FINK and the terminal.
Hello i am trying to fool arounf with fink and unix a bit with the terminal. I recently installed FINK and everytime I launch the terminal i get the followong printed in the shell.
/sw/bin/pathsetup.command; exit
Welcome to Darwin!
[Nicks-Computer:~] nickpulido% /sw/bin/pathsetup.command; exit
Your environment seems to be correctly
set up for Fink already.
(You can close this window now)
[Process completed]
and it wont let me type anything. Even when i opne a new sheel, or restart. How do I fix this?
/sw/bin/pathsetup.command; exit
Welcome to Darwin!
[Nicks-Computer:~] nickpulido% /sw/bin/pathsetup.command; exit
Your environment seems to be correctly
set up for Fink already.
(You can close this window now)
[Process completed]
and it wont let me type anything. Even when i opne a new sheel, or restart. How do I fix this?
It seems like something in the fink config file went awry. To check this, take a look at several files:
Your home directory probably has a hidden file called .cshrc. To see the contents, type... oh wait... you don't have access to the terminal.
Hmmm. Heheh.
OK. Here's what you do:
Open up the terminal, go to File:New Command, and type bash. Now, there should be a terminal window that opens, and this one shouldn't close out.
Now that you have a terminal window, you can take a look around. Type "cat ~/.cshrc" to take a look at one of your config files. You should get something like:
bash-2.05a$ cat ~/.cshrc
source /sw/bin/init.csh
Pay attention to where the source path is pointing you. On mine it's like this, but it could be different for you. So, do a "cat /sw/bin/init.csh", or wherever the source points you to. Then post the result that gives you, and hopefully we'll get this sorted out.
Originally posted by bauman
Fink installs a few files that change the way your shell operates. Specifically, it changes the directory that the shell looks in for commands.
It seems like something in the fink config file went awry. To check this, take a look at several files:
Your home directory probably has a hidden file called .cshrc. To see the contents, type... oh wait... you don't have access to the terminal.
Hmmm. Heheh.
OK. Here's what you do:
Open up the terminal, go to File:New Command, and type bash. Now, there should be a terminal window that opens, and this one shouldn't close out.
Now that you have a terminal window, you can take a look around. Type "cat ~/.cshrc" to take a look at one of your config files. You should get something like:
bash-2.05a$ cat ~/.cshrc
source /sw/bin/init.csh
Pay attention to where the source path is pointing you. On mine it's like this, but it could be different for you. So, do a "cat /sw/bin/init.csh", or wherever the source points you to. Then post the result that gives you, and hopefully we'll get this sorted out.
I really appreciate your response. This is what happened after i entered what you said.
bash-2.05a$ cat ~/.cshrc
source /sw/bin/init.csh
same as yours.??
Type: "cat /sw/bin/init.csh"
Originally posted by bauman
Yup. That's the same. Now let's look at the file it points to:
Type: "cat /sw/bin/init.csh"
This is what i get.
__________________________________________________ ___
# init.csh
# to use the Fink hierarchy, put the following in your .cshrc:
# source /sw/bin/init.csh
# Fink - a package manager that downloads source and installs it
# Copyright (c) 2001 Christoph Pfisterer
# Copyright (c) 2001-2003 The Fink Team
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
# define append_path and prepend_path to add directory paths, e.g. PATH, MANPATH.
# add to end of path
alias append_path 'if ( $\\!:1 !~ \\!:2\\:* && $\\!:1 !~ *\\\!:2\\:* && $\\!:1 !~ *\\\!:2 && $\\!:1 !~ \\!:2 ) setenv \\!:1 ${\\!:1}\\\!:2'
# add to front of path
alias prepend_path 'if ( $\\!:1 !~ \\!:2\\:* && $\\!:1 !~ *\\\!:2\\:* && $\\!:1 !~ *\\\!:2 && $\\!:1 !~ \\!:2 ) setenv \\!:1 \\!:2\\:${\\!:1}; if ( $\\!:1 !~ \\!:2\\:* ) setenv \\!:1 \\!:2`echo \\:${\\!:1} | /usr/bin/sed -e s%^\\!:2\\:%% -e s%\!:2\\:%:%g -e s%\!:2\\$%%`'
