Liquor me up.



  • Reply 21 of 41
    jonathanjonathan Posts: 312member
    1) Your favorite beer.

    Being in college, I can't say that I'm a beer connoisseur. It's generally whatever can be had cheapest -- which means Bud Ice, Busch Light, or Natural Light.

    2) Your favorite hard liquor to drink straight up or on the rocks.

    Grey Goose.

    3) Your favorite mixed drink.

    Dry martini or a gimlet.

    4) Your favorite shooter.

    Don't care.

    5) Wildcard.

    40s of Malt Liquor. Steel Reserve. Oh yeah.
  • Reply 22 of 41

    2.Crown Royal

    3.Margaritas on the rocks. (Top shelf Booze only please)

    4.Tequilla-Suaza Commerativo

    5.Black and Tans
  • Reply 23 of 41
    all i got to say is i've had tentirely too many, and ig otta go to wrk tomrorw. [pardon me, i'm drunk. ignore this old thred if u like,.] ok, so ur stll arond. is a single advil going to cure me../? om hopping it well.
  • Reply 24 of 41
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member

    Originally posted by BR

    1) Your favorite beer.



    Originally posted by BR

    2) Your favorite hard liquor to drink straight up or on the rocks.



    Originally posted by BR

    3) Your favorite mixed drink.

    Jack and Coke.


    Originally posted by BR

    4) Your favorite shooter.



    Originally posted by BR

    5) Wildcard: Any other favorite alcoholic beverage or concoction.

    White Russian (thanks to THE BIG LEBOWSKI.)
  • Reply 25 of 41
    1) Kirin. Actually I haven't found my favorite beer yet. I used to like Corona ages ago. Guinness is good but I prefer the lighter ones if I'd need to choose one favorite

    2) Cachaça, and tequila, and also vodka

    3) Caipirinha. (has cachaça, lime juice, brown sugar and ice)

    4) Is shooter a shot drink? Limoncello. And blueberry liquor

    5) Bailey's is good, I like that on the flights. Good and dark wine is always good. And Irish coffee is great but I hate the cream.

    ps. gonna have a cloudberry liquor shot right now.
  • Reply 26 of 41
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member
    1) Your favorite beer.


    OK, I'm supposed to say either Labatt's Blue or Molson Canadian, since I. Am. Canadian.

    I'll pick up a box of Canadian when I'm feeling cheap, but I really love a near-freezing Corona with a couple of generous lime wedges in it. *drool*

    2) Your favorite hard liquor to drink straight up or on the rocks.


    3) Your favorite mixed drink.

    Vodka & Orange

    4) Your favorite shooter.

    Ghostbuster. Take a B-52 shooter and drop it into a big rum and coke. Pound the whore back as fast as you can. Repeat many times.

    Actually, funny thing about this drink. I just double checked this one online at 4 different Google hits - and got 4 completely different recipes. This is what we called it, anyway.

    5) Wildcard: Any other favorite alcoholic beverage or concoction.

    Smirnoff Ice. From the fridge and into the freezer for 20 minutes.... ahhhhh...... nothing like a super ice cold one of these.

    I also like White Russians... my first one was after seeing the movie too, bunge.
  • Reply 27 of 41

    Originally posted by murbot

    1) Your favorite beer.


    OK, I'm supposed to say either Labatt's Blue or Molson Canadian, since I. Am. Canadian.

    I'll pick up a box of Canadian when I'm feeling cheap, but I really love a near-freezing Corona with a couple of generous lime wedges in it. *drool*

    2) Your favorite hard liquor to drink straight up or on the rocks.


    3) Your favorite mixed drink.

    Vodka & Orange

    4) Your favorite shooter.

    Ghostbuster. Take a B-52 shooter and drop it into a big rum and coke. Pound the whore back as fast as you can. Repeat many times.

    Actually, funny thing about this drink. I just double checked this one online at 4 different Google hits - and got 4 completely different recipes. This is what we called it, anyway.

    5) Wildcard: Any other favorite alcoholic beverage or concoction.

    Smirnoff Ice. From the fridge and into the freezer for 20 minutes.... ahhhhh...... nothing like a super ice cold one of these.

    I also like White Russians... my first one was after seeing the movie too, bunge.

    Dang Mur, you drink just what I like... I would get seriously blitzed if we were out drinking together.

  • Reply 28 of 41
    lucaluca Posts: 3,833member

    Originally posted by Aquafire

    5) Anything by Zapphrod BreebleBrox

    Ah yes, the Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster, sometimes described as "the alcoholic equivalent of a mugging."
  • Reply 29 of 41
    brbr Posts: 8,395member
    Well I haven't had anything to drink since my 21st birthday party. I'm just starting to not feel sick when thinking about alcohol...this 2 months later. I had entirely too much but it was quite worth it. It was a once in a lifetime deal and no way in hell I'm repeating that again. I was actually quite good during the party. I saved the 3 hour puking and passing out session for after all the guests left.

    What I had:

    A White Russian spiked with Vodka and more Vodka. Yes, I know it is made with Vodka. I just added way more than necessary.

    One Smirnoff Ice.

    8 - 10 fourth of July's...a couple of them double fisted.

    At least another 4 - 6 shots of Vodka.

