I have now killed two (count 'em) iPods.

in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited January 2014
I feel like a serial killer.

Both have fallen prey to cycling-related stupidity. The first went in December 2003 when the pocket of my waterproof high-visibility cycling jacket filled up with water in a rainstorm.

The second went two days ago when I fell off my brother's bicycle, Pod in hand, changing Caetano Veloso's live version of the Jorge Ben samba classic 'Zumbi' to... something else. I fell on my bonce and it skidded across the road for the folder-with-exclamation-mark to greet me when I picked the two of us up.

My precious. Even Smeagol died content in his folly (albeit I had no stupid Hobbits to **** things up for me.)

Why couldn't I?

It's still under warranty, being two months old, and Mr UPS is picking the poor thing up next week to send it in a box to the Netherlands. I'll document my second Apple Care experience here. Hopefully it'll be a short thread resulting in untramelled joy and a new Pod.


  • Reply 1 of 17
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member
    I messed up my ear phones the other day. I put my iPod and ear phones along my bed before I went to sleep and one of tghe ear phones went and soaked in a glass of water. It could just not be dry yet, but it only plays highs now...lows are VERY quiet.

    It sounds lke that earphone has treble turned up and bass turned down, it sucks \
  • Reply 2 of 17
    the wire parts of my earbuds always freeze while i walk to class.... but at least my pod works. i feel for ya man.
  • Reply 3 of 17

    Originally posted by ast3r3x

    I messed up my ear phones the other day. I put my iPod and ear phones along my bed before I went to sleep and one of tghe ear phones went and soaked in a glass of water. It could just not be dry yet, but it only plays highs now...lows are VERY quiet.

    It sounds lke that earphone has treble turned up and bass turned down, it sucks \

    So the glass of water was on the floor next to your bed? And the ear phones were dangling off the side and one of the buds soaked in the glass of water?

    Weird habits ya got.
  • Reply 4 of 17
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    Does the warranty cover that kind of damage: User inflicted?
  • Reply 5 of 17
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member

    Originally posted by kim kap sol

    So the glass of water was on the floor next to your bed? And the ear phones were dangling off the side and one of the buds soaked in the glass of water?

    Weird habits ya got.

    I ontop of a loft so I dont have a floor near me. But my matress is maybe half a foot offset to my boxspring so I can set stuff by my head. I normally have a drink there from sometime or another and I still had it filled with water from the night before. I was listening to my iPod and when I stopped it to go to sleep I just layed it without looking in that area on my boxspring. Well I felt to not put the iPod in the glass but the an earphone I guess got lowered in and so soaked there for a couple hours. I spent about 4 min beating out water, but I'm not sure it has completely dried. I am hoping that it goes back to normal because I really enjoy listening to my music privately but still being able to hear what others are saying...as is not possible with my headphones.
  • Reply 6 of 17
    homhom Posts: 1,098member

    Originally posted by onlooker

    Does the warranty cover that kind of damage: User inflicted?

    Nope. Yay for ripping off Apple at all of our expenses
  • Reply 7 of 17
    stoostoo Posts: 1,490member
    This warranty does not apply: (a) to damage caused by accident, abuse, misuse, misapplication, or non-Apple products;

    onlooker: of course not, no warranty covers accidental damage.
  • Reply 8 of 17

    Originally posted by HOM

    Yay for ripping off Apple at all of our expenses

    Have a heart. I spent £300 on an iPod and broke it after six weeks. I'd been Podless for a year.

    Apple is not my mum. It's a huge tech corp run by a couple of billionaires.

    You would do exactly the same thing, admit it.
  • Reply 9 of 17
    telomartelomar Posts: 1,804member

    Originally posted by Hassan i Sabbah

    Have a heart. I spent £300 on an iPod and broke it after six weeks. I'd been Podless for a year.

    Apple is not my mum. It's a huge tech corp run by a couple of billionaires.

    You would do exactly the same thing, admit it.

    Actually I'd just curse my bad luck not commit fraud. If you wouldn't steal from your mother why would you steal from anybody else? Guess morality and ethical behaviour aren't your strong suit though. I feel sorry for your parents because I'm sure they would have tried to teach you better than that.
  • Reply 10 of 17
    One of the best things about the minipod is that you would have still had an ipod after that incident (at least thats my assumption due to the whole 'no moving parts' thing). The ipod seems so fragile considering how expensive it is and that is portable and ment to be carried. I've dropped mine a couple of times on accident but luckily mine is still ticking....

    Good luck man!
  • Reply 11 of 17
    when i first got my iPod, after a few weeks, it broke cuz of some software problems, then, when i got a new one, the same thing happened a few weeks later, so i had to get another one, then, i dropped it, a friend of mine spilled water on it, and a hefty guy rolled over it and i sent it in to apple, i got a new one, and, guess what? the first problem happened again!!! erk!!! so, i have had my new Ipod for a total of 2 months now, and nothing bad has happened (yet)
  • Reply 12 of 17
    mac voyermac voyer Posts: 1,295member
    I have three words that will solve all iPod and Apple product coverage woes: CompUSA replacement plan.

    Quit buying Apple Care! It is not insurance. For (often) less than Apple Care, you can buy a replacement plan from CompUSA that covers accidental damage. I have only paid full price for one iPod, though I have owned more. They sometimes fall out of my shirt pocket onto concrete. You don't have to make up a story. Just tell them what happened and they simply replace it with a new one. I have done it with many products I have bought there. My dog ate my $80 iBook power cord. I just brought the chewed up cord into the store, told them what happened, and they ordered me a new one. No cost, no hassles. You can even buy the coverage for items you did not purchase there. Take this rout and you will never have to worry about your own clumsiness again.
  • Reply 13 of 17

    Originally posted by Telomar

    Actually I'd just curse my bad luck not commit fraud.

    I'm assuming here that when you want something badly enough it's likely that it is your parents who will pay for it.


    Originally posted by Telomar

    Guess morality and ethical behaviour aren't your strong suit though. I feel sorry for your parents because I'm sure they would have tried to teach you better than that.

    I don't think there's any call for this.
  • Reply 14 of 17
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member
    Give it a rest Telomar, sheesh.

    You could also look into getting a policy from a place like SafeWare. They offer blanket coverage, so you could for instance get a $5000 policy that covers your computer and peripherals. They have a $50 deductible per incident, and cover basically everything with one exception - theft from an unattended vehicle.

    There are probably others, that's just the one that comes to mind.

    And MacWrite, if your iPods "sometimes" fall out of your pocket onto concrete, do you think a case of some sort might be in order? I'm not picking on you, the term "sometimes" just struck me as funny. Like if it was 2 times, you'd say "a couple", if it was three, you'd say "a few times"... but several times? Buy a case, dude!
  • Reply 15 of 17
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member
    Where can I find pricing on CompUSA plans for stuff even if I didn't' buy it there?

    I would feel a lot more secure about my PowerBook knowing that if it breaks I can get a new one without cost. Or don't they go that expensive? Either way I would like one on my iPod.
  • Reply 16 of 17

    Originally posted by ast3r3x

    Where can I find pricing on CompUSA plans for stuff even if I didn't' buy it there?

    I would feel a lot more secure about my PowerBook knowing that if it breaks I can get a new one without cost. Or don't they go that expensive? Either way I would like one on my iPod.

    me too!
  • Reply 17 of 17
    mac voyermac voyer Posts: 1,295member
    With items like computer systems, they actually try to fix them if possible. However, if the damage is too severe, they will just replace it. For just about everything else, they just replace the item without attempting to repair. Or you can get a credit toward something different. I have been shopping at CompUSA for years and if you have one near you, just call and ask.
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