That rumors are saying duals will show up "later on" is reassuring since the vague wording is consistent with Apple's habit of announcing all models at once, but shipping the high end up to 2 months later than the low end. Of course the wording is consistent with Apple waiting 2 years to add duals to lineup as well, but with all the impressive rumors recently, I like the more positive interpretation of the AI rumor.


    Errrrrrrrm, Moki, I personally didn't care for Clinton's middle east policy, either, but my point was that lies about a blowjob aren't of the same caliber as lies that affect thousands to millions of people. That's all.

    As for the WMD, maybe some still reside in Iraq, but the point is that Dubya and his handlers intentionally deceived the public by portraying Iraq as an imminent threat to our safety. UN inspections could have easily discovered any large scale WMD development or production, and Saddam was contained. The proof that inspections and containment work is all the WMD destroyed in the 90s (so many that now it's difficult to find them), and the fact that Saddamn hasn't started any wars of aggression since 91.

    War should be a last resort, not a solution of choice. "War is the failure of policy", I forget who said that but it's dead on. Even more ironic is that the chimp who relished marching the flock of sheep into war was a deserter in another war he was a proponent of, in spirit if not body. It's one thing to dodge the draft and organize protests in an effort to end a war one believes to be wrong, but quite another to support war while dodging the draft!
  • Reply 79 of 401
    macgregormacgregor Posts: 1,434member

    Originally posted by moki

    Can we get back to rumour mongering again?

    Be our guest, "monger" away!
  • Reply 80 of 401
    costiquecostique Posts: 1,084member

    Originally posted by snoopy

    Remember HAL in 2001 Space Odyssey? If we increment each letter in the alphabet we get IBM, which most everyone has seen by now. Now consider the Illudium Pu36 Explosive Space Modulator that Marvin the Martian was going to use to blow up the earth. If we take the 'u' to be a sound, increment the principal letter and number, and we get Q37. The 'u' sound is already in 'Q.'

    I wonder who invents code names at Apple and if (s)he is smart enough. snoopy, your theory is great, but I think it takes a real talent to create such analogies, almost myths.

    [Edit]: it just sounds too smooth to be true.
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