Just saw new iPod commercial



  • Reply 21 of 52

    Originally posted by thuh Freak

    i was just thinking: how cool would it be if they made a commercial with some Floyd or Dead music, and some real trippy itunes visualizations.

    Oh, you mean actual music written and performed by actual human beings using real musical instruments instead of a bunch of sampled, sequenced, looped, I-Can't-Write-Play-Or-Sing-So-I'll-Rap, drum machine bullsh*t?

    Nah, that would never happen.
  • Reply 22 of 52
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member

    Originally posted by thuh Freak [Bi like the new commercial. not my favorite type of music, but it struck me. definitely a lot better than the `random jackass tries to sing' commercials.[/B]

    I agree. I've watched it a few more times. It's different and it'll get attention, I'm sure. However, as always, they leave it kinda vague, don't they? I mean, most people probably know - or can figure out - what an iPod is and does.

    But it still would've been cool to perhaps flash the words "7,500 songs in your pocket" or whatever on screen also. Hard as it is for us to imagine, I'm sure there are going to be a lot of people not quite sure what an iPod is, just going by that commercial. They might put it together that it's "something to listen to music with", but that's hardly an earth-shattering revelation.

    Only about 5,000 products/gadgets exist for that...

    Knowing how much it holds or some other little feature/capability exclusive to the iPod might give it a bit more juice.

    But what do I know...
  • Reply 23 of 52
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    francisG3, you're a braver person than I.

    Good luck with that post and all. Something tells me you're going to suddenly start feeling very "Rush-esque" as the day goes on.

    Not that what you said doesn't ring true or has a point. But that's never the issue, is it? The fact that you SAID IT, you knuckle-dragging, insolent cretin! How DARE you bring this up!

    Dig around for that asbestos jumpsuit, buddy...you're probably gonna need it.

    I wonder if "the media was desirous to see a black iPod commercial do well? It's the MEDIA, you people! Next caller...Al from Twin Falls, welcome to the show..."

  • Reply 24 of 52
    Hey pscates - love that sig! I'm madly in love with Ann and Laura. Laura has the sexiest voice. Mmmmm.

    Still digging around for that jumpsuit - thanks for the heads-up..
  • Reply 25 of 52
    yevgenyyevgeny Posts: 1,148member
    Just downloaded the new commercial, I rather like it. No, the music isn't my stule, but I think that it is a good choice and it defintely sets a "cool" mood.
  • Reply 26 of 52
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member

    Originally posted by pscates

    Why does it kinda remind me of those HORRIBLE new McDonald's "i'm lovin' it..." spots?

    Because it's trying to be waaaay too hip. More hip than it really is.
  • Reply 27 of 52

    Originally posted by Ensign Pulver

    Oh, you mean actual music written and performed by actual human beings using real musical instruments instead of a bunch of sampled, sequenced, looped, I-Can't-Write-Play-Or-Sing-So-I'll-Rap, drum machine bullsh*t?

    Nah, that would never happen.

    Look at you showing off your ignorance....

    The song MAKES the commercial for me. The black eyed peas are GOOD hiphop, there's not much of it around lately so lets be thankful for what we have
  • Reply 28 of 52
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    On a somewhat related note, is it possible to have the hots for a silhouette? I don't know, I'm asking.

    That chick on the pink bankground and the big hair...me likes the way she wiggles.


  • Reply 29 of 52
    I'm feel'n the green myself
  • Reply 30 of 52
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    as the kids say it's mad tight yo.
  • Reply 31 of 52
    Good commercial, crap-tacular music. I don't understand why companies are promoting just a certain lifestyle. This year's trend more than ever: ghetto fabulous. I wouldn't mind another ad. Perhaps playing Radiohead? But that would be pushing it. Most people can't resonate with stuff that's not on the radio. Oh the shallow world we live in...
  • Reply 32 of 52

    Originally posted by shatteringglass

    Good commercial, crap-tacular music. I don't understand why companies are promoting just a certain lifestyle. This year's trend more than ever: ghetto fabulous. I wouldn't mind another ad. Perhaps playing Radiohead? But that would be pushing it. Most people can't resonate with stuff that's not on the radio. Oh the shallow world we live in...

    Hear, hear.
  • Reply 33 of 52

    Originally posted by Ti Fighter

    Look at you showing off your ignorance....

    The song MAKES the commercial for me. The black eyed peas are GOOD hiphop, there's not much of it around lately so lets be thankful for what we have

    I'm showing my ignorance how exactly? By protesting the appalling nosedive popular music has taken ever since "artists" started making millions without actually being able to play an instrument? Or hell, even being able to sing for that matter?

