Morissette: (Canada) is "censor-free" (???)



  • Reply 41 of 56
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member

    Originally posted by Chinney

    I don't know what - if anything - has actually been censored in this regard, as you suggest. If it gets to the point of actually fomenting hatred against gays, then that could be a problem under Canadian law.

    If you are advocating more liberalism with respect to Canada's anti-hatred laws, then you should make your argument explicit in this regard. But sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander and if you want more liberalism in this regard - to allow the argument that it is impossible to be gay and a good Christian and to denounce homosexuality in extreme terms (with sly winks towards advocating violence against homosexuals) - you would also have to allow, for example, for a public broadcasts advancing a constant stream of argument that Christian fundamentalists are not actually Christians and should be denounced, shunned and discriminated against.

    Realistically, I think, you would be against both extremes.

    Because I have acquaintances who work in religious broadcasting, I know a bit about this topic. It's well known that even mentioning homosexuality on a religious broadcast in Canada gets a program flagged and picked apart.

    The problem here is what religious groups are warning about in Bill C-250, which in a decade or two will likely see even publicly mentioning the Bible's prohibition's on homosexuality outlawed. I guess the root of the problem is that "hatred against gays" is always an undefined term. I really don't think it's wise for a society to lump religious disapproval of a sexual behaviour in with nutbars who bash people in the head out of some kind of irrational fear. The end result is to legitimize the nutbars.

    Most religious people who disapprove of homosexuality are equally horrified at the idea of gay-bashing. I don't know where the "sly winks towards advocating violence against homosexuals" idea you mentioned comes from. I challenge you to name even one major/semi-major Canadian religious leader that has shown any favorable disposition towards advocating violence against gays. Just because that charge is repeated over and over, doesn't make it true.

    I guess my point is that speech on all sides should be as free as possible, to allow for debate out in the open. Unless violence is openly being advocated, let the sun shine on free speech. Driving unwanted philosophies underground never destroys them, just allows them to remain out of sight and insulates their advocates from public scrutiny.
  • Reply 42 of 56
    You just have to see what makes it onto regular cable channels such as Showcase, Bravo, Space or CityTV to see the difference between American and Canadian censorship. For those crying foul at Canada's own standards, there really is a staggering difference between what is censored here compared to the States.
  • Reply 43 of 56
    scottscott Posts: 7,431member
    Yea like ideas and opinions?
  • Reply 44 of 56
    scottscott Posts: 7,431member
    Oh wait! Free speech hinges on a boob at the superbowl. That must be what Patrick Henry was talking about. Boobs.
  • Reply 45 of 56
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member

    Originally posted by Jim Paradise

    You just have to see what makes it onto regular cable channels such as Showcase, Bravo, Space or CityTV to see the difference between American and Canadian censorship. For those crying foul at Canada's own standards, there really is a staggering difference between what is censored here compared to the States.

    That's precisely my point.

    Canadians allow full frontal nudity on basic cable and use that as a sign of some sort of 'superiority' over Americans. (Of course, our media rarely mentions the skyrocketing numbers of sex crimes in Canada when covering this story.)

    But some (non-economic) conservative opinions are clearly being censored by the Gov't.

    You tell me which is worse.
  • Reply 46 of 56
    chinneychinney Posts: 1,019member

    Originally posted by Frank777

    That's precisely my point.

    Canadians allow full frontal nudity on basic cable and use that as a sign of some sort of 'superiority' over Americans. (Of course, our media rarely mentions the skyrocketing numbers of sex crimes in Canada when covering this story.)

    Skyrocketing sex crimes......? And just what is the link to nudity?
  • Reply 47 of 56

    Originally posted by Chinney

    Skyrocketing sex crimes......? And just what is the link to nudity?

    That's what I'd like to know...

    And in regards to conservative opinions being censored, there are a lot of conservative opinions that get across through the media and in the public.
  • Reply 48 of 56
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member

    Originally posted by Chinney

    Skyrocketing sex crimes......? And just what is the link to nudity?

    Right now in Toronto the city is coming to grips with several savage, murderous attacks on young children. (Note: Cecila's death isn't however, categorized as a sex crime.)

    There has been a noticiable rise in sex attacks, whether on women or young children. Such attacks are usually committed by people with sexual addictions. Sexual addictions are fueled by pornography. I'll find a link, but I distinctly remember reading a report that found that access to pornography was one of the only common traits among those convicted of violent sexual assaults.
  • Reply 49 of 56

    Originally posted by Frank777

    Right now in Toronto the city is coming to grips with several savage, murderous attacks on young children. (Note: Cecila's death isn't however, categorized as a sex crime.)

    There has been a noticiable rise in sex attacks, whether on women or young children. Such attacks are usually committed by people with sexual addictions. Sexual addictions are fueled by pornography. I'll find a link, but I distinctly remember reading a report that found that access to pornography was one of the only common traits among those convicted of violent sexual assaults.

    There is a huge difference between a rise in a certain crime and the amount of exposure a certain crime receives in the media. Media attention does not equate an actual rise in crime. It just the media has decided to cover it right now. When the US media was in a tizzy over Elizabeth Smart it had everyone believing every other child was in danger of being kidnapped by loonies.

    And you know what you are more likely to find in the possession of a pedophile? Sears catalouges. Not porn. The fact that CityTV shows cheesy porn movies on Friday nights isn't fueling their desire, what may be fueling it is the lack of access they have to material that may satisfy their urges. Adult porn does nothing for a pedophile. And sex assaults on adults has never been about sex.
  • Reply 50 of 56
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member

    Originally posted by InactionMan

    There is a huge difference between a rise in a certain crime and the amount of exposure a certain crime receives in the media. Media attention does not equate an actual rise in crime. It just the media has decided to cover it right now. When the US media was in a tizzy over Elizabeth Smart it had everyone believing every other child was in danger of being kidnapped by loonies.

