Motorola SNDF

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
Well, here's another date to look for PowerPC info:

<a href=""; target="_blank">Smart Networks Developer Forum</a>

July 21-24

July 22 is the day, since Motorola will present:

Session Topic: Motorola's Host Microprocessor Family, Today and Tomorrow (H1101)

Level: All

Presenter: Bill Dunnigan, Corporate Vice President and General Manager, Computing Systems Division, Motorola Networking & Computing Systems Group

Abstract: Motorola continues to address the needs of the networking infrastructure?storage and imaging markets with a portfolio of PowerPC instruction?set architecture-compliant high-performance embedded control and communication processors. Designed to deliver the architecture, performance, integration, and roadmap our customers have come to expect, this session will provide an overview of Motorola's current and planned host processors, their extensive third-party support infrastructure, and several target applications that highlight their strength and flexibility.

There are no hints though. Maybe Moto will let something leak.


  • Reply 1 of 38
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    Let's hope so.
  • Reply 2 of 38
    daveleedavelee Posts: 245member
    Also, if anyone has noticed, Mot has changed their MPC8540 info page (now has specific speeds of bus interfaces e.g DDR 166Mhz - which I assume is dbl pumped to get 333Mhz).

    Sorry too lazy/busy to find a link.
  • Reply 3 of 38
    lemon bon bonlemon bon bon Posts: 2,383member
    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    Well, let's hope that next gen cpu isn't too far behind the next 'power'Mac bump.

    Guess what. Digital Video Editing are publishing more tests.

    Guess what? Dual Mac murdered by Dual Athlon. Big time! The single Pentium smacks it silly as well!


    Well. We've got Jagwire. They haven't.

    But I'm not buying another Apple tower until Apple addresses the cpu situtation.

    The ibook will have to do for now...

    Lemon Bon Bon
  • Reply 4 of 38
    jet powersjet powers Posts: 288member
    [quote]Originally posted by Lemon Bon Bon:

    <strong><a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    Well, let's hope that next gen cpu isn't too far behind the next 'power'Mac bump.

    Guess what. Digital Video Editing are publishing more tests.

    Guess what? Dual Mac murdered by Dual Athlon. Big time! The single Pentium smacks it silly as well!


    Well. We've got Jagwire. They haven't.

    But I'm not buying another Apple tower until Apple addresses the cpu situtation.

    The ibook will have to do for now...

    Lemon Bon Bon</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Wow. So the iBook is 'good' enough, but not the Powermac? I suspect you do about ----&gt;| |&lt;---- this much heavy DV work.

    Face it, bub. You aren't EVER going to be satisfied.

  • Reply 5 of 38
    keyboardf12keyboardf12 Posts: 1,379member
    [quote]Wow. So the iBook is 'good' enough, but not the Powermac? I suspect you do about ----&gt;| |&lt;---- this much heavy DV work.

    Face it, bub. You aren't EVER going to be satisfied. <hr></blockquote>

    I was going to write the same thing. Not to bag on fellow mac user but..... if you can use an ibook to for your owrk today, and have not upgraded to a current g4 (dual?) then you sound like another one of those people that complain and complain about apple's hardware but don't even have a real need for it if apple could ship faster machines tommorrow.

    [ 07-22-2002: Message edited by: keyboardf12 ]</p>
  • Reply 6 of 38
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member
    I'm as annoyed as anyone by Lemon Bon Bon's occasional current hardware rants misplaced in the Future Hardware forum, but give me a break. If the guy doesn't want to spend $3,000 USD (how many quid is that these days? And when will you be converting that into the Euro?) on a PowerMac so be it. It has nothing to do with his needs, but his MEANS.

    I'm in the same friggin' boat. I'd love a dual GHZ machine, but why? I can eek by until the next generation so I'm going to eek by.
  • Reply 7 of 38
    keyboardf12keyboardf12 Posts: 1,379member
    a new 1600$ g4 with its altivec would provide him with a marked increase in video related tasks.

    the ibook he bought probably cost him 1400-1600 unless its a clamshell ibook which is more like 1600-1700.$
  • Reply 8 of 38
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member
    If he's got an iBook, he still needs a monitor. If he needs a monitor then he might as well get an iMac which isn't a whole hell of a lot better than an iBook (depending on the model).

    Every upgrade takes some old (trade in value of old machine) money and some new. The longer you hold out, the better the value--to a point. Eventually his machine will be too old to wait any longer, no matter what Apple's current offerings are.

