Deals on Power Mac G4's?

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
So of course I was wowed throughout the keynote today, until the slide that showed the prices. While I'm sure Apple will sell a ton of G5's, the cost is too steep for this recent college grad.

Anyone seen any hot deals on Power Mac G4's? I'd really like a tower because I have a PCI SCSI card and some SCSI stuff I'd like to use with a new Mac.

The best I've seen in limited browsing is at Amazon. They have the dual 1.25 for $1694 and the dual 1.42 for $2394 (significant price drops), but the 1Ghz model is still listed as $1494. Anybody have the 1Ghz on discount yet?


  • Reply 1 of 1
    macfoolmacfool Posts: 9member
    To answer my own question (in case anyone else out there was interested), CDW has the Ghz Power Mac for $1145.
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