PowerBook 12" crippled compared to 15"



  • Reply 21 of 27
    escherescher Posts: 1,811member

    Originally posted by T'hain Esh Kelch

    Why on earth would you want the Powerbook 12" instead of the iBook, when you are a student?

    I currently own an aging iBook/500. I will choose a 12-inch PowerBook over an iBook as my next laptop because I have a nice 17" LCD sitting on my desktop at home. Sure, you can run the spanning hack on an iBook, but I want to close my 'Book and use only the external LCD. Even with hack, the iBook can't do that. (If it did, I would already have bought a new one.)

    Back on the topic of a future (Rev.C) 12-inch PowerBook, I agree that the low quality of the LCD is a weak point. IMO, Apple could also easily add a second RAM slot. I couldn't care less about the video card. IMO, Apple would easily be able to add the lighted keyboard on the Rev.C 12-inch, and it definitely should.

    Bottom line: two RAM slots and lighted keyboard in the Rev.C 12-inch PowerBook would mean more to me than a faster clock processor (unless it brings improved power management).

  • Reply 22 of 27

    Originally posted by trebuchet

    Why buy Apple ram at all... ever?!? I just purchased a gig of ram for my Powerbook ( 2 x 512 ) for $86 per stick.

    from where?!
  • Reply 23 of 27
    algolalgol Posts: 833member
    I have nothing against the next PowerBook 12" having slower clock speeds than the bigger ones; however the primary powerbook features should exist on all powerbook models. The next 12" should have the lighted keyboard, the 2GB RAM limit, Firewire 800, 167mhz bus, and same graphics card. The difference between the models should be: HD size and speed, clock speed, screen size, PC card slot, and faster memory. If nothing else apple should give you the some of the absent features as choices on their custom configuration page.
  • Reply 24 of 27

    Originally posted by Algol

    I have nothing against the next PowerBook 12" having slower clock speeds than the bigger ones; however the primary powerbook features should exist on all powerbook models. The next 12" should have the lighted keyboard, the 2GB RAM limit, Firewire 800, 167mhz bus, and same graphics card. The difference between the models should be: HD size and speed, clock speed, screen size, PC card slot, and faster memory. If nothing else apple should give you the some of the absent features as choices on their custom configuration page.

    If they did all that, it would cost more. Sure you think it should include all that, but at what price? Apple needs to decide what they can include, and what is a good price for a 12" PowerBook. There's a trade-off between price and features. Apple's margin on the 12" isn't huge.

    It sounds like you disagree with it being called a PowerBook more than what it is or what features it has. If they called it a "midBook" would you still think it is crippled?
  • Reply 25 of 27
    Why Apple thinks, that smaller is worse? Some people just need smaller laptop, because they travel a lot etc... PB 12" should contain same features than 15" model.
  • Reply 26 of 27
    algolalgol Posts: 833member
    I don't think it would cost much for apple to add these features to the powerbook. Fixing the RAM hack wouldn't cost anything. The light up Keyboard could be an option just like on the 15". So this wouldn't add any thing to the cost. Adding 32MB more VRAM wouldn't cost much. Firewire 800 I don't know, but the point is that these features are not expensive they are just not things you can upgrade yourself. Apple just took these features out in order to make people pay more for the 15". They did not take them out to save money or because of the small size. Perhaps it would cost apple another 100 at the most. They could leave the combo 12" the way it is now and the superdrive one could cost 100 more and include these features. Basically make the SuperDrive 12" a smaller 15" and thats all. No other features taken away besides the screen size. I think apple should do this. I mean I can't see any reason why the next rev should not see these changes.
  • Reply 27 of 27
    gongon Posts: 2,437member

    Originally posted by Matsu

    iBooks are going to be really nice once we see a G5 Powerbook.

    With a clear distinction between G5 Powerbooks and G4 iBooks, Apple can freely include ALL of the following.



    1.2-1.5Ghz G4's.

    At current iBook prices, it'll be nice.

    Furthermore, at the prices Apple is now charging, it's time to include airport for "free" in all but the iBook 12"

    I'm drooling at the thought. But somehow I think there will still be no screen spanning. They should have put it in years ago, since it costs nothing at all. But they haven't - so why would they do it now?

    I suppose they will want to sell external displays to iBook owners, so I expect DVI.

    If the iBook gets 1GHz and the same cache as current PB's, that is plenty power IMHO. I'd rather see they concentrate on saving battery than add 0.2GHz.. oh and they should pop in a Radeon 9600 when it's possible pricewise :-)
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