    And yeah, I'll say it: there's no such thing as good hip hop.

    The exact same systematic disenfranchisement of blacks by whites that lead to a renaissance of African-American music in the 20th century has lead to a dark age in the 21st. We used to have Louis Armstrong, Ella Fitzgerald, Miles Davis, Jimi Hendrix, Stevie Wonder, Earth Wind and Fire, and Prince. Now we have P. Diddy and the Black Eyed Peas. Sad.
  • Reply 34 of 52

    Originally posted by Ensign Pulver

    I'm showing my ignorance how exactly? By protesting the appalling nosedive popular music has taken ever since "artists" started making millions without actually being able to play an instrument? Or hell, even being able to sing for that matter?

    And yeah, I'll say it: there's no such thing as good hip hop.

    The exact same systematic disenfranchisement of blacks by whites that lead to a renaissance of African-American music in the 20th century has lead to a dark age in the 21st. We used to have Louis Armstrong, Ella Fitzgerald, Miles Davis, Jimi Hendrix, Stevie Wonder, Earth Wind and Fire, and Prince. Now we have P. Diddy and the Black Eyed Peas. Sad.

    number one do not put the Black Eyed Peas and P. Diddy in the same sentence. I agree completely that most popular music sucks. And thats your opinion that there is no good hip hop, thats fine.But we don't need 5+ posts on how you don't like the music.

    Number 2 if you would have even looked at the link to the Black Eyed Peas web site some one posted above you would see that they have a band THAT PLAYS REAL INSTRUMENTS. Drums. guitar, keys, bass, trumpet, sax, flute.

    And third you might want to know that on a lot of miles davis records, some of the crazy stuff he plays, he's not really playing it. His producer edited some of it by cutting the tape and splicing it together in different ways. So he was "sampled" on his own records. They were kinda one of the early pioneers of it.

    And just to add hip hop is not just "rap" music, its a culture, being an MC is just one of the 4 elements. DJ/breakdancing/graffiti/MC
  • Reply 35 of 52

    Oh, you mean actual music written and performed by actual human beings using real musical instruments instead of a bunch of sampled, sequenced, looped, I-Can't-Write-Play-Or-Sing-So-I'll-Rap, drum machine bullsh*t?

    Nah, that would never happen.

    Yeah, maybe then you can steal it just like Elvis stole his music from black artists. Can't write a song? You try writing a better song than Talib Kweli. Can't sing? Neither can any of the "singers" of all these bands, but at least rappers arent TRYING to sing. Andre 3000 was playing an acoustic guitar on MTV. Madlib (a HIP HOP producer) can play about 10 different instruments, and get on the mic.

    Hey mama, this that ish that make ya move get on the floor and move ya booty mama

    Big ups to Apple, they got some taste with this one!! I can picture Steve jammin with Elephunk in the system.

    If that track doesnt make you wanna shake ya groove thang then I dont know what will!!!
  • Reply 36 of 52
    dfilerdfiler Posts: 3,420member
    I think I'm stupider for having read this thread.

    Everyone stand back so that some close-minded people can attempt to prove one type of music as inferior to another.

    (I think they're actually serious too. )
  • Reply 37 of 52
    I remember many months ago there was thread on this board complaining that Apple didn't use enough minorities in their commercials. Now we're bitching because people think the commercial is "too black?" Give me a break.

    In marketing land, we have a thing called a "target audience." I guess it didn't occur to anyone that Apple might be trying to reach out beyond their traditional consumer base.

    And by the way...if you think P. Diddy and the Black Eyed Peas are even in the same league, much less the same ballpark, you obviously haven't heard more than this 30 second clip of their music.
  • Reply 38 of 52
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    Wa-ching, here they come whipping out the race card.

    Look at Volkswagen, Mitsubishi, etc. for inspiration. They realized something. Hip-hop doesn't sell as much as pop! It's not about race, but about going after the bigger fish first. My major complaint is that there's only one ad, with one flavor. Hopefully this will change. Since you've stated you're in the advertising business, what scenario usually ends up selling the most mindshare...a single ad or a rotation of two or three disctinct ads?
  • Reply 39 of 52

    Originally posted by Eugene

    My major complaint is that there's only one ad, with one flavor. Hopefully this will change.

    There defiantly will be, this is a whole new ad style from apple for the ipod. But all the songs will be limited to stuff you can buy on itunes music store. So no radiohead sorry.

    But no P. Diddy either
  • Reply 40 of 52

    Originally posted by Ti Fighter

    So no radiohead sorry.

    I know.

    But I'll settle for Blur. "Crazy Beat" is kind of a popular single...kind of.

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