Problems with current iMac, possible revisions



  • Reply 21 of 28
    steve666steve666 Posts: 2,600member

    Originally posted by rustedborg

    To be honest, I wouldn't object if Apple kept two different PowerMacs in the lineup. A selection of PowerMac G5s and a selection of PowerMac G4s. The single processor G4 sells for just a little more than an iMac right now. For the money, the PowerMac G4 is THE best value in Apple's lineup ... unfortunately I don't think the folks in charge at Apple have the brains to realize it's a good idea to keep a low-cost tower in the lineup.

    They dont have the brains to realize that a lower cost tower would increase sales tremendously. Now that theres a G5 tower theres no reason why the G4 tower should cost a dime more than $999. Now that would move sales.........................
  • Reply 22 of 28
    resres Posts: 711member
    Remember, just because the G5 came out doesn't mean that the cost of building the G4 tower has gone down for Apple at all. If they could lower the price, and still make a decent profit on it, I'm sure that they would.
  • Reply 23 of 28
    More downward pressure on the G4 towers.

    Redesigned iMac back to its roots and with a G5.

    (Redesigned to allow for one model at least to have upgradeable graphics slot. Monitor separated for choice of LCD. Perhaps Apple needs an LCD line that builds on the iMac chrome arm concept..?)

    I question the iMac2's validity at its current price bracket.

    ...and below that. A volume building iCube. A headless box. Nice ibook enamel white. Two models. One with integrated graphics. One more with upgradeable graphics slot.

    eMac? Thing of the past. Should be some heavy lard ass off the edge of the nearest Dell Skip for retired pcs.

    Apple's consumer desktop range is half-baked. They need to look at PC land for inspiration. I mean, really. A fully loaded iMac2...and the price is obscene for an AIO. iMac2 is Cube 2. 'Cool gone wrong.' At least you could pick your display and graphics card with the Cube. And people are STILL upgrading Cubes to ever higher G4 cpus. By that, the iMac2 went seriously backwards.

    Yeesh. I pine for an alu Cube G5 mini-tower cuboid. Priced less than the low end G5 tower. Two models. I also pine for a cheaper 'iBook enamel whtie' headless Mac consumer Cube in the £495 bracket. Two models.

    2 Cubes to square the hole that is the currently Apple's consumer desktop range.

    Lemon Bon Bon
  • Reply 24 of 28
    Not to offend or anything...but I really don't understand all this reverie for the G4 cube...almost nobody in the world bought them!

    In fact they only sold 3 of them--to Steve Jobs, his mother, and a public school teacher in Guam.

    All of a sudden, after they were cancelled everyone suddenly fell in love with them and turned them into an icon for all things good in this world.

    It is all very confusing to me.

  • Reply 25 of 28
    jwdawsojwdawso Posts: 393member

    Originally posted by maninmac

    Not to offend or anything...but I really don't understand all this reverie for the G4 cube...almost nobody in the world bought them!

    In fact they only sold 3 of them--to Steve Jobs, his mother, and a public school teacher in Guam.

    All of a sudden, after they were cancelled everyone suddenly fell in love with them and turned them into an icon for all things good in this world.

    It is all very confusing to me.

    Everybody loved them, but they were too expensive to buy and TO MAKE. They were basically the same price (and cost) as the towers, so people chose the towers since they were so much more upgradeable.
  • Reply 26 of 28
    Reverie? Hell, darling, have you ever seen one in person?

    Even looking at the marketing pics above I get the lust beegeebies.

    First time I ever saw a Cube in person was at the Digital World Show in London a few years back.

    There it sat along with a 22inch LCD display with a premature version of OS X.


    Marketing madness. Outrageous price. Slow specs. Limited expansion. Non-standard parts. 'Too much' acrylic skirt' (no doubt adding to the expensive case design?) The aesthetic need for the then pricey LCDs to go alongside one.

    Disaster. Apple sold what? 10-20K of them in its last quarter. If they'da put that beast under a K...riots would have ensued.

    What was Steve thinking?

    Lemon Bon Bon Laments. \
  • Reply 27 of 28
    kedakeda Posts: 722member
    I wanted a Cube from the day it was released. Half of the PC guys I know wanted one to...excpet the price kept us all away. It Apple had been more realistic with its pricing, I think the computer would have done well.

    So, how could Apple make a Cube II (or mini G5) and not have the same problem? If this macine was a G5, then all the PowerMacs would have to be dual-proc or MUCH faster versions of the chip. Then, price the machine btwn 13-1500.

    Also, drop the price of the iMac and leave it as a fast the same form as today.
  • Reply 28 of 28
    kcmackcmac Posts: 1,051member
    by Nano


    I think the whole keyboard thing is too risky. what if you dropped it

    spilled something on it

    a key breaks or something

    that would make the whole thing a hassle

    That could be said about a laptop as well which is even more mobile, higher risk. They seem to sell fairly well.
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