When I get mine I`m going to leave that side panal off all the time. That is sexy. I wanna see some pictures of the inside of the G5 single processor boxes.
in the back of the G5, where there is the Bluetooth "port". What is that? Can you add an extender or antenna or something? I've never seen a Bluetooth port before. Also, is it the same thing for Airport?
Can anyone give me more info about those digital audio ports...why do they not look like the ones I'm used to?
The optical ports on the G5 are the same as the kind you'd see on the back of most DVD players and receivers, but the G5's have a little different cover "plug" to them. That's all.
What I really wanna see is the inside of one of the singles. Is there just a giant space missing where one of the processors are gone? The towers are the same size so it must be. You think they centered the giant heatsink that says G5 or does it just look like they took one of the Giant G5 labled heatsinks. It would seem that would throw off the perfect air flow they have though...
By the way where are these photo`s taken?
Originally posted by Mount_my_floppy
How do you know that?
Man that thing looks really sexy with no dust or anything yet!
Can anyone give me more info about those digital audio ports...why do they not look like the ones I'm used to?
Originally posted by ast3r3x
Can anyone give me more info about those digital audio ports...why do they not look like the ones I'm used to?
The optical ports on the G5 are the same as the kind you'd see on the back of most DVD players and receivers, but the G5's have a little different cover "plug" to them. That's all.
Click the link above for a good view. I perfer not to post the image as it is big enough to screw with the forum formating.
Originally posted by ZO
ROFLMAO... I saw those antennas and thought of an outboard engine... with the starter and the choke
Holy shît...you're right!
BTW, it looks like the power button will glow/pulse after all!
The power symbol is cut out...oh, that is gonna be cool.
It gets better and better everytime i see it.
edit: changed picture, this one has that fuzzy dreamy look to it
But you're right, it looks really nice in that last picture. I predict the G5 will set design trends worldwide just like the old bondi AIO.
but yea its just the way it's positioned relative to the camera and flash, reflection, white balance etc...
Nothing shocking just more pics.
The power button does not glow (sorry).
The security device is built into the latch for the side (Ive rocks)
The power cord is on the BOTTOM! DUH you PC designers.
Oh... it weighs 60 pounds! YIKES!