Wireless keyboard charging problem
If the move to a wireless keyboard is afoot, then the charging problem must be #1 in Apple's crosshairs.
Having to recharge, buy new batteries, whatever for a wireless keyboard is just plain stupid and counterproductive, and will fail.
I remember reading an article a while back regarding "generating power from keystrokes".
Sorry, I couldn't find the article in question, but remembered it when thinking about this problem.
Wouldn't work so well for mouse power however, because of fewer clicks compared to keyboard clicks, and much shorter "throw" for depressing a mouse button.
What do you think about "generating power from keystrokes"?
Having to recharge, buy new batteries, whatever for a wireless keyboard is just plain stupid and counterproductive, and will fail.
I remember reading an article a while back regarding "generating power from keystrokes".
Sorry, I couldn't find the article in question, but remembered it when thinking about this problem.
Wouldn't work so well for mouse power however, because of fewer clicks compared to keyboard clicks, and much shorter "throw" for depressing a mouse button.
What do you think about "generating power from keystrokes"?
I'm unabashedly anti-wireless for mice and keyboards. However, this stance is at least partially based upon the hassle of needing to replace batteries or purchase, setup, and use charging hardware. Unfortunately, I think even bluetooth power consumption is orders of magnitude higher than available from kinetic sources.
Originally posted by FormatC2
If the move to a wireless keyboard is afoot, then the charging problem must be #1 in Apple's crosshairs.
Having to recharge, buy new batteries, whatever for a wireless keyboard is just plain stupid and counterproductive, and will fail.
I remember reading an article a while back regarding "generating power from keystrokes".
Sorry, I couldn't find the article in question, but remembered it when thinking about this problem.
Wouldn't work so well for mouse power however, because of fewer clicks compared to keyboard clicks, and much shorter "throw" for depressing a mouse button.
What do you think about "generating power from keystrokes"?
It's an interesting idea, but the cost of something like this might make it impractical but more importantly, would it be able to generate enough energy from a single keystroke to transmit that keystroke wirelessly with a strong enough signal for your computer to be able to recieve it? Also this would require a bluetooth wireless keyboard system to be redesigned so that the computer only neeeded to have a connection with the keyboard when a key was pressed, which could be difficult. As it stands now just having a wireless keyboard on without typeing anything is a drain on the battery so this is a problem that would need to be overcome. Perhaps the amount of energy that could be gained from a keystroke would be greater than the amount of energy needed to transmit that keystroke by a great enough amount that it would be possible to maintain a constant connection while using the keyboard based on energy stored that was collected from keystrokes. Though when you wanted to turn it on wohat would you do? Just mash a bunch of keys?
Originally posted by FormatC2
...Having to recharge, buy new batteries, whatever for a wireless keyboard is just plain stupid and counterproductive, and will fail...
I have a wireless keyboard/mouse (Logitech) for my POS Dell at work. Changing the batteries is infrequent and easy. The software even warns you when the batteries are running low.
People have remote controls for all kinds of audio/visual equipment and all of them need the batteries changed now and again.
Am I missing something?
I have seen a few articles in AI with similar questions, and my answer is still the same. You always have to rely on us clever British folk...
There are two "charging contacts" on the bottom of the iBook, hmmmmmmm...
Originally posted by Boss_Jim
I have a wireless keyboard/mouse (Logitech) for my POS Dell at work. Changing the batteries is infrequent and easy.
Tell us more. How often? What kind of batteries? Est. cost per month/year?
Originally posted by inkhead
I'm guessing it will use some sorta lithium ion or other technology. Just like you don't replace your iPod battery you won't replace your keyboard battery. In fact it would be rather simple really. Right where the cable goes into the keyboard it would just be a USB or firewire type connector. If it's unplugged it's wireless. If it is plugged in it's wired and charging. Same goes for the mouse.
Logitech has a nice parking station/charger for their most recent wireless mouse. I guess the keyboard still needs to have the batteries changed though.
if it'll run a calculator..???
Maybe some kind of charging pad the keyboard & mouse sit on overnight? Or the keyboard stays plugged in, and you leave the mouse touching the keyboard to charge...
A possibility?
i have owned mine for over a year now, and usually have to change the mouse batteries once every 5 weeks. it takes 2 AA batteries, i buy the duracel ultra, so 6$/4 = 3$ every 5 weeks.
10.4*3=$31.20/year. not too bad, really.
i think the kb goes about 3-4 months,but i honestly cant remember last time i changed them. it uses 2AA also
Each keyboard will come equipped with a small cage
containing an apple hamster (TM)
Said power source will have multiple benefits
1.Power the keyboard
2.Provide theurapatic sideeffects to the user.
3.Prevent the user from smashing down on the keyboard
thereby killing power source
4.Enchance the "Apple" effect
The power source will be trained to subsist on dropppings
of coke & pizza that are embedded in the keyboard
Originally posted by madmax559
Heres how the new apple keyboards will actually work
Each keyboard will come equipped with a small cage
containing an apple hamster (TM)
Said power source will have multiple benefits
1.Power the keyboard
2.Provide theurapatic sideeffects to the user.
3.Prevent the user from smashing down on the keyboard
thereby killing power source
4.Enchance the "Apple" effect
The power source will be trained to subsist on dropppings
of coke & pizza that are embedded in the keyboard
That is like the coolest design I've ever heard of.
The keyboard powering thing, with the kinetic energy is not the right direction. Keyboards themselves are dinosaur technology. Its just a matter of putting the new technology to use and making it widespread. Think about it, the keyboard is so un-ergonomical. Its clunky, takes up room, and is generally slow. You can already control your Mac soley with your voice. Just get a decent microphone, and Apple has already provided that infact with the iSight, which will probably be built in to future Macs.
People lets look ahead a little. The mouse will probably even dissapear. Of course, much later than the keyboard.
Originally posted by Malokata
Hell, the personal computer will be phased out eventually, too, likely replaced by a ubiquitous, easily accessible ubernet, but that doesn't mean Apple should quit making them.
No no no. You missed my point. My point was not to say that Apple should stop making anything that will ultimately be replaced with newer technology.
My point was that Apple should be looking ahead, as they usually do, and they should definitly make wireless a standard and forget the wired mices and keyboards. Along with that, I was just mentioning that keyboards are dinosaur technology, and they should be the next to go, seeing that Apple already has voice command built-in to their os.