Is Feb. 17th a Big Day?



  • Reply 21 of 23
    crusadercrusader Posts: 1,129member
    ok ok.... clearly Feburay the 27th is the big day. All signs point to it. Powerbook G5's, 3 Ghz G5's, and Apple PDA, here we come!!!
  • Reply 22 of 23
    I am skeptical. IDK if there will be PB speed increase in the PB until 3rd quarter '04.


    PB speed bump

    Please use a more appropriate metaphor. A speed bump usually slows me down.
  • Reply 23 of 23

    Originally posted by ~ufo~

    he guessed the mini ipod thing right.....

    Not really guessing.. Apple runs a lot on hype, and the excitement surrounding that hype. I was just going on how things have gone in the past..

    In fact, I can see no new hardware next week either,to keep the mini iPod hype up for another week, to let the reviews and web sites get the buzz out about it.

    Don't get me wrong, I'll be first in line for a PowerBook G5 (actually, 2, one for me and my wife), but I can't see them happening soon. Maybe speedbumped G5 towers...
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