    I have enough body mass where it wouldn't kill me. I was actually quite coherent through all of it and I don't have any missing time.
  • Reply 30 of 41
    1) Your favorite beer:

    Jever, but I'll take Becks easily.

    2) Your favorite hard liquor to drink straight up or on the rocks.

    Tough. Havana Club Rum or a good blended Scotch.

    3) Your favorite mixed drink.

    Scotch on the rocks.

    4) Your favorite shooter.


    5) Wildcard: Any other favorite alcoholic beverage or concoction

    "The Face Punch." My invention to prevent kids from shooting.

    80% Wild Turkey 101

    17% Peppermint Schnapps

    3% Habanero sauce.


    1) Hoegaarden (though Guinness just about tying).

    I tried that once. It looks more like piss than any other beer I've ever had. And what's with the bizarro aftertaste?
  • Reply 31 of 41
    1)Keith's India Pale Ale, Moosehead Red

    2) Canadian Club Rye

    3)Rye and Coke

    4)Liquid Cocaine (half Goldschlager, half Jagermeister)

    5)Absinthe-because it makes me crazy
  • Reply 32 of 41

    Originally posted by BR

    And take advantage of me. Ok. Don't take advantage of me. But, I do want you to liquor me up.

    List the following:

    1) Your favorite beer.

    2) Your favorite hard liquor to drink straight up or on the rocks.

    3) Your favorite mixed drink.

    4) Your favorite shooter.

    5) Wildcard: Any other favorite alcoholic beverage or concoction.

    1) I have 3 favorites. Corsendonk, Hexenbrau and oranjeboom

    2) Amaretto

    3) Bourbon and Coke

    4) Shots of Jagermeister

    5) Vodka Jello shots
  • Reply 33 of 41

    Originally posted by BR

    And take advantage of me. Ok. Don't take advantage of me. But, I do want you to liquor me up.

    List the following:

    1) Your favorite beer.

    2) Your favorite hard liquor to drink straight up or on the rocks.

    3) Your favorite mixed drink.

    4) Your favorite shooter.

    5) Wildcard: Any other favorite alcoholic beverage or concoction.

    1. Duval, Chimay

    2. 42 Below Vodka, Glenmorangie Maltman's Reserve

    3. Golden Long Island Iced Tea

    4. Clint Eastwood in the Unforgiven (classy performance!)

    5. Laurent Perrier Grand Siecle 1990 (mother's milk)
  • Reply 34 of 41

    Originally posted by jwri004

    4. Clint Eastwood in the Unforgiven (classy performance!)

  • Reply 35 of 41
    1.Ice cold Stella Artois

    2.Sambucca (on fire preferably)

    3.Malibu and orange (if i wanna stay reasonably sober) JD and coke if not

    4.absinth if anyone can drink 5 shots of it and still be walking around ok they are a better man than me (oh and I dont mean the little pussy 40% one i mean one or the full blown 75%-80% ones!

    5.Blue WKD its a vodka and bubblegum drink i dont know if ya can get it in the US but it is really sweet and you can drink about 20 bottles of it and have no hangover in the morning and it is perfect for doing shotguns with when you are out with the lads
  • Reply 36 of 41

    Originally posted by BIGWEB

    1.Ice cold Stella Artois

    2.Sambucca (on fire preferably)

    3.Malibu and orange (if i wanna stay reasonably sober) JD and coke if not

    4.absinth if anyone can drink 5 shots of it and still be walking around ok they are a better man than me (oh and I dont mean the little pussy 40% one i mean one or the full blown 75%-80% ones!

    5.Blue WKD its a vodka and bubblegum drink i dont know if ya can get it in the US but it is really sweet and you can drink about 20 bottles of it and have no hangover in the morning and it is perfect for doing shotguns with when you are out with the lads

    I drank close to half a bottle of Absinthe once and was able to walk for a brief time. Then I fell asleep and had some truly horrifying dreams. So I guess I'm not a better man than you.\
  • Reply 37 of 41

    Originally posted by BR

    And take advantage of me. Ok. Don't take advantage of me. But, I do want you to liquor me up.

    List the following:

    1) Your favorite beer.

    2) Your favorite hard liquor to drink straight up or on the rocks.

    3) Your favorite mixed drink.

    4) Your favorite shooter.

    5) Wildcard: Any other favorite alcoholic beverage or concoction.


    Beast Ice

    Gin & Lemonade with lime on ice.


    Guinness and Killians (poured like a black and tan)
  • Reply 38 of 41

    Liquid Cocaine (half Goldschlager, half Jagermeister)

    there are actually a few recipes for this drink.

    of the ones i tried, my favorite was.

    1/3 Goldschleager

    1/3 Rumplemintz

    1/3 151

    it lights on fire, it has gold flecks, and it's almost perfectly clear. both effective and presentable.
  • Reply 39 of 41
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    Dang Mur, you drink just what I like... I would get seriously blitzed if we were out drinking together.


    I'll add Cherry Valley, CA to my list of places to hit next time I'm in the US.

  • Reply 40 of 41
    whaever I drank tongiht it numbers 1 throught 5. It';ll kick all your asses . Tomorroow will be nothing but pain!
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