The Digital Hub goes to NAB....

in iPod + iTunes + AppleTV edited January 2014
I know there are a few threads going on about the upcoming NAB, but they are all over the place or they have been combined into a kormac debate.

I would like to know if anyone here is going to NAB and what Apple might have say concerning iPods and QuickTime...especially considering the 2 latest announcements about:

AAC being chosen for DVD-ROM Zone of DVD-Audio Discs as hmurchison's thread has talked about,

but also:

how Fraunhofer has announced that they can put surround sound into mp3's - "Fraunhofer said that the first products using the surround sound technology should be available by July 2004."

It would be nice if Apple got ahead of this curve and stayed there since surround sound will be very important in home multimedia applications. Sony still doesn't have an answer for QuickTime and with the announcement that MacDonalds will be advertizing Sony's windows-based music downloads, I think Sony will be the company to beat, not Dell.


  • Reply 1 of 5
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    Here's what Apple needs to do.

    1. Get Quicktime 7 out.

    2. Either create a new Digital Audio Workstation or beef Logic Pro up with better surround sound options(mixing)and utilize AAC 5.1 for testing.

    3. Control Surface- THe DAW and FCP can both utilize this.

    4. Deliver Core Audio revision which will allow CA and QT7 to interchange audio with realtime transcoding(on it's way according to Core Audio Mailing list)

    5. Get us some fast hardware!!
  • Reply 2 of 5
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    Three big foci for WWDC this year, according to Apple brass...

    1) Enterprise

    2) Science

    3) QUICKTIME <---

    Methinks QT7 may be announced at NAB, with a full rollout at WWDC.
  • Reply 3 of 5
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member
    It can't come soon enough.

    I've put off every project that might require interfacing with QuickTime just because of the SAN checks involved. I don't want to end up like Kickaha.
  • Reply 4 of 5
    kickahakickaha Posts: 8,760member
    Thanks man... *twitch* *twitch*
  • Reply 5 of 5
    macgregormacgregor Posts: 1,434member

    Originally posted by Amorph

    I've put off every project that might require interfacing with QuickTime just because of the SAN checks involved.

    Hey Amorph, what are SAN checks?
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