Do Mail and Safari Suck?



  • Reply 21 of 56

    Originally posted by Wrong Robust

    I would use Mail, but it's a lot faster to load up camino and than it is to load up mail and have it check my inbox.

    I dont get it... Camino is SO slow to start up, and Mail is pretty fast...?
  • Reply 22 of 56
    physguyphysguy Posts: 920member

    Originally posted by NOFEER

    Mac Mail weird--i used the same setting for netscape 4.7 and no problem sending. adelphia support suggests i contact apple. since all my settings are correct. o well

    NOFER. I am using Mail with adelphia, mac and attglobal with NO problems. I have done this since 10.2 (used Eudora until then due to speed issues with Mail). If you want to PM me I would be glad to try and help.
  • Reply 23 of 56
    resres Posts: 711member
    I use Mail, but it has one problem that really drives me crazy: Every so often I get an e-mail that will cause Mail to crash when it tries to render the it on the screen. I can't tell you how frustrating that can be -- it has almost made me switch to another program, but I like everything else about Mail so I keep using it.

    Safari is the fastest browser on the mac and I love it -- even thought it still glitches on some CSS.
  • Reply 24 of 56
    endymionendymion Posts: 375member

    Originally posted by Res

    I use Mail, but it has one problem that really drives me crazy: Every so often I get an e-mail that will cause Mail to crash when it tries to render the it on the screen.

    Safari is the fastest browser on the mac and I love it -- even thought it still glitches on some CSS.

    Mail should be using Webcore in Panther so that should solve that problem or at least act just like Safari.
  • Reply 25 of 56
    wrong robotwrong robot Posts: 3,907member

    Originally posted by T'hain Esh Kelch

    I dont get it... Camino is SO slow to start up, and Mail is pretty fast...?

    it takes about 4 bounces to start camino, having cable modem, and auto log in for my hotmail account, it takes about 5 seconds to get to my inbox.

    with mail, it takes about 4-5 bounces, and then takes at least 30 seconds to check my mail, and since I don't use it enough it always gives me a lot of stuff that I have already read online, so it's redundant, and inefficient.

    perhaps when I have a faster computer or a non-http mail account, I will use mail, but until then I'm sticking with camino/hotmail.

    also somehow my mail preferences got wiped recently, so I don't want to go through setting it all up again.
  • Reply 26 of 56
    evoevo Posts: 198member
    Why do people, especially Mac users, even use Hotmail in the first place? It's really only meant to be web-based and used in Microsoft's email programs via their proprietary protocol... hence it doesn't play well with Mail. Is Hotmail really that great? I really didn't enjoy getting craploads of spam everyday and having to put up with all the banners. Let alone all the security flaws involved with Hotmail... is the best free email I've ever used. It's web-based, OR usable via IMAP if you wish (easy to setup in Mail), has no banners and offers tons of options. If you guys aren't gung-ho on Hotmail, I'd recommend you all give Fastmail a try.
  • Reply 27 of 56
    mmmpiemmmpie Posts: 628member
    It sure is a bit slower to load mail. But you know what, I do enough stuff with mail ( looking at different folders, receiving mail during the day ) that the startup time is irrelevant.

    I use hotmail for two reasons, I travel - needing an email address that is constant, and atm Im on AOL and cant send mail using Mail, so I send it via hotmail. Very convenient.

    If you are loosing your prefs it is probably because your disk is full. You will loose the prefs of any program you run. Really f'ing dumb.

    Apparently 10.3 finally has a disk full warning ( and full is say, within 500mb of being full ).
  • Reply 28 of 56
    wrong robotwrong robot Posts: 3,907member

    Originally posted by eVo

    Why do people, especially Mac users, even use Hotmail in the first place?

    I've been using hotmail since before microsoft bought it out, I'm just used to it.

    If I ever get a .mac account I'll use .mac
  • Reply 29 of 56
    is there a way to turn off all the animating that goes in mail, the fades are just not worth my time and the time it takes to pop out the drawer for my mailboxes,....blech....
  • Reply 30 of 56
    mmmpiemmmpie Posts: 628member
    Not that Ive seen. But I leave the drawer open, so thats no biggie. The fading is funny. It only seems to happen when Im trying to do something and then it gets a bit annoying.

    On the plus side, Mail has cool threading. You have to turn it on in the preferences. The down side is that it is incomplete as a feature ( no way to go to next threaded message, no way to select all in thread ), and its based on title, and seems to ignore thread id, or who sent it.

    It is still a much better way to do threading than outlook ( collapses all the threads into one entry each ), it looks like the next version of Mail will do it this way as well, shame.

    What I want is a seperate thread pane, so that when you go to read a message all the related thread messages show up in the other pane, and you can modify that pane without loosing your place in the normal message list.
  • Reply 31 of 56
    socratessocrates Posts: 261member

    Why do people, especially Mac users, even use Hotmail in the first place?

    Like most people I got hotmail way back when everybody was using it because I could check it from anywahere and it was free.

