Kerry rumor a load of crap?

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Say it ain't so, Drudge, say it ain't so! link

A woman who has been the subject of rumors linking her to Sen. John Kerry denied Monday that she ever had an affair with the Democratic presidential candidate.

Breaking her silence four days after the allegations surfaced on the Internet, Alexandra Polier issued a statement to The Associated Press, saying, "I have never had a relationship with Senator Kerry, and the rumors in the press are completely false."

Kerry already has denied reports that he had an extramarital affair. On Monday, his campaign said he would have no further comment.

Polier's statement was released to the AP in Nairobi, where the 27-year-old freelance journalist is visiting the parents of her fiance, Yaron Schwartzman, an Israeli who was raised in Kenya. She previously worked as an editorial assistant for the AP in New York.

"Whoever is spreading these rumors and allegations does not know me," Polier said, appealing to the media to respect her privacy and the privacy of her fiance and his family.

Polier also took issue with reports that referred to her as a former Kerry intern.

"I never interned or worked for John Kerry," she told AP over the phone.

Never interned or worked for him?

Let's see... Drudge sees that Time is working on a story, runs with it before Time finishes their investigation and gets caught (yet again) with his pants down?

Not surprising, if true, because Drudge freely admits that he does not check his own facts.


  • Reply 1 of 22
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member
    It will be more interesting to deal with substance, rather to deal with the supposed or allegated deviances of candidates for the presidence.

    Many politicians, complain that people have bad images of them. But this sort of campaigns do not help them.

    Shame on this guys who report crappy rumors, and do not have the honnesty to check their infos.
  • Reply 2 of 22
    tmptmp Posts: 601member
    She's clearly lying to save Kerry's a$$.

    I mean, when you have a source as unimpeachable as Matt Drudge...

    After all, if it's on the internet, it must be true.

    From the Hollywood A list:


    Fruit Loop and egg fetishist who's done great damage to his gay brothers and sisters by aiding the cause of fascists, intolerant orthodox Christians, and conservative scum. Ethically challenged hypocritical lackey and moral catamite to right-wingers. We remember you from the old days, Matt-o, and when you fall back to obscurity we'll be waiting with sharpened knives.

    Otherwise, he'd sue, right?
  • Reply 3 of 22
    fran441fran441 Posts: 3,715member
    I don't think that there is much to the story, but the thing that makes me nervous is that Kerry was the first pick to be Gore's Vice President, and it was the same type of allgeation that kept him off the ticket.

    So if these kinds of stories were being thrown around in 2000, it's not good they are being thrown around in 2004 as well.
  • Reply 4 of 22
    drewpropsdrewprops Posts: 2,321member
    Fran is apparently correct, the Washington Press has known about this for years but hasn't pulled it out to play with it. The story has legs, how long they are is still being discovered. Sucks for the girl who's now got a fiancee and doesn't want to be Monica Jr., but the minute you kiss a congressman you've signed up for the biggest game show in America.
  • Reply 5 of 22

    Originally posted by drewprops

    Fran is apparently correct, the Washington Press has known about this for years but hasn't pulled it out to play with it. The story has legs, how long they are is still being discovered. Sucks for the girl who's now got a fiancee and doesn't want to be Monica Jr., but the minute you kiss a congressman you've signed up for the biggest game show in America.

    She's NOT Monica Jr. Monica was questioned during the Paula Jones case. That made her denials a legal matter. Clinton's denials caused the perjury charges to be leveled at him. (Starr also suspected Clinton of perjuring himself during the Whitewater trials but he went with Monica-gate because that was a stronger case.)

    Even if Alex Polier did have an affair with Kerry, she isn't being questioned about it in a sexual harrassment case. Moreover, there are no allegations that anyone was given a government job to buy their silence nor are there any allegations that government employees were used to procure sexual favors for Kerry. It's still very much a private matter. Even if he's lying, that's okay by me.
  • Reply 6 of 22
    drewpropsdrewprops Posts: 2,321member
    I agree.

