Small story why this must be the happiest day of my life.

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Two weeks ago I moved away from home to my own place. All was fine but I had to leave my Wintel machine for my brother. So past two weeks I have been (trying) to survive without an computer (and Internet.) Last week I told my dad that I needet an computer and that I was going to buy an iBook (12" 256mb), my other option was an build-it-yourself style wintel box. Few days ago my dad called me and sed that he would pay for my new machine and I was REALLY thrilled. Still I wasn´t 100% sure about the iBook, so I called my dad and asked how much I could spend and for my suprice he asked me that " is 2000? enough?" I was stunned (again). Now I could forget about my 1000+? iBook and move to the big league. PowerBooks here I come. Today I called my dad (once again) and (very gently) told him that

ME: " I have now found a really cool laptop, it´s a 15" PowerBook and it really is a beauty. There is only one small thing..."

DAD: "How mutch?"

ME: "2500?"

...........Long pause (I really tought I had gone too far, but then)

DAD: That sounds okay, you can go out and buy it on monday.

I was speachless. I don´t know what happend, but now I´am about to get an 15" PowerBook for free. This really has to be the happiest (or luckiest) day of my life.

(Sorry about all the typos)


  • Reply 1 of 24

    Originally posted by Rewes

    Two weeks ago I moved away from home to my own place. All was fine but I had to leave my Wintel machine for my brother. So past two weeks I have been (trying) to survive without an computer (and Internet.) Last week I told my dad that I needet an computer and that I was going to buy an iBook (12" 256mb), my other option was an build-it-yourself style wintel box. Few days ago my dad called me and sed that he would pay for my new machine and I was REALLY thrilled. Still I wasn´t 100% sure about the iBook, so I called my dad and asked how much I could spend and for my suprice he asked me that " is 2000? enough?" I was stunned (again). Now I could forget about my 1000+? iBook and move to the big league. PowerBooks here I come. Today I called my dad (once again) and (very gently) told him that

    ME: " I have now found a really cool laptop, it´s a 15" PowerBook and it really is a beauty. There is only one small thing..."

    DAD: "How mutch?"

    ME: "2500?"

    ...........Long pause (I really tought I had gone too far, but then)

    DAD: That sounds okay, you can go out and buy it on monday.

    I was speachless. I don´t know what happend, but now I´am about to get an 15" PowerBook for free. This really has to be the happiest (or luckiest) day of my life.

    (Sorry about all the typos)

    Thats really cool. I'm going abroad this summer for digital photography and my parents let me get my digital slr really early (right now)! Parents are the best!
  • Reply 2 of 24
    scottscott Posts: 7,431member
    Sounds like when I go the 386 WITH the math coprocessor.
  • Reply 3 of 24
    torifiletorifile Posts: 4,024member

    Originally posted by Scott

    Sounds like when I go the 386 WITH the math coprocessor.

    Lucky bastard. All I got was the 386SX. I really wanted the DX but I had to wait a while for it. :/ I was lucky to have gotten 4 megs of RAM. My parents only wanted to splurge for the 2.
  • Reply 4 of 24
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member

    Originally posted by Scott

    Sounds like when I go the 386 WITH the math coprocessor. could play DOOM!
  • Reply 5 of 24
    I live with my Dad... he is broke... so is my Mom. I would feel really bad if I were to pull a fast one so I could get a faster laptop when a >$300 Lin box would serve me fine.

    I would hang my head in shame... \
  • Reply 6 of 24

    Originally posted by \\/\\/ickes

    I live with my Dad... he is broke... so is my Mom. I would feel really bad if I were to pull a fast one so I could get a faster laptop when a >$300 Lin box would serve me fine.

    I would hang my head in shame... \

    So would I. I told my dad that an 12 -inch iBook would be fine. Anyway, I´am not complayning .
  • Reply 7 of 24
    dmband0026dmband0026 Posts: 2,345member
    Your dad and I need to talk. I want a 15" PB too. So if he has another 2500 laying around I would be happy to take it off his hands.
  • Reply 8 of 24
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member
    I think you could get another 500-1000 out of him.
  • Reply 9 of 24
    nwhyseenwhysee Posts: 151member

    Originally posted by Rewes

    So would I. I told my dad that an 12 -inch iBook would be fine. Anyway, I´am not complayning .

