Upgrading hard drive in B&W G3 tower...info?

in Genius Bar edited January 2014
Can someone tell me, quickly and simply, what I need to look for (ATA this and that, any sort of special specs/numbers, etc.).

Also any particular brand to seek out or avoid?

I have a friend who wants to upgrade her blue & white G3 tower to a roomier hard drive, but I'd like to know EXACTLY what will work/goes in.



  • Reply 1 of 1
    lucaluca Posts: 3,833member
    There have been problems with Rev. A B&W G3s regarding hard drives. It seems Apple had lots of problems making a working IDE controller, which ended with Rev. B of the B&W.


    XLR8 Your Mac has documented a number of the problems. Apparently, even a single drive with no slave drives can suffer from data corruption. It's recommended that you either get a PCI IDE controller card, or that you get a B&W with a Rev. B motherboard. The Rev. B motherboards have the number "402" marked on the IDE controller.

    That said, my brother had a B&W G3 Rev. A running a Western Digital WD800JB for months without any problems. Your mileage may vary.
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