Fan noise on 1 Ghz Ti PB

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
how do you deal with the unbelivable noise that the 1 Ghz Ti generates?

I have impulsivly bought one of those (apple refurb for a very good price) and its lovely (in some ways better then my new AL 15") but the fan noise from this baby drives me nuts...

It seems to start very quickly and run forever once it starts... only sending the machine to sleep will make it stop. even when CPU use is 0% it still runs like a jet engine... the machine is very cool so really dont understand why it needs to do this..

Any ideas on how to reduce this problem?

Do you think I might have a lemon on my hands (the machine is perfect in any other way)?


  • Reply 1 of 10
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member
    Search the apple forums. People have posted various solutions. For my machine in OS X, the fans don't go on until it starts really working hard. In OS 9, where I do all of my audio work, the fan goes on towards the beginning and stays on, but I am used to it at this point.

    If you are using OS X, it should not be doing that and you should be able to find a solution in the apple forums or macnnn forums. If it still goes on when the machine isn't working hard, you should call applecare.
  • Reply 2 of 10
    So Giant, let me get this straight:

    You have a stock 1 Ghz TiBook (superdrive, 512mg etc) and you have no issues with the fans kicking in after about 5 minuts use and then staying on regardless of usage or CPU load?

    In an Hour of avarage usage how many minuts would you estimate that the fan is on? (by avarage usage i mean browsing, email, word processing, downloading and playing music - general usage and light stuff like that...)

    for me I would say its about 55 minuts out of the hour...

    Does it make a differance if you're using mains power or battery?

    Thanks for your input man
  • Reply 3 of 10
    jxfreakjxfreak Posts: 138member
    I read in an apple forum that you could delete some powersetting xml file that will help with such issue.

    I hear you though, My new 12inch al book when plugged in will fan up with light stuff you mention. On battery it is ok.
  • Reply 4 of 10
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member

    Originally posted by rashumon

    So Giant, let me get this straight:

    You have a stock 1 Ghz TiBook (superdrive, 512mg etc) and you have no issues with the fans kicking in after about 5 minuts use and then staying on regardless of usage or CPU load?

    In an Hour of avarage usage how many minuts would you estimate that the fan is on? (by avarage usage i mean browsing, email, word processing, downloading and playing music - general usage and light stuff like that...)

    for me I would say its about 55 minuts out of the hour...

    Does it make a differance if you're using mains power or battery?

    Thanks for your input man

    No fan problems unless doing heavy work. Web browsing and that does not kick on the loud fan. It might sometimes kick on the quiet fan, but I don't notice because it's, well, quiet.

    The loud fan certainly does come on when the processor is taxed or if the powerbook is sitting on the couch, but I don't think it is any louder than my previous Ti500.

    The behavior you are mentioning, and many, many others have talked about, only happens to me in OS 9.

    jxfreak is right that there has been a solution discussed on the apple forums that involves deleting the power management file, IIRC. You should do a search both there and on the macnn forums and you will find a solution.
  • Reply 5 of 10
    dmband0026dmband0026 Posts: 2,345member

    Originally posted by jxfreak

    I hear you though, My new 12inch al book when plugged in will fan up with light stuff you mention. On battery it is ok.

    That's cause it is able to draw more current using AC power. More current = more heat. More heat = more fan.
  • Reply 6 of 10
    I have a Ti 1Ghz with 1GB of RAM. The little fan is on a lot, but the big fan doesn't come on much. And the little fan is pretty quiet.
  • Reply 7 of 10
    I bought a 1 mhz Tibook this summer at a good price, and i can say that the fan barely goes on at all. I use only OS X 1.2, and my powerbook is very silent.

    No issues at all, and since i installed the last OS update, the battery life is up by more than half an hour, to between 3 and 3:30, without any specific battery saving settings.

    Very satisfied by this machine, it should keep me till me going till the G5 get in Powerbooks.
  • Reply 8 of 10
    hrmmm I have the stock 1ghz I've had since december... mine does c'mon and stay on for like 20 mins at a time... I think I know what you're talking about too, you're not doing anything at all and then a blaring fan starts..

    I usually don't hear it cuz I have like 4 firewire external drives, my betacam SP deck(ie loud as hell) and just music going to cover the noise.
  • Reply 9 of 10
    yeh, its a great machine - in many respects better then the new AL models (thiner, smaller lighter with wonderful screen and better battery life) but but the noise - especialy when connected to mains - is very irritating!

    BTW that power manegement XML file is only present on Jaguar - Panther (which i'm using) does not have a file like this anywhere in the system...

    So the fix listed above isn't really an option for me.

    has anyone ever applied an effective fix to this issue out there?

    (and no im not going to buy a slab of marble to keep it kool )

    Does anyone know if apple can do anything about this? or is this just the way the GhzTi is and I should just accept it and learn to live with the problem or sell the machine?
  • Reply 10 of 10
    giantgiant Posts: 6,041member
    try resetting it with the button if you haven't already. It's under the keyboard in the top right corner.

    You can try calling apple. On the macnn forums some folks sent it in for this.
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