Is anyone else stoked for these?
Sorry if this has been posted before, but I couldn't find anything about it.
Gloves! Instead of your friendly mouse, you will have a glove to control your movements thru your personal computer!
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
There's a video demonstrating all that this can be used for. Here's something to talk about besides MWNY
Thoughts/comments encouraged.
Gloves! Instead of your friendly mouse, you will have a glove to control your movements thru your personal computer!
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
There's a video demonstrating all that this can be used for. Here's something to talk about besides MWNY

they do have these in the <a href="" target="_blank">"Minority Report"</a> movie preview at
they look cool... :cool:
<a href="" target="_blank">Interent Exclusive Trailer link...</a>
As if you cant find these by yourself...
I am just bored...
[ 06-15-2002: Message edited by: FERRO ]</p>
<img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />
<strong> nuff said.</strong><hr></blockquote>
Please don't use that silly contraction here unless you want to be associated with MOSR.
Please don't use that silly contraction here unless you want to be associated with MOSR.</strong><hr></blockquote>
What a jerk!
People can use whatever contraction they want
[ 06-15-2002: Message edited by: Crusader ]</p>
nuff said.
Please don't use that silly contraction here unless you want to be associated with MOSR.
I am Codename. <hr></blockquote>
Uh, I believe the original source of the quote goes back to Stan Lee of Marvel Comics fame...
Nuff said, True Believers! Excelsior!
And come on, everyone KNOWS that MOSR is lame, but we ALL still drop by there to check it out pretty regular, now don't we...?!?
:cool: Maya for Mac OS X :cool:
[ 06-15-2002: Message edited by: MacRonin ]</p>
Right now the sensor system is golf ball sized, but that's expected to reduce by 1/4 at least. Sub-millimeter tracking in 6 degrees of freedom, in freespace. Yum. (Okay, you need the ceiling tiles, but they're pretty darned cheap and dirt easy to install...)
And come on, everyone KNOWS that MOSR is lame, but we ALL still drop by there to check it out pretty regular, now don't we...?!?
[ 06-15-2002: Message edited by: MacRonin ]</strong><hr></blockquote>
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Sign me up!
And MacRonin is quite correct - Stan Lee has been saying "Nuff said" for multiple decades now.
Er... as far as being on topic, I'm not excited about the gloves. They don't do anything for me.
I always thought it would be cool to be able to punch your hand, and the character punches. but this would require much more motion and energy from you, the player. no more 12 hour gaming marathons. We would all be in better shape, though.
I can't really see this as a usefull thing, except as a 3d tool- model a creature as if it were a block of clay, like in Amorphium. with force feed back that would fake the "hardness" of the object you were modeling, it would be just like sculpting.
You had to get a workout just to play a game, kinda funny how no other game system ever had one.
100th post! alright! Yip! Glory!
ok now back to the thread:
I doubt I would by the glove, seems to me you would have to keep your hand in the same place for too long.
<strong>w000t !
pfhor or after you w000ted, did you actually think about how much fun playing marathon with a glove would be? Hum... how about, "let's reload", then you proceed to make a 'jerk-me-off' type motion to reload the toasty 7 napalm unit. Not too pleasant a thought. Particularly if you reload often. lol