    I stopped using it for years, but resurrected my account when I started using MSN messenger (ugh) to talk to my friends. Now that I have a hotmail account though, people keep sending me stuff to it, hence I need to check it from Mail (which I now can thanks to this thread - I'd never heard of httpmail before. Question though, how do you send from hotmail within mail? that doesn't seem to work).
  • Reply 32 of 56
    mmmpiemmmpie Posts: 628member
    To send hotmail: when you compose a message there is a pop up menu after the header fields which is the account to use. Change it to your hotmail account. You can even change messages in your out box.

    I send with hotmail, but set the reply to as my other email address. I dont want people sending stuff to my hotmail account.
  • Reply 33 of 56
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member

    Originally posted by Res

    I use Mail, but it has one problem that really drives me crazy: Every so often I get an e-mail that will cause Mail to crash when it tries to render the it on the screen.

    Ditto that. This is becoming a big problem for me. I rarely had this happen in Entourage but it's becoming a problem for me with several emails a week. If it gets much worse, I'll have to switch back.

    If Panther's going to be later than Oct. 1, Apple needs to release a patch to fix this now. A modern email app, used for business purposes can't be allowed to be this unreliable.
  • Reply 34 of 56
    mmmpiemmmpie Posts: 628member
    You should submit a bug report, with an example email that causes mail to crash. Developers love to get solid examples of badness.
  • Reply 35 of 56
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member
    Well sending an example email would be hard, since merely click on the email in question crashes Mail.
  • Reply 36 of 56
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member

    Originally posted by Frank777

    Well sending an example email would be hard, since merely click on the email in question crashes Mail.

    Bummer, debugging is generally quick when the exact cause is known and can be reliably duplicated. Its those intermitent, inexplicable bugs that can go undiagnosed for months.

    However, the solution is likely to be found in 10.3. Mail is switching to webcore! (safari's rendering engine) Html support should be far more robust at that point.
  • Reply 37 of 56
    mmmpiemmmpie Posts: 628member

    However, the solution is likely to be found in 10.3. Mail is switching to webcore! (safari's rendering engine) Html support should be far more robust at that point.

    While it is a reasonably safe assumption, email messages themselves have internal mime formatting, and it could also be that causing mail to crash. It could be a malformed message that the programmers havent allowed for.
  • Reply 38 of 56
    xoolxool Posts: 2,460member
    I've experienced the problem where certain messages, either viewing or trying to reply, will cause mail to lock up or crash. Its rare though and I don't lose anything, so I'm not that annoyed.

    In general, I have run in to a number of problems when my startup drive fills to capacity. This is especially problematic when free space is misreported by the Finder (versus a df in the terminal), and the drive doesn't report itself as full even though it is (due to rming files?). A full drive causes all sorts of havoc: lost mail preferences and accounts, lost iTunes library, lost browser settings, etc. A royal pain in the butt. Panther at least gives you a warning message, so that's better. Anyhow, this isn't really a Mail issue, but rather an OS issue -- one of my only gripes.

    Otherwise, Mail + Safari + iApps rule my world. Staying away from MS apps as much as possible is a good thing. In fact, I now detest Real Player less than Windows Media Player -- simply amazing!

    Oh, and OmniGraffle should become a new iApp. Or... perhaps part of a revamped office suite?
  • Reply 39 of 56
    socratessocrates Posts: 261member

    However, the solution is likely to be found in 10.3. Mail is switching to webcore! (safari's rendering engine) Html support should be far more robust at that point.

    Since when is Safari known for its robustness? Don't get me wrong, I love it to bits but many people say they can't use it because it crashes so much on certian sites, and while I haven't had as many problems as they have I have certainly experienced more crashes with Safari than with Mail.

    Safari (or rather, Webkit) seems to be a very fine, fast html rendering engine, but that's about it. Stability is not its main feature, and I don't see how mail will benefit from its integration.

    The only trouble I have had with Mail (aside from the horrendous problems with low disk space) is that it seems to get confused by having too many messages in one folder. I have a subscription to a mailing list and keep a backlog of all the messages. After the folder reached about 5000-10000 messages (not sure exactly) it started corrupting them randomly, mixing message and header text together and mislabelling messages (in many cases a message said to be from one person turned out to be a mixure of header and body text from another person instead). It also occasionally collects multiple copies of the same mail.

    This may be related to the disk space issue, but I'm not sure.

  • Reply 40 of 56
    I'm trying to set up a home office after moving to Linköping, Sweden from Los Altos, CA and things kind of work ... now. FINALLY I've got ADSL and a 8 MBit/s modem. I use .mac and I can do most things except sending e-mail from Mail. I contacted Tele2, the ISP, and they ask for a relaying server - AND state that it's Mac's problem, not theirs (heard that one before anyone...?). I've contacted .mac feedback and Tele2 will contact me again as my evaluation of their telephone Mac support was clear.

    Any Geniuses willing to help???

    PS I've got a PowerBook G4 with Panther 3.5, a G3 (soon to be replaced with something newer - recommendations)?
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