# setup fink related paths. we assume that the fink directories exists.
if ( $?PATH ) then
prepend_path PATH /sw/bin:/sw/sbin
setenv PATH /sw/bin:/sw/sbin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin
if ( $?MANPATH) then
prepend_path MANPATH /sw/share/man
setenv MANPATH `/usr/bin/manpath -q`
prepend_path MANPATH /sw/share/man
if ( $?INFOPATH ) then
prepend_path INFOPATH /sw/share/info:/sw/info
setenv INFOPATH /sw/share/info:/sw/info:/usr/share/info
if ( -r /sw/share/java/classpath ) then
if ( $?CLASSPATH ) then
set add2classpath = `cat /sw/share/java/classpath`
prepend_path CLASSPATH $add2classpath
setenv CLASSPATH `cat /sw/share/java/classpath`
if ( $?PERL5LIB ) then
prepend_path PERL5LIB /sw/lib/perl5
setenv PERL5LIB /sw/lib/perl5
# Add X11 paths (but only if the directories are readable)
if ( -r /usr/X11R6/bin ) then
append_path PATH /usr/X11R6/bin
if ( -r /usr/X11R6/man ) then
append_path MANPATH /usr/X11R6/man
# read per-package scripts from /sw/etc/profile.d
if ( -d /sw/etc/profile.d ) then
set nonomatch
foreach i ( /sw/etc/profile.d/*.csh )
if ( -x $i ) then
source $i
unset i nonomatch
if ($?version) then
if ("$version" =~ tcsh*) then
complete fink 'n/fink/(install remove selfupdate update-all configure list apropos describe --help --version)/'
set PROXYHTTP=`grep ProxyHTTP /sw/etc/fink.conf | grep -v "#" | cut -d " " -f2`
if ( "$PROXYHTTP" != "" ) then
setenv http_proxy $PROXYHTTP
set PROXYFTP=`grep ProxyFTP /sw/etc/fink.conf | grep -v "#" | cut -d " " -f2`
if ( "$PROXYFTP" != "" ) then
setenv ftp_proxy $PROXYFTP
# eof
Ok, well, I'll have you try a bunch of things now.
Just to let you know what I'm doing, here's an excerpt from the man page for tcsh, your shell. (I've been having you run commands from bash, a different shell)
Startup and shutdown
A login shell begins by executing commands from the system
files /etc/csh.cshrc and /etc/csh.login. It then executes
commands from files in the user's home directory: first
~/.tcshrc (+) or, if ~/.tcshrc is not found, ~/.cshrc,
then ~/.history (or the value of the histfile shell vari-
able), then ~/.login, and finally ~/.cshdirs (or the value
of the dirsfile shell variable) (+).
So, we've looked at the .cshrc file, and the file it points to, but now take a look at all the others it talks about.
cat ~/.tcshrc should just return "source .cshrc"
Also try:
cat /etc/csh.cshrc
cat /etc/csh.login
cat ~/.login
Also take a look at:
ls /sw/etc/profile.d/
Hopefully we'll get this sorted out
Here are the responses I got after typing what you told me. The first one might be the culprit since it says "No such file or directory" But your the unix expert so what do you see?
__________________________________________________ ________
bash-2.05a$ cat ~/.tcshrc
cat: /Users/nickpulido/.tcshrc: No such file or directory
bash-2.05a$ cat /etc/csh.cshrc
# System-wide .cshrc file for csh(1).
if ($?prompt) then
set promptchars = "%#"
if ($?tcsh) then
set prompt = "[%m:%c3] %n%# "
set prompt = "[%m:%c3] `id -nu`%# "
bash-2.05a$ cat /etc/csh.login
# System-wide .login file for csh(1).
setenv PATH "/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin"
bash-2.05a$ cat ~/.login
cat: /Users/nickpulido/.login: No such file or directory
bash-2.05a$ ls /sw/etc/profile.d/
__________________________________________________ _____
Originally posted by Gargoyle
Check your terminal preferences... mine look like this.
