g5 superdrive, pioneer or sony?
this article says "Apple to add support for DVD+R", and that some of the g5's were shipped w/ sony's dual format dvd burners. i thought the g5's used pioneer dvd burners? does anyone know? just curious.
Originally posted by hddy
this article says "Apple to add support for DVD+R", and that some of the g5's were shipped w/ sony's dual format dvd burners. i thought the g5's used pioneer dvd burners? does anyone know? just curious.
Apple uses both Sony and Pioneer optical drives in there machines. Both drives are capable of writing and reading +R. What is not known is whether or not that capability will be in OS 10.3, and if it is, will the OEM drives be capable of using it, or have they been modified to preclude its use. Time will tell.
Pioneer DVD-RW DVR-106D
Originally posted by MacUsers
I have the Sony drive on my G5
What's the config? 1.6, 1.8, or 2.0?
Originally posted by DMBand0026
What's the config? 1.6, 1.8, or 2.0?
1.8, stock but with ATI 9600 Pro graphics
Originally posted by alcimedes
in my Dual.
Pioneer DVD-RW DVR-106D
Ditto for mine
Originally posted by duncantang
Which model of the Sony Drive?