    Then why did you get a powerbook if the ibook was suffice?
  • Reply 10 of 24
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member
    Damn rich kids. My parents provide me with food, clothes, and luckily some gifts for christmas and birthday.

    Some of us have to BUY our OWN computer. A summer of my life is gone, only to be showed by m 15" AluBook!
  • Reply 11 of 24

    Originally posted by BRussell

    I think you could get another 500-1000 out of him.

    You greedy bastard .....

  • Reply 12 of 24

    Originally posted by ast3r3x

    Damn rich kids. My parents provide me with food, clothes, and luckily some gifts for christmas and birthday.

    Some of us have to BUY our OWN computer. A summer of my life is gone, only to be showed by m 15" AluBook!

    I do too, and my whole life is gone (18 years!!!) and what do I have to show for it? Nothing. Except for the education that I'm paying for, paramedic school is expensive!!!
  • Reply 13 of 24
    progmacprogmac Posts: 1,850member
    "woe is me, MY dad didn't buy me a computer!" it's a very nice thing for a father to do and i don't see the relevency of "damn rich kids" comments. Rewes is certainly quite grateful.

    You'll love the powerbook. Enjoy!
  • Reply 14 of 24
    Man, when I got my first computer... it must have been around 1994. We bought a Quadra 610. I was trying to get into some 3D stuff, and the computer was all, "You need a math co-processor to run this application". So I asked my father if we could buy a 68040 with FPU upgrade. He said yes. I remember the day we installed that thing. Oh man. And 80MB of RAM with a 1GB external hard drive. That was the third best day of my life
  • Reply 15 of 24
    rewesrewes Posts: 40member

    Originally posted by progmac

    "woe is me, MY dad didn't buy me a computer!" it's a very nice thing for a father to do and i don't see the relevency of "damn rich kids" comments. Rewes is certainly quite grateful.

    You'll love the powerbook. Enjoy!

    Yes I´am very grateful. I´am not a rich kid just a normal student who now has more money to spend for food and stuff.

    Byt-the-way the Powerbook is the 1GHz compodrive model.
  • Reply 16 of 24
    ast3r3xast3r3x Posts: 5,012member

    Originally posted by Rewes

    Yes I´am very grateful. I´am not a rich kid just a normal student who now has more money to spend for food and stuff.

    Byt-the-way the Powerbook is the 1GHz compodrive model.

    I know I was just playing around

    ...just jealous I suppose I had to pay for mine and you get yours free
  • Reply 17 of 24
    drewpropsdrewprops Posts: 2,321member
    Yes, my parents bought me the Atari 800XL which was good because it allowed me to Telnet into the mainframe to run some of my Turbo Pascal code. Parents ARE the best! Wish I'd thought to test the upper limits though...maybe I could have gotten a Mac!
  • Reply 18 of 24
    willoughbywilloughby Posts: 1,457member

    Originally posted by ast3r3x

    I know I was just playing around

    ...just jealous I suppose I had to pay for mine and you get yours free

    Nothing like the feeling of opening up a brand new package of something you worked hard for and earned on your own.

    If you parents can afford to get you stuff like that, than thats great and there's nothing wrong with it. But there's something to be said about earning it on your own.
  • Reply 19 of 24

    Originally posted by nwhysee

    Then why did you get a powerbook if the ibook was suffice?

    greed, gluttany, something of that sort I suppose.

  • Reply 20 of 24
    flounderflounder Posts: 2,674member

    Originally posted by The General

    greed, gluttany, something of that sort I suppose.

    What is your problem?

    His dad was nice enough to shell out the bucks for a really nice laptop and all you can do is call him greedy? Jeez, why can't people just be happy for him.

    Having good things happen to you isn't wrong.
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