/me hits forehead.
Good call. That's gotta be where the problem is. By the way, all your login stuff looks fine. It will only read from a file if it exists, so it's all good.
Originally posted by bauman
/me hits forehead.
Good call. That's gotta be where the problem is. By the way, all your login stuff looks fine. It will only read from a file if it exists, so it's all good.
Timeout my prefs look the same. PS. How do i fix this.
type 'cat /etc/rc.common'
I sure hope this one is it.
Originally posted by bauman
One more. This has got to be it, or else I have absolutely no idea what's happening.
type 'cat /etc/motd'
I sure hope this one is it.
It says Welcome to darwin.
Sorry, maybe someone else could help, but the problem isn't with the shell, as far as I can tell.
Verify this by doing the run command, and typing tcsh.
It's gotta be the terminal that's running the command, and if your pref window looks like the screenshot above, I don't know where to fix it.
Originally posted by bauman
I'm out. I got no idea at all.
Sorry, maybe someone else could help, but the problem isn't with the shell, as far as I can tell.
Verify this by doing the run command, and typing tcsh.
It's gotta be the terminal that's running the command, and if your pref window looks like the screenshot above, I don't know where to fix it.
When i run a bash shell and then opne "/bin/tcsh" everything is fine...very odd.
Thanks so much, i appreciate all your help, im sure ill sort it out evntually.
type 'sudo mv /sw/bin/pathsetup.command /sw/bin/pathsetup.command.old'
What this will do is break the command before the exit is given, and although I think it will spew a bunch of junk (like 'file does not exist') on your terminal, I hope it will at least work.
Originally posted by bauman
Here's a last ditch effort, and it would only be a temporary solution if it works.
type 'sudo mv /sw/bin/pathsetup.command /sw/bin/pathsetup.command.old'
What this will do is break the command before the exit is given, and although I think it will spew a bunch of junk (like 'file does not exist') on your terminal, I hope it will at least work.
Ok i did it and it gets rid of the fink stuf but it still says process completed and logs out. Tell me if this is possible...OK when i am in a bash shell i can change to a tcsh shell so could we write a .term file that first opens a bash shell only to change in to a tcsh shell and have the .term file run on startup of the terminal?
if you drop into a bash shell, then type:
grep -rn /sw/bin/pathsetup.command / 2>/dev/null
then <enter>, 'grep' will search through your whole hard drive and return all files that contain the search phrase ('/sw/bin/pathsetup.command'). it may take a while, so while its working, grab a smoke or watch a little t.v. when its done (and ur sitting at a new prompt), you can peer through its results. they'll be formatted something like this:
file name:line number <line matching search string>
files like 'README' or that end in .txt are probably not bad. Any errors grep spits out shouldn't concern you either (grep often tries to go into folders it doesn't have permission for, or that don't contain readable files). i suggest you post back what the results are, and hopefully we'll be a little closer to fixing this problem.
sudo -s;
echo '#!/bin/sh' > /sw/bin/pathsetup.command
echo 'tcsh -i' >> /sw/bin/pathsetup.command
after the 'sudo -s' line you will probably be asked for your password. if you already were superuser, then forget the first and last lines.
now, you will have a file in the old pathsetup.command place, but your new version starts up a tcsh shell. so when terminal tries to open /sw/bin/pathsetup.command, it will give you a tcsh shell. this may be a good enough kludge for you. but, if u want to get to the root of the problem, you can type 'ps'. that will print out a listing of all the current running programs. if you post that output back to us, we may be able to figure out which of these programs actually started this ruckus in the first place.
766 std S 0:00.06 -tcsh (tcsh)
774 std S 0:00.01 bash
I am starting the grep searh now