    But that's HIS decision, not YOUR decision, just like it's MY decision for MY machine.
  • Reply 9 of 38
    jet powersjet powers Posts: 288member
    Sure, whatever.

    I'm not picking on Lemon Bon Bon directly, but I am going to comment on a trend around here since the great re-start of AI:

    People who don't NEED these SuperPowermacs but bjtch about them are lame, IMO.

    About 1% of the aggregate software licenses used on the platform actually requires more power than currently available, but about 99% of AI posters claim to need more power.

    Note: photoshoppers need not apply: the difference between 4 seconds to run a filter and 3 is not compelling.

    Note: gamers need not apply: wanna game? Buy a PC. Or a console.

    Basically, only DV'ers and 3D'ers can concievably complain, and even then, only the pros. I betcha we can count on one hand the number of actual powerusers around here. The rest of the AIWC (AI Whining Committee) just likes to complain about stuff.

    Ah, well.

    Anyway, that's my rant for the day.

  • Reply 10 of 38
    reynardreynard Posts: 160member
    Im am DEFINITELY one of th 99% of the AI posters (well, mostly just an AI reader) that do not need any more power. I don't understand most of the technical postings here. But perhaps there is another consideration here to ponder as you scold the speed-whiners.

    Personally, I don't complain here about lack of processor speed, but I do concern myself with it. Why? I'll bet for the same reason that most do here, we want Apple to be more competitive. We worry about market share. We are concerned about the reputation of the company. A perception that "Macs are slow" could be detrimental to the company as a whole.

    And people buy based on perception. I ride a motorcycle. I see so many people buy the crotch-rockets because of the perception that they are great bikes. Most can't use their power either.

    So considering this rationale perhaps you won't be so harsh on the "speed poseurs". Like you, I don't think its always for practical reasons. Maybe they just want their team to get a little more respect.
  • Reply 11 of 38
    bartobarto Posts: 2,246member
    [quote]Originally posted by Yet Another Registration:


    Note: gamers need not apply: wanna game? Buy a PC. Or a console.


    F*** You. That's what Apple's official stance was in the mid '90s. That to improve the Mac's image as a business computer, gaming on the Mac is discuraged.

    Guess what, that's one more stoopid policy that Steve Jobs killed. I want a Mac to play games, do school work and a bit of hobby VE/programming. And I liek teh powah!

    My next computer will probably be an iBook/Ti for university (the rest of the world has no "colleges" guys, everything is called universities). A Power5 TiBook would be nice...

    But on with the rant: I had the money for either an Athlon or a G4 back in 2000, and I chose a G4. If the G4 wasn't able to play games, I would have got an Athlon. Consoles are great, but you can't network them and their controllers suck for FPSs.

    Summing up: a narrow minded view that Power Macs should only be used for VE hurts Apple. I wonder how well a G4/800 is gonna play Doom 3.


    [ 07-23-2002: Message edited by: Barto ]</p>
  • Reply 12 of 38
    junkyard dawgjunkyard dawg Posts: 2,801member
    [quote]Originally posted by Lemon Bon Bon:

    <strong><a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    Well, let's hope that next gen cpu isn't too far behind the next 'power'Mac bump.

    Guess what. Digital Video Editing are publishing more tests.

    Guess what? Dual Mac murdered by Dual Athlon. Big time! The single Pentium smacks it silly as well!


    Lemon Bon Bon</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I thought that all these recent benchmarks would shut up the whiners here who think that performance doesn't matter. Alas, looking under your post, I see that it's only ruffled their feathers.

    Now instead of them saying "Apple's been dead since 1997", they say, "But you wouldn't use the extra performance even if you had it!"

    LOL, as if Lemon Bon Bon's needs are representative of the needs of new markets Apple is currently targeting.

    Does anyone think Shake will run well on an iBook? A TiBook? A Powermac? Because in reality, a Wintel box costing about the same as the dual Gig Powermac would totally HAMMER the Powermac into smithereens when it comes to Shake performance. Ditto with just about every other professional DV app in existance.

    If this performance gap between Wintels and Macs persists, or even worse, if it grows larger, then Apple is going to have a hell of a time growing their market share. A performance gap that became pseudo-permanent would basically limit Macs to use as home computers, with no professional sales at all. This is not a healthy position for Apple, and most would say that without any professional markets, Apple might as well have gone belly up.

