I put my cellphone through the laundry.

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Yes, its true.

Warm water, extra rinse, tide detergent, large load.

I recovered it 24 hours later. sadly, the poor thing. I kinda gawked at it for a while.

put it on the charger, and it worked! screen was fuzzy, it told me I had voicemail, still had the time and date correct. So l left it powered on sitting on the charger.

fast foward 3 hours

took it off the charger. doesn't work. drop of water roles of of key pad.

Did I kill it by turning it on before it was dry?

Would it have died anyhow?

Will it come back to life again?

its a lg vx3100.

what do i do? my parents will kill me. and advice?


  • Reply 1 of 41
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    of course you did the wrong thing by turning it on before it dried

  • Reply 2 of 41
    It could work again, but it probably won't. What cellular provider do you have? I'm probably not the only one on this board with extra cell phones lying around that would donate to the cause

    Alternately, check craig's list or a similar service and see if anyone has any phones they could sell you to replace that one...
  • Reply 3 of 41
    you should have let it it dry completely before doing anything with it. Most electronics can get wet when off, but if you try turning it on while it is still wet you'll ruin it. If you let it dry completely then turn it on, it might work.
  • Reply 4 of 41
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member
    Honestly not trying to be a jerk...

    ...but what were you thinking when you thought you'd put it on the charger after just getting it out of the washer?
  • Reply 5 of 41
    tell your parents you were in a horrific ferry accident, scores died, it didn't make the news because of all this saddam business, but you're just glad to be alive.

    oh and by the way, the cell phone snuffed it.
  • Reply 6 of 41
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member

    Originally posted by superkarate monkeydeathcar

    tell your parents you were in a horrific ferry accident, scores died, it didn't make the news because of all this saddam business, but you're just glad to be alive.

    oh and by the way, the cell phone snuffed it.

    um... that's not too funny..... not funny at all really\
  • Reply 7 of 41
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member

    Originally posted by superkarate monkeydeathcar

    tell your parents you were in a horrific ferry accident, scores died, it didn't make the news because of all this saddam business, but you're just glad to be alive.

    oh and by the way, the cell phone snuffed it.

    I thought it was...but you can't say stuff like that because some people are too sensitive about such.

    Democratic dictatorship
  • Reply 8 of 41

    Originally posted by applenut

    um... that's not too funny..... not funny at all really\

    what if i made them all red sox fans.

    p.s. it wasn't meant to be funny, it was meant to be my way of saying it's only a cell phone.

    edit = do they not teach sardonicism ucla?*

    * see that was a joke'cause you go to stanford (i think) and it had the little smiley laughin' guy.
  • Reply 9 of 41
    chinneychinney Posts: 1,019member
    Sometimes I wish the whole world would leave their cell phones in the wash.

    I suppose that is not what you wanted to hear, but I must say that I don't care much for those annoying little things.

    I had one for a while, but I gave it back. Phone me at home, or at my desk - or send me an e-mail - but don't expect me to chat with you on the phone while I walk down the street!!

  • Reply 10 of 41

    Originally posted by superkarate monkeydeathcar

    * see that was a joke'cause you go to stanford (i think) and it had the little smiley laughin' guy.

    nope, nut couldnt get into stanford.
  • Reply 11 of 41
    now, now, don't be mean to eachother.

    so I let it dry overnight, with the battery disconnected. and it worked this morning!

    sorta. . .

    the screen is really hard to read, its so faint, and its all fogged up.

    verizon will probably replace it though, if I let it dry up, and just give it too them looking all inocent "It just stopped working one day, i dunno. . ."

    anyhow, in the manual it doesn't say anthing about not getting your phone wet. It gives temperature rates and says not to use it in explozive zones, but nothing about the laundry.

    the warrenty technically says that consumer caused problems don't count, but hell, can they really tell if I killed it? there isn't any physical damage.

    now off to shovel the frontwalk, no school today!

    for the record, i thought super-monkey's ferry story was funny.
  • Reply 12 of 41
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member
    I dropped a Nokia cell phone into the toilet once after taking a huge dump. It ended up sitting there for a while, you know, the whole poop and pee thing.