    And you know what you are more likely to find in the possession of a pedophile? Sears catalouges. Not porn. The fact that CityTV shows cheesy porn movies on Friday nights isn't fueling their desire, what may be fueling it is the lack of access they have to material that may satisfy their urges. Adult porn does nothing for a pedophile. And sex assaults on adults has never been about sex.

    You will notice my post never claimed that there was a rise in crime in Canada. While violent crime may be up sharply in Toronto and other cities, the overall trending is downward due to an aging population.

    And I don't think anybody just wakes up one morning and starts ogling Sears catalogues. Sexual addictions are generally progressive and soft-core pornography is usually the first gateway. CityTV does have to confront its role in all this. I'm not claiming that everyone who watches porn will turn out to be a sexual predator, but all sexual predators I've heard of (including the person arrested for the Holly Jones kidnapping and murder were avid pornography users.

    It's simply not credible to say there's no link.
  • Reply 51 of 56
    cam'roncam'ron Posts: 503member
    are there more sex crimes going on in europe? i think not. they get a ton more nudity on their tvs, so i have to disagree with you. if u are taught that the body is natural and there is nothing wrong with seeing it then people will deal with it better.
  • Reply 52 of 56
    norfanorfa Posts: 171member
    I have to tell you folks , Frank lives in a different Toronto I live in. In the Toronto I live in it's legal for women to walk topless down any public street or in any public park, the FIlm Board is not allowed to censor films for a year, beecause they illegally targeted homosexual pornography and any description of any minority that could led to hate crimes against them is considered a hate crime, nor free speech. So the rantings of Falwell et al against homosexuality have about the same degree of rationality as Hitler's. In the Toronto I live in, a large number of people still leave their doors unlocked, people in people try and help other people in trouble and we have one of the lowest crime rates anywhere. Funny how Frank equates the availability of pornography to sex crimes, but doesn't equate violence on TV to violent crimes or slanderous anti-gay statements by right wing preachers to hate crimes. As stated before, fundalmentalists lack logic skills.
  • Reply 53 of 56
    dmzdmz Posts: 5,775member
    No censorship---unless you are preaching from the Bible. Canada---just like Europe---has its priorities in order.
  • Reply 54 of 56
    curiousuburbcuriousuburb Posts: 3,325member

    Originally posted by Frank777

    Sexual addictions are generally progressive and soft-core pornography is usually the first gateway. CityTV does have to confront its role in all this.

    I'm not claiming that everyone who watches porn will turn out to be a sexual predator, but all sexual predators I've heard of (including the person arrested for the Holly Jones kidnapping and murder were avid pornography users.

    It's simply not credible to say there's no link.

    *chooses not to make "slippery slope" suggestive joke*

    I'm not claiming that everyone who breathes oxygen will turn out to be a sexual predator, but all sexual predators I've heard of (including the person arrested for the Holly Jones kidnapping and murder were oxygen breathers.

    It's simply not credible to say there's no link.


    another shining example of surrealist logic.
  • Reply 55 of 56
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member

    Originally posted by norfa

    I have to tell you folks , Frank lives in a different Toronto I live in. In the Toronto I live in it's legal for women to walk topless down any public street or in any public park, the FIlm Board is not allowed to censor films for a year, beecause they illegally targeted homosexual pornography and any description of any minority that could led to hate crimes against them is considered a hate crime, nor free speech. So the rantings of Falwell et al against homosexuality have about the same degree of rationality as Hitler's. In the Toronto I live in, a large number of people still leave their doors unlocked, people in people try and help other people in trouble and we have one of the lowest crime rates anywhere. Funny how Frank equates the availability of pornography to sex crimes, but doesn't equate violence on TV to violent crimes or slanderous anti-gay statements by right wing preachers to hate crimes. As stated before, fundalmentalists lack logic skills.

    Keeping drinking the kool-aid. I hope it's sugar free...

    Outside of the odd stripper who wants to make a fuss, I proud that Toronto women are largely ignoring the "right" bestowed on them by our idiot judiciary. And comparing Falwell to Hitler is proof-positive that you've lost all perspective.

    You're also living way in the past. Toronto is now a city beset by gun murders and gang violence, as evidence by the latest police raid on the Malvern Crew.

    The idea that most people in Toronto leave their doors unlocked is an outright lie, and you know it. As for the rest, the Canadian left like to play the "we're better than America" card early and often, and then starts to believe its own press releases.

    To finish off, I do think that violence on TV begets violence on the street. Google some more stories on the arrest of the Malvern Crew and what they bragged their favourite movies were.
  • Reply 56 of 56
    frank777frank777 Posts: 5,839member

    Originally posted by curiousuburb

    *chooses not to make "slippery slope" suggestive joke*

    I'm not claiming that everyone who breathes oxygen will turn out to be a sexual predator, but all sexual predators I've heard of (including the person arrested for the Holly Jones kidnapping and murder were oxygen breathers.

    It's simply not credible to say there's no link.


    another shining example of surrealist logic.

    The only surrealistic logic here is yours and norfa's.

    Is there a credible causal link between sexual predators and oxyen breathing?

    Of course not. Oxygen breathing is a trait shared by humans in general.

    On the other hand, an intelligent person will understand that it's at least likely, that the part of the brain that processes sexual impulses/desires will be active during a person viewing pornographic pictures of an 11 year old and a person who goes out on the hunt for an 11 year old.

    Next time you attempt to reverse a quote on someone, try to put some thought into it.
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