    If there were no political or legal ramifications involved then it's a matter between Cassanova Kerry and his lady friends.
  • Reply 7 of 22
    fran441fran441 Posts: 3,715member
    If it's true, it's a good thing that Heinz ketchup comes in plastic bottles now.
  • Reply 8 of 22
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member

    Originally posted by Fran441

    If it's true, it's a good thing that Heinz ketchup comes in plastic bottles now.

  • Reply 9 of 22
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member

    Originally posted by drewprops

    Fran is apparently correct, the Washington Press has known about this for years but hasn't pulled it out to play with it. The story has legs, how long they are is still being discovered. Sucks for the girl who's now got a fiancee and doesn't want to be Monica Jr., but the minute you kiss a congressman you've signed up for the biggest game show in America.

    Will, it's big of you (and other posters here) to give Kerry a pass on his "infidelity", but it shows how insidious this kind of thing is. Despite the complete lack of evidence and denials by all involved, there seems to be a presumption that there's something here and the choice is to be tolerant or not. Dewprops, what is your source for "the Washington Post has know about it for years? What is the source for "Gore decided against Kerry as a running mate because this was simmering in the background"?

    Anybody? Anybody care to offer up a shred of substaniated anything?

    If not, I would think professing to "not care" that "Kerry had an affair" is sort of, you know, ass hatted.
  • Reply 10 of 22
    fran441fran441 Posts: 3,715member
    I'll try and dig up a link but the Clark stuff is mostly gone now that the campaign is over.
  • Reply 11 of 22
    hell, we give everyone a pass on infidelity...JFK, Clinton, George W, heck, even George senior was rumored to have a mistress

    nothing to see here, move along...they might try to use subtle slander because if they come right out with anything the other side usually has the same ammio waiting to come out...

    both canidates are wealthy as arab princes

    both canidates are ivy league grads born up north

    both canidates did drugs (probably)

    both canidates have been unfaithful (probably)

    so we can go to the real issues now thank you very much

  • Reply 12 of 22
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member

    Originally posted by thegelding

    hell, we give everyone a pass on infidelity...JFK, Clinton, George W, heck, even George senior was rumored to have a mistress

    nothing to see here, move along...they might try to use subtle slander because if they come right out with anything the other side usually has the same ammio waiting to come out...

    both canidates are wealthy as arab princes

    both canidates are ivy league grads born up north

    both canidates did drugs (probably)

    both canidates have been unfaithful (probably)

    so we can go to the real issues now thank you very much


    Works for me.
  • Reply 13 of 22
    scottscott Posts: 7,431member
    We've come a long way. Packwood played a little grab ass and got forced out of office by it. Clinton trades blow jobs for high paying jobs and it's all a "personal" matter. So we're all greased up for Kerry.

    If this were Bush it would be up to him to prove it's false after the Moore stated it as truth.
  • Reply 14 of 22

    Originally posted by Scott

    If this were Bush it would be up to him to prove it's false after the Moore stated it as truth.

    nah, if it was bush he would ignore it till forced to he does on most issues he doesn't want to discuss for whatever reason... the only reason bush finally, kinda, addressed the AWOL issue is because he is going to be running against a war hero in kerry...if dean was the leading democrat the bushies would never had answered the AWOL it stands now, with kerry the likely competition, they knew they couldn't have an image of bush in a borrowed flight jacket on that battleship with a sign saying the war is over being in everyones head and then also have any possible question of his being AWOL when he is running against a war hero.

  • Reply 15 of 22
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member

    Originally posted by Scott

    We've come a long way. Packwood played a little grab ass and got forced out of office by it. Clinton trades blow jobs for high paying jobs and it's all a "personal" matter. So we're all greased up for Kerry.

    If this were Bush it would be up to him to prove it's false after the Moore stated it as truth.

    Clinton was impeached. Were you in a coma that year?

