Where to buy ram for the new Powerbooks?

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
I want to buy a 1GB chip to bring my incoming 15" PB to 1.5 GB. Where can I get it? I want to make sure I get the right kind.


  • Reply 1 of 14

    Originally posted by Nick DTM

    I want to buy a 1GB chip to bring my incoming 15" PB to 1.5 GB. Where can I get it? I want to make sure I get the right kind.

    www.ramjet.com has some great RAM prices. $129 for 512 stick of DDR 2700 for 17 and 15" powerbooks.
  • Reply 2 of 14
    That is a pretty good price. Does anyone know where I could get a 1GB chip? I can't make heads or tails of all the different kinds, even of 2700/333 ram.
  • Reply 3 of 14
    wmfwmf Posts: 1,164member

    The new PowerBooks use the same RAM as the old ones.
  • Reply 4 of 14
    Ha ha... nevermind! $600? I'll spend the $140 and go to 1GB. I don't really need 1.5GB
  • Reply 5 of 14

    Originally posted by Nick DTM

    Ha ha... nevermind! $600? I'll spend the $140 and go to 1GB. I don't really need 1.5GB

    I also priced RAM at OWC and Crucial today. Both are trustworthy, IMHO.

    OWC 512M $106 + ship

    Crucial 512M $165 + ship
  • Reply 6 of 14
    machem: I'm surely an idiot, but what outfit is OWC? I've heard of Crucial, but not OWC. Thanks for the reply!
  • Reply 7 of 14

    Originally posted by Slackula

    machem: I'm surely an idiot, but what outfit is OWC? I've heard of Crucial, but not OWC. Thanks for the reply!

    Oh, I'm sorry. Context is a good thing.

    Other World Computing: http://www.macsales.com/

    They have been very friendly and reasonable.
  • Reply 8 of 14
    You can do better than $100. Check dealram.com, then from the menu at the top choose "Powerbook G4".
  • Reply 9 of 14
    I don't know if 1 GB DDR2700 chips are available yet.

    If you try to buy a Powerbook from the Apple Store with a 1 GB chip the ship date stretches to 4-6 weeks from 3-5 days with the 512 MB chips.
  • Reply 10 of 14
    lucaluca Posts: 3,833member
  • Reply 11 of 14
    Hi all!

    I'm totally exited about the new 15"ers. I do want more RAM but not at Apples prices. I've found some vendors selling PC2700 at 333MHz, but they differ in something called a CL. I've seen values of 2.5 mostly. What is that, and what do the new PB's need?
  • Reply 12 of 14
    So is this PC2700 different from the RAM with the same number used for the towers? Is it scaled differently to fit in the book (so you wouldn't be able to interchange between)?
  • Reply 13 of 14
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member
    PC2700 RAM in the PowerBook is a 200-pin SODIMM like this:

    PC2700 RAM in the towers is a 184-pin DIMM like this:

    You can install the full sized tower RAM into a PowerBook with a hammer and a bit of Irish luck, but it may void your warranty. Use small, precise strikes.
  • Reply 14 of 14
    wmfwmf Posts: 1,164member

    Originally posted by bayside

    I don't know if 1 GB DDR2700 chips are available yet.


    Gee, I sound like a broken record.
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