Bonecrusher (and rap in general)

in General Discussion edited January 2014
I have to say that I absolutely hate rap... I haven't listened to rap since high school. I like old school rap from early 80's because it's a part of my childhood, but rap in my opinion has progressed very little the last 10 years..............BUT, Bonecrusher cracks me up. I've seen some of his videos and appearances on talk shows... I don't know what it is but I like him. What show was he on where his pants fell down and he continued like nothing happened... SNL or Conan?


  • Reply 1 of 6
    drewpropsdrewprops Posts: 2,321member
    A friend of mine does a lot of music videos, she showed me a tape of one where he's walking through downtown ATL like Godzilla. Pretty cool! I think that Shorty is in the beginning of that one - trying to get into a club.

    "What my name is? What my name is??"
  • Reply 2 of 6
    nwhyseenwhysee Posts: 151member
    ATTEnCHUN!!! Where my AO souljas at?
  • Reply 3 of 6
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,431member
    How could you hate rap? There are so many talented artists that no longer get radio play because the commercialized raps by P.Diddy and JaRule. There is still a thriving underground that's worth listening too. I'll always love Hip-Hop because it gives me something that no other genre does. A strong emphasis on beats and lyrical content/delivery.
  • Reply 4 of 6
    Drewdrops, the track was 'Never scared' and good for drunken visits to clubs only.

    Hmurchison, I have to agree with you. Ever since rap/hip hop became so prominent both in popular music and popular culture there has been an explosion of unimaginative, generic music that has hit the mainstream. Whilst this is no different to any other genre that became this big, it has led to negative generalisations of rap and hiphop by all those only subjected to what they see on mtv. In reality, rap/hip hop is probably the most diverse musical genre around. I have listened to everything, from the one off singles to never heard off underground mc's, yet I'm still finding new music everyday to listen to. Beleive me, it is not all 'for shizzle dizzle' and 'right thurr, right thurr...'.
  • Reply 5 of 6
    I just don't like how people seem naturally biased against Electronic music and Rap, when most of the time what they don't like is the *mainstream* watered down, inoffensive, designed to sell incarnations of that genre or style.

    But, they never seem to have the same animosity towards mainstream incarnations of metal, or rock, or ska, or country/western, and if they do, they still seem to make the extra case that rap or electronic music is inherently worse.
  • Reply 6 of 6
    akumulatorakumulator Posts: 1,111member

    Originally posted by Wrong Robot

    I just don't like how people seem naturally biased against Electronic music and Rap, when most of the time what they don't like is the *mainstream* watered down, inoffensive, designed to sell incarnations of that genre or style.

    But, they never seem to have the same animosity towards mainstream incarnations of metal, or rock, or ska, or country/western, and if they do, they still seem to make the extra case that rap or electronic music is inherently worse.

    You mean me? I have no biased against rap... but I quit listening to it in high school because it became stale and I have yet to hear anything new since then. I admit that I haven't actually been going out and trying to find any good rap... I'm just not interested, I guess. You all can post some links and I'll listen... maybe you can turn me on to something. I also out grew punk music because it too became stale to me. Electronic music is one of the genres of music that I listen to so I have no biased againt it. I don't listen to dance music or techno because, like rap, it's just not my taste in music. I can't necessarily apologize for my dislike in rap in general because we all have our own tastes and that's okay. As far as mainstream music goes... all mainstream, in my opinion, is terrible... no matter what genre.
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