When will we get Aluminum Displays?

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
This is my first thread...

so please be kind...

Now that the new PM G5 is out, and it's aluminum just like the PB, when will we see matching displays?


  • Reply 1 of 91
    maskermasker Posts: 451member
  • Reply 2 of 91
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    I think something more like an iMac display, brilliant white, clear and chrome would look really good, even paired off with a tower. The tower is nice, but it doesn't really call attention to itself, the monitor could act as a focal point. The back of the iMac monitors look really really good to me. Mebbe satinize the arm/base (rather than polish) to make a direct link to the PM G5 case.
  • Reply 3 of 91
    chilleymacchilleymac Posts: 142member
    I saw those eygonomic displays yesterday, man those things are sweeeeeeeet. I would kill for one of those 24 inchers. Or even that 42" wall mount.
  • Reply 4 of 91
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member
    please, no chrome. i'd be polishing off fingerprints all day long.

    the eyegonomic ones look okay, but the back stand/hinge looks very "home depot"-esque. not that there's anything wrong with that -- hell, half my furnishings are from HD.
  • Reply 5 of 91
    skyweirskyweir Posts: 13member
    Agreed, The Apple displays look so 20th century compared to the new G5.

    I wouldn't be suprised if Apple, being as design conscious as they are, gave them new enclosures in the next 4 to 6 months.
  • Reply 6 of 91
    producerproducer Posts: 283member
    Im gonna get me the 23+ incher as soon as they go metal.. those eygonomic are nice looking but are way pricier then Apple's 23 incher and who knows maybe Apple will even cut further when they introduce the metal displays (hey I can dream can't I?) And maybe they will introduce a 30 incher too... I hope they have somekind of adjustable stand like the imac...

    Anyway I hope they come out sooner then later I've been waiting for this along with a new powerbook for what seems like forever \
  • Reply 7 of 91
    wotanwotan Posts: 106member
    I may be in the minority here, but I think that the current displays and the G5 go very very well together. An aluminum display next to the G5 might be too much aluminum, and would be in danger of looking tacky, like something that was designed by Tim Allen. ("More Power!")

    Not everything has to match. The clear plastic and the Alu compliment each other very well.

  • Reply 8 of 91
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    According to the web site Eyegonomic doesn't even sell their monitors in the US yet. How's that for a switch?

  • Reply 9 of 91
    kabeyunkabeyun Posts: 81member

    Originally posted by Wotan

    An aluminum display next to the G5 might be too much aluminum, and would be in danger of looking tacky, like something that was designed by Tim Allen.

    More like Woody Allen.

  • Reply 10 of 91
    marloemarloe Posts: 26member

    Originally posted by Masker

    Umm now?

    Aluminum displays here = 24" LCD even!


    Those Monitors are AMAZINGGGGG!!!!!

    why cant AMERICA be more design conscious... thats why they dont sell it here,..im sure they cost a handful$$$$, and they knew usa politics would not BUY into their Design over price...
  • Reply 11 of 91
    marcusmarcus Posts: 227member
    IIRC, that the iSight was just introducted, and ships with 3 brackets to place it on the current displays (iMac/*book/Studio)...

    If they were going to introduce radically new displays, surely they would have done it before the iSight shipped?

    I think the current form factor is with us for a good while yet....
  • Reply 12 of 91
    rokrok Posts: 3,519member

    Originally posted by Marcus

    If they were going to introduce radically new displays, surely they would have done it before the iSight shipped? ... I think the current form factor is with us for a good while yet....

    well, not necessarily. they could be making new displays right now, with the hardware team under strict orders not to f|_|ck with the area where the iSight would attach.
  • Reply 13 of 91
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    First of all, it's a flat panel...HOW "radical" can it get, in terms of the basic look/style? I mean, if the current iSight can attach on the current Apple laptops, LCD iMac and Studio/Cinema Displays, then surely any new design from Apple is going to fall within the thickness of one of those, right?

    It's not like any new display from Apple is going to be 5" thick/deep (wouldn't be much of a "flat" display, would it?). Or, conversely, some insane 1/16" inch deep.

    I'd imagine that any of the current iSight mounting brackets would work with any flat display Apple has, or may have, in the works.

    Yes, LCD designs vary wildly in materials, overall shape, screen sizes, mounting options, mobility, connecting ports, etc. But, essentially, a flat display is a flat display is a flat display...it's going to be somewhere between 3/4" and 3" deep/thick.

    Apple's got that covered.
  • Reply 14 of 91
    coolmaccoolmac Posts: 259member
    I agree that the G5 and the current Cinema Displays look great together.

    Why does everything have to be brushed silver?

    Those Eyegonomic displays do looke nice though, but I still thing the Cinema Displays look very modern.
  • Reply 15 of 91
    Noooooo. Please dont touch the displays! I love them. They are perfect.
  • Reply 16 of 91
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
    As a tall person I would like a display that can be adjusted higher off the desk. With a CRT I can at least put books under it to raise it but with the Apple LCDs I need to find a larger base that looks awkward and negates the space saving advantage LCDs are supposed to give us. Something akin to the iMac arm or something more robust would be great.
  • Reply 17 of 91
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member

    And you probably liked the G4 just fine and didn't think it could be improved or "trumped" either? I was the same way about the iMac DV and the toilet seat iBook. And I was wrong.

    I bet Apple could do a new display design that would make all of us forget the current models ever existed!

    OR, they could just buy out that Eyegonomic company and save themselves some work.

  • Reply 18 of 91
    placeboplacebo Posts: 5,767member

    Originally posted by Wotan

    I may be in the minority here, but I think that the current displays and the G5 go very very well together. An aluminum display next to the G5 might be too much aluminum, and would be in danger of looking tacky, like something that was designed by Tim Allen. ("More Power!")

    Not everything has to match. The clear plastic and the Alu compliment each other very well.

    Yeah. Kind of like how metal windows in OS X have Aqua buttons. It would look insanely tacky if,, say, quicktime player had metal control buttons AND metal window texture.
  • Reply 19 of 91
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    I think the form factor of the existing displays is nearly perfect. If they wanted to change the shade of the white chassis plate or tinting of the plastic that would be OK by me, but I think investing boocoo resources into a complete redesign of the monitor chassis would be silly. Unless of course there was something about the next line of LCD elements that *required* a redesigned chassis, but I doubt it.
  • Reply 20 of 91
    kabeyunkabeyun Posts: 81member

    Originally posted by Placebo

    Yeah. Kind of like how metal windows in OS X have Aqua buttons. It would look insanely tacky if,, say, quicktime player had metal control buttons AND metal window texture.

    By "Aqua buttons" I assume you mean that bubble, water droplet look that is either clearish or blue. Because the entire iLife suite in fact features "tacky" metal control buttons. The primary buttons are flat, recessed metal, and the secondary buttons are slightly raised brushed metal. QuickTime Player is an exception. I personally find no tackiness in them.


    P.S. Minor quibble alert.

    P.P.S. Nobody found my Woody Allen thing funny? I thought that brushed aluminoid headpiece was perfect. Power of laughter, guys.
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