    Took it out, rinsed it, scrubbed the outer skin layer off my hands with an SOS pad, and took the phone apart. I let it sit for 2 days, put it back together, and it was fine.

    It lasted me another year, but it did kind of sound like shit after that.
  • Reply 13 of 41
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member

    Originally posted by xionja

    the screen is really hard to read, its so faint, and its all fogged up.

    If it's all fogged up that means it still is wet. Let it dry completely, put it in the maximum temp to have it dry faster.
  • Reply 14 of 41
    zozo Posts: 3,117member
    well... try and take it apart as much as possible and let it DRY OFF.

    while in college we all had Nokias and the things were INDESTRUCTABLE.

    A few of us had Nokia 5110s and we literally swam with them, got them dipped into jack cokes, beers, etc. Obviously falling many meters, being thrown out of a moving car (just to prove a point... that the phones were actually indesctuctable)...

    and I still have it. I just gave it to my mom as a backup phone. A new battery after 4 years of operation, and its working likle a charm.

    Uh... the point of this rambling was that whenever our phones got soaked, we'd tak'em apart and let 'em dry and theyd work fine afterwards.
  • Reply 15 of 41
    der kopfder kopf Posts: 2,275member

    Originally posted by xionja

    anyhow, in the manual it doesn't say anthing about not getting your phone wet. It gives temperature rates and says not to use it in explozive zones, but nothing about the laundry.

    AND you live in the US! I smell millions of fresh and crisp greenbacks flying your way, xionja. You've got the suit of the century right there in your hands, foggy screen and all.

  • Reply 16 of 41
    cosmonutcosmonut Posts: 4,872member
    Yeah, those lawyers working on the cell phone warranty jargon should have remembered to include EVERY POSSIBLE SCENARIO of the phone getting immersed in any sort of liquid...

    ...you know, to protect the company from people like you.
  • Reply 17 of 41

    Originally posted by murbot

    I dropped a Nokia cell phone into the toilet once after taking a huge dump. It ended up sitting there for a while, you know, the whole poop and pee thing.

    Took it out, rinsed it, scrubbed the outer skin layer off my hands with an SOS pad, and took the phone apart. I let it sit for 2 days, put it back together, and it was fine.

    It lasted me another year, but it did kind of sound like shit after that.

    You probably should have just burnt it. Then your hands.

  • Reply 18 of 41

    Originally posted by xionja

    verizon will probably replace it though, if I let it dry up, and just give it too them looking all inocent "It just stopped working one day, i dunno. . ."

    anyhow, in the manual it doesn't say anthing about not getting your phone wet. It gives temperature rates and says not to use it in explozive zones, but nothing about the laundry.

    the warrenty technically says that consumer caused problems don't count, but hell, can they really tell if I killed it? there isn't any physical damage.

    Check the phone for a little round (maybe rectangular) sticker, typically hidden behind the battery. Most new phones have this to protect the company from getting scammed by people dropping their phones in water. It changes color when moisture touches it, thus voiding your warranty. Some older phones might not have this and if yours doesn't then your in the clear.

  • Reply 19 of 41
    Go to the verizon store and start whining about how it doesn't work.

    You'll need to buy a new battery for $40.

    Worked for my sister, who dropped it in the toilet. . . The LG phone worked fine afterwards, except the battery started getting shitty and the Red LED that blinks when the phone rings was stuck on, further killing the charge cycle. . . and she didn't turn it off or disassemble it or anything.

    I tell ya. . . women just don't know how to take care of tools.
  • Reply 20 of 41
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member

    Originally posted by superkarate monkeydeathcar

    what if i made them all red sox fans.

    um...no. considering 10 people died in a ferry crash in NYC this past October I just don't see it as too funny. that's all
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