Moved: New PowerMac specs



  • Reply 221 of 300
    imudimud Posts: 140member

    Originally posted by O and A:

    Hope the low end has a superdrive

    damn very underwhelming specs


    Hmm, didnt think about that... If you take the current low-end powermac (800 mghz which comes with a cd-rw default) and up it to the same hardware as the imac: 80 gig HD, superdrive, GeForce4 MX video, and apple pro speakers, it comes out 59 dollars more than the 17" imac. And the new low-end price will be 100 more... What I need is a sugar-momma!
  • Reply 222 of 300
    [quote]Originally posted by Animaniac:

    <strong>The homepage ( isn't loading for me anymore.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Works fine. AppleStore is the same.

    11:53PM Eastern.
  • Reply 223 of 300
    please delete this post

    [ 08-12-2002: Message edited by: Analogue bubblebath ]</p>
  • Reply 224 of 300
    rogue27rogue27 Posts: 607member
    It's great to see a level head there, yoda.

    However, it doesn't change the fact that nobody knows how these computers actually perform, so there is no basis for all of the stupid ****ing angry faces and shaking head faces people are using. It's really irritating to see that shit every time Apple announces new hardware, especially when people type 3 in a row.

    It's obvious that these people don't use their Macs for anything more complex than web surfing and Tetris based on the intelligence lacking in their postings, but they like to bitch and complain because their computers have smaller numbers than their Intel-loving friends.

    Well, next time your Intel-Butt-Raiding friends throw numbers at you, just say 128-bit data path or 20 gigaflops and watch their eyes glaze over when they realize they have no ****ing clue what you are saying and spew out another witty comeback like, "huh, huh, 3 Ghz Pentium 4 r00lz!"
  • Reply 225 of 300
    maskermasker Posts: 451member
    [quote]Originally posted by Bioflavonoid:

    <strong>guys, it looks like there won't be a new design tomorrow afterall, but I could be wrong. I found this on apple's site. See, the price was bumped up 100 dollars. If you look at the current apple store, they say starting at 1599 as it has always been. Still keep your hopes up, I may be wrong.

    [ 08-12-2002: Message edited by: Bioflavonoid ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    From another thread... I saw this same graphic while searching <a href=""; target="_blank"></a> for the rterm PowerMac. I guess the point is that it shows the old case with the new pricing

    SO no DynaCool technology? <img src="graemlins/hmmm.gif" border="0" alt="[Hmmm]" />

  • Reply 226 of 300
    nevynnevyn Posts: 360member
    [quote]Originally posted by iMud:

    <strong>Thanks about the Yikes info.

    So what do you think they will name the new case?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    The 'Oh God I hope an IBM 8CPU Power7 comes real soon now'.

    Or maybe the 'Buhbye Motorola'

    Apple's 'official' names have gotten very boring. This would be the 'Aug 2002 PowerMac XXXMHz' or something similar.

    It was more interesting with code names like 'Cold Fusion' or 'Tsunami'.
  • Reply 227 of 300
    rogue27rogue27 Posts: 607member
    "Throbbin' Meat Slicer" would be a good name for a future PowerMac.
  • Reply 228 of 300
    well said rogue27.
  • Reply 229 of 300
    imudimud Posts: 140member
    Ok, here is something to do if your bored, the pdf for the powermac is <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>; Lets see if we can figure out the new name and find the pdf for the new powermacs thats prolly sitting there unlinked...
  • Reply 230 of 300
    Ok, I just ordered a Dual 1GHz machine on Aug 02. It still hasn't shipped yet.

    I think I'm gonna cancel my order...
  • Reply 231 of 300
    [quote]Originally posted by iMud:

    <strong>Ok, here is something to do if your bored, the pdf for the powermac is <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>; Lets see if we can figure out the new name and find the pdf for the new powermacs thats prolly sitting there unlinked...</strong><hr></blockquote>

    In all likelyhood it's on a different Akamai server.
  • Reply 232 of 300
    Owwww , I can see it now.

    "So, you've just spent $3300 for a 1.2 Ghz Apple computer in 2002 ... here's your shame-bag, we'll let you cut your own holes for your eyes ... and if you ever want to switch back, we'll be right here waiting for you ...

    ... and you'll get to take off the bag!


    Michael Dell,

    Bill Gates

    Blah blah blah"

    Man this is gonna hurt, I just hope this transition phase isn't long.
  • Reply 233 of 300
    xaqtlyxaqtly Posts: 450member
    [quote]Originally posted by rogue27:

    <strong>"Throbbin' Meat Slicer" would be a good name for a future PowerMac.</strong><hr></blockquote>



    *wipes tear*
  • Reply 233 of 300
    The Order Status page at the Apple store isn't loading...I want to see if my dang computer has shipped yet.
  • Reply 235 of 300
    imudimud Posts: 140member
    Everyone and there dog is checing the site for any news of the new powermacs, keep trying you will get through
  • Reply 235 of 300
    Wow, six pages of comments and nobody's looked at this upgrade in terms of Moore's Law yet. If you shrink Moore's Law down to the 6 month scale the increase is, well, 25%.

    1.0GHz -&gt; 1.25GHz = about 15-20% improvement (ish)

    133 FSB -&gt; 166 FSB = about 20-25% improvement

    DDR -&gt; 5-10% improvement

    Add all that together and you get 45 - 65 % increase in system performance, roughly double Moore's Law. In short, I'd be impressed if this (the dual 1.2 rumour) is what we see tomorrow. The 1.6 rumour is right out.

    Edit: Granted, Moore's Law is variously interpreted to mean a) the # of transistors on a chip b) the processor clock cycle or c) overall system performance. The most commonly used, however, is c.

    Edit: Me spel gud

    [ 08-13-2002: Message edited by: JustAGuy ]</p>
  • Reply 237 of 300
    Why is Apple raising prices? You see, when you "improve" a computer model, it does not mean you "improve" the price.

    Do you think they'll bundle the new towers with a fire extinguisher if we get that case that was possted?
  • Reply 237 of 300
    [quote]Originally posted by JustAGuy:

    <strong>Wow, six pages of comments and nobody's looked at this upgrade in terms of Moore's Law yet. If you shrink Moore's Law down to the 6 month scale the increase is, well, 25%.

    1.0GHz -&gt; 1.25GHz = about 15-20% improvement (ish)

    133 FSB -&gt; 166 FSB = about 20-25% improvement

    DDR -&gt; 5-10% improvement

    Add all that together and you get 45 - 65 % increase in system performance, roughly double Moore's Law. In short, I'd be impressed if this (the dual 1.2 rumour) is what we see tomorrow. The 1.6 rumour is right out.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Ya, but doesn't moore's law also say that processor speed would double every 18 months? I could be wrong, I don't really know much about the law, I just heard that.
  • Reply 239 of 300
    imudimud Posts: 140member
    Dual 1ghz price would actually be 500 dollars lower than it is now for the new model.
  • Reply 240 of 300
    xaqtlyxaqtly Posts: 450member
    Maybe they're raising prices because they're going to offer dual processor models instead of single processor ones. maybe it's because they're adding a standard Superdrive and an extra 256 MB of RAM to the baseline, who knows? Don't jump to conclusions about Apple raising prices when you know nothing about what's coming.
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