    However, I believe Apple has SOMETHING in development, otherwise why would they be on a high end DV software acquisition binge? Without competitive hardware, these software titles are all worthless, so somehow Apple MUST have plans to close the performance gap, or maybe even create a new performance gap.
  • Reply 13 of 38
    junkyard dawgjunkyard dawg Posts: 2,801member
    [quote]Originally posted by Yet Another Registration:

    <strong>Sure, whatever.

    I'm not picking on Lemon Bon Bon directly, but I am going to comment on a trend around here since the great re-start of AI:

    People who don't NEED these SuperPowermacs but bjtch about them are lame, IMO.

    About 1% of the aggregate software licenses used on the platform actually requires more power than currently available, but about 99% of AI posters claim to need more power.

    Note: photoshoppers need not apply: the difference between 4 seconds to run a filter and 3 is not compelling.

    Note: gamers need not apply: wanna game? Buy a PC. Or a console.

    Basically, only DV'ers and 3D'ers can concievably complain, and even then, only the pros. I betcha we can count on one hand the number of actual powerusers around here. The rest of the AIWC (AI Whining Committee) just likes to complain about stuff.

    Ah, well.

    Anyway, that's my rant for the day.


    If you don't think that Apple's health as computer company affects everyday Mac users, then you're crazy. The reason so many of us here are concerned about the growing performance gap has little to do with our own needs, rather, it's about Apple's market share. If Apple's market share hit 8% by next year, then I would benefit tremendously in terms of improved software, OS X, and peripheral support. Doesn't matter that I own a Powermac G4 400, my computer would become even more useful if Apple's market share increased.

    And Apple is NOT going to increase market share by using YAR's strategy of "that's good enough". If Apple is going to penetrate new markets, they need a competitive advantage. This is so basic and elementary that when explaining it, I wonder why people like YAR don't implicitly understand it.....very odd if you ask me.
  • Reply 14 of 38
    lowb-inglowb-ing Posts: 98member
    [quote]Originally posted by Yet Another Registration:


    Wow. So the iBook is 'good' enough, but not the Powermac? I suspect you do about ----&gt;| |&lt;---- this much heavy DV work.

    Face it, bub. You aren't EVER going to be satisfied.


    Pretty much EVERYONE here already knows LBB does his WORK on an athlon, and for good reason. I think it's you who are making an a$$ of yourself.
  • Reply 15 of 38
    jet powersjet powers Posts: 288member
    [quote]Originally posted by Junkyard Dawg:


    If you don't think that Apple's health as computer company affects everyday Mac users, then you're crazy. The reason so many of us here are concerned about the growing performance gap has little to do with our own needs, rather, it's about Apple's market share. If Apple's market share hit 8% by next year, then I would benefit tremendously in terms of improved software, OS X, and peripheral support. Doesn't matter that I own a Powermac G4 400, my computer would become even more useful if Apple's market share increased.

    And Apple is NOT going to increase market share by using YAR's strategy of "that's good enough". If Apple is going to penetrate new markets, they need a competitive advantage. This is so basic and elementary that when explaining it, I wonder why people like YAR don't implicitly understand it.....very odd if you ask me.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I'm not really commenting on Apple's strategy or plans. I'm sure the crew over in Cupertino are doing the best they can.

    What I AM commenting on is how so many people around AI constantly whine about these things like:

    a - it matters what they think

    b - they are so smart and only if Apple would listen

    If you have a legitimate gripe about the lack of power to run (for example) Shake 2.5 because you are the kind of person who does a lot of Shake, that's one thing. But I suspect that most people who nag about this at AI are not.

    And if LBB is using an Athlon, more power to him. I've got an AthlonXP box myself, and it totally rocks.

    Why bitch about what the Powermac can or cannot do, if you already have a tool that does what you need?

    In the end, there are a lot of self-hating Macheads who provide nothing but bile and spleen to the boards, and little else.

    Yes, the irony of posting the last sentence does not escape me.

    Ah, well. I'm just saying that if Apple doesn't provide you with what you think you need, then don't buy one. You lack of buying will send more of a message of dissatisfaction to a consumer products company than the endless circle jerkery around the lines around the boards here.