    There are any number of rumors that have floated around about Bush's indiscretions, but because there isn't any hard info they have never risen above rumor. Last time I checked, Bush isn't asked to answer for any of Moore's assertions. Care to name one?

    By "all greased up for Kerry" I assume you mean that you choose to believe he has done something wrong and represents some kind of furtherance of what you imagine to be Democratic low morals and the lack of outrage they engender. That would be based on the completely content free, completely unsubstantiated, denied by all parties purported to be involved fake scandal.

    I don't begrudge you partisanship, but I think it helps to keep just a smidgen of reality in your mix. Otherwise, it makes you seem, well, insane.
  • Reply 16 of 22

    Originally posted by addabox

    ... There are any number of rumors that have floated around about Bush's indiscretions, but because there isn't any hard info they have never risen above rumor. Last time I checked, Bush isn't asked to answer for any of Moore's assertions....

    This is as dumb as it comes. What, pray tell, was that document dump the other day all about? Bush most certainly was asked to answer for Moore's assertions. They've been shown to be without merit.
  • Reply 17 of 22
    scottscott Posts: 7,431member

    Originally posted by addabox

    Clinton was impeached. Were you in a coma that year?


    And what did Clinton's supporters say about the whole affair? Were you awake for that?
  • Reply 18 of 22
    gilschgilsch Posts: 1,995member

    Originally posted by Fran441

    If it's true, it's a good thing that Heinz ketchup comes in plastic bottles now.

    Yeah, like those big plastic bottles won't cause any damage. Trust me, it's not ketchup that would come out of Mr. Kerry's head if hit by a flying Heinz bottle. Or 2, or 3, or....
  • Reply 19 of 22
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member

    Originally posted by zaphod_beeblebrox

    This is as dumb as it comes. What, pray tell, was that document dump the other day all about? Bush most certainly was asked to answer for Moore's assertions. They've been shown to be without merit.

    Yeah. The Whitehouse rushed into defense mode because that great arbiter of the public discourse, Michael Moore, laid down the smack. On account of the liberal media taking their marching orders from him , and all.

    You can say they have been shown to be without merit all you like, but anybody who's paying attention knows that simply untrue. I think all those years of enfeebled left wing rebuttal has given you the impression that you don't have to pay any attention to facts that are widely accessable, you can just say what you like and "liberals" will slink off.

    So let me be clear: when you say "they have been shown to be without merit", you are lying through your teeth.
  • Reply 20 of 22
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member

    Originally posted by Scott

    And what did Clinton's supporters say about the whole affair? Were you awake for that?

    I know this is hard for you Scott, so I'll refresh your memory.

    The contention was that Bush is called on the carpet for nothing while Democrats, apparently as personified by the great satan Clinton, get a pass.

    The only real metric for fairness is play in the media and political fallout. What "clinton's supporters" may or may not have thought is no doubt various, changeable, and beside the point. By any reasonable standard, Clinton recieved an extremely harsh working over by the press and the congress, largely for non-existent "scandals". I have not forgotten, while you perhaps chose never to notice, that the Lewinsky affairl was the sad culmination of 80 million dollars and many years of fishing through every possible corner of Clinton's public life in the hopes of "getting him".

    Bush, on the other hand, rountinely lies about the gravest matters of national interest with little more than a "he said, she said" response in the press. He did it as recently as his prine time interview, when he again asserted that Iraq had refused to "let the inspectors in". That is a bizarre and bald faced lie, but did you see headlines or indeed, any news stories at all taking him to task?

    The national guard service is a story that could have been investigated in 2000, and might have had an effect on the outcome of the election. Instead, we were treated to a steady diet of lies about Gore's "character problems", based on out-right false hoods or kernels of truth so distorted as to be no better than lies.

    I know the right will go on claiming that the "liberal media" goes after their guy and lets "our" fellow travelers off the hook, but the written word persists and can be checked after the fact.
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