Interesting Natural Number Permutation
Safari seems to do better on this test from a math contest, although the script does not look very heavily optimized.
In a way it is sort of like a performance speed test, since it reports milliseconds required to perform the calculations.
Default N = 5.
Try setting N = 7 or N = 8 if you want to have a larger test.
In a way it is sort of like a performance speed test, since it reports milliseconds required to perform the calculations.
Default N = 5.
Try setting N = 7 or N = 8 if you want to have a larger test.
Thats what I get from my work PC...
203 ms when N = 6
1300 ms when N = 7
11700 ms when N = 8
This is in Safari.
289 ms on a 233 MHz Beige G3 with Camino.
N = 5 yields 18 ms
N = 8 yields 5846 ms
What computer you run makes the most difference.
n = 5 gave 426 to 432 ms (I ran it three times).
However, these were deeply meaningful milliseconds and I will cherish them forever. I pitty you folks who can't share so much time with your Mac!
N = 5 : 31 ms
N = 8 : 13265 ms
That 1.6GHz G5 earlier in the thread is wicked fast!
N=5: 24 ms
N=8:8705 ms
Powerbook G4 1Ghz results OS 10.2.6:
Safari 1.0
n=5 - 23
n=6 - 138
n=7 - 965
n=8 - 8461
n=9 - 79,765
Netscape 7.1
n=5 - 114
n=6 - 722
n=7 - 5199
n=8 - 41,431
IE 5.23
n=5 - 27
n=6 - 174
n=7 - 1966
n=8 - 118,655
Pentium II -350 mhz Windows 98
Netscape 7.1
n=5 - 270
n=7 - 11860
n=8 - 94,360
IE 6
n=5 - 50
n=7 - 2810
n=8 - 26,750
N = 8
Time 2219 ms
N=5 10ms
N=6 70ms
N=7 450ms
N=8 3876ms
I'll try my single 1.25 Ghz Power Mac later
Originally posted by KANE
My setup is an AMD Athlon XP 1.6GHz running Mozilla Firebird
N = 5 : 31 ms
N = 8 : 13265 ms
That 1.6GHz G5 earlier in the thread is wicked fast!
Tonight I also ran the same test on the same computer running IE 6 instead
N = 5 : 15 ms
N = 8 : 6063 ms
So IE seems a lot more optimized for this task than Mozilla was. Also Safari seems speedy.