  • Reply 16 of 38
    for a substantial part the discussion regarding the powermac's speed is about image and marketing. If you pay topdollar for a mercedes s500, you want it to have a topspeed of at least 155 mph (in europe that is). you will probably not drive so fast because of the prevailing speedlimits, but if its topspeed is only 100 mph you do not want to have it, even if its roadholding is superior. so whether or not you need the high topspeed, if you have to pay for you want to have it. now the owner of a mercedes 200 diesel: still a very good car, but with a very low topspeed and excellent roadholding. for the mercedes 200 owner it is very important that the make's topmodel is very fast, part of the value of the diesel is derived from the image of its topmodel.from this perspective it is imperative for apple that it has a topnotch topmodel powermac that is at least as fast or faster as the competition, even when only few users need it.

    that said and being a mercedes s500 driver myself, i do not use my apple for sophisticated tasks but i get very sick when my nephew surfes the internet way faster than me on a brandless PC. i want instant rendering of webpages or whatever you call it (with a broadband connection) and have no use for an apple that has to think (different) for 10 seconds more than my nephews PC.

  • Reply 17 of 38
    rickagrickag Posts: 1,626member
    Back to the topic

    Anyone have information pertaining to Motorola's prresentation July 22nd??
  • Reply 18 of 38
    jante99jante99 Posts: 539member
    I hope this hasn't already been mentioned but Motorola launched the PowerQUICC III MPC 8560 proccessor for communications and networking applications yesterday.

    [quote] Motorola's leading PowerQUICC III architecture integrates two processing blocks. One block is a high-performance embedded e500 core. With 256 KB of Level 2 cache, the e500 core implements the enhanced PowerPC Book E instruction-set architecture The PowerQUICC III also offers two integrated 10/100/1000 Ethernet controllers, a DDR SDRAM memory controller, a 64-bit PCI-X/PCI controller, and a RapidIO? interconnect. This high level of integration helps simplify board design and offers significant bandwidth and performance for high-end control-plane and data-plane applications.

    Embedded e500 Book E compatible core available from 600 MHz up to 1 GHz

    *\t32-bit, dual-issue, superscalar, seven-stage pipeline

    *\t1850 MIPS at 800 MHz (est. Dhrystone 2.1)

    *\t32 KB L1 data and 32 KB L1 instruction cache with line locking support

    *\t256 KB on-chip L2 cache with direct mapped capability

    *\tEnhanced hardware and software debug support

    *\tMemory management unit (MMU)

    *\tSIMD extension with single precision floating point

    166 MHz, 64-bit, 2.5V I/O, DDR SDRAM memory controller with full ECC support

    *\t500 MHz, 8-bit, LVDS I/O, RapidIO controller

    *\t133 MHz, 64-bit, 3.3V I/O, PCI-X 1.0a/PCI 2.2 bus controller

    *\t166 MHz, 32-bit, 3.3V I/O, local bus with memory controller <hr></blockquote>

    Here is the link

    <a href=""; target="_blank">To the Motorola info page</a> Motorola claims the chip can be custimized so maybe apple could use it . . . . It only goes up to 1 gzh however
  • Reply 19 of 38
    rickagrickag Posts: 1,626member

    That was a Motorola press release.

    Is that also what was discussed in the "July 22 ... Session Topic: Motorola's Host Microprocessor Family, Today and Tomorrow (H1101)" that THT referred to??
  • Reply 20 of 38
    Hey Lameman Bum Bum -

    We are with you on some things- CPU speed, DDR, FSB, but come on... how much longer do we all have to endure your little proclamations of "I will not buy because" or "I will only buy when Apple..." Hate to break it to you- you are just one person, and I personally do not care when you, if ever, buy another Mac. Sometimes I catch myself wishing you would go ahead and buy that dual Athlon and get out of here, to save all of us your incessant bitching. You and JYD are becoming rather tiresome. Broken records, er, hard drives, clicking away with no new data. <img src="graemlins/oyvey.gif" border="0" alt="[No]" />

    If you don't like Apple, don't buy. No one is holding you hostage in this wonderful free market. So off with you- go fight WinXP. Some of you around here think that Apple is oblivious to the MHZ problem and the DDR/ R-I/O and FSB problems. They know. And they know that we know. So knowing that both sides know, something is going to give, and I wish I knew when.

    Here, have a cig <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" /> and let me buy you a beer. Everything is going to be OK. I promise. :cool:

    and to JYD: shouldn't you be out somewhere preaching to your Mac doomsday cult in the jungle?

    Das Uber
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