dual 2GHZ G5 with pc4000 RAM?

in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
Just currious, I have a dual G5 2GHZ. I was wondering if anyone knows if I could upgrade the ram to PC4000 instead of PC3200 and possibly see a performance increase? The reason I am asking this is because I set up a ram disk to use with photoshop and it sure would be nice to gain a possible 25% increase in the speed of the Ram disk. Let me know



  • Reply 1 of 5
    You could, but you'd pay more for the RAM, and it would downclock itself to PC3200 when you used it in a G5. Sorry.
  • Reply 2 of 5
    dage007dage007 Posts: 320member
    Do you know if there are reports anywhere indicating that the ram would downclock? The reason I ask is that the Bus runs at 1GHZ, so why can't I use 1GHZ ram instead of 800MHZ like the macs have now? Just currious. Does it have to do with the board or is apple just saying this because they could not get enough pc4000 at the time of the sales. I know when I got my G5 even in October, thought the order was placed in June, there was very little to no PC4000 (1GB sticks) available. Therefore Apple could not sell a machine with 8GB ram and capitalise on tha, but with PC3200, they could prob get some smuck to buy a system with *GB ram at apples price which is a rip off as we all know. But thanks for the input.
  • Reply 3 of 5
    regreg Posts: 832member
    Both the Apple and Crucial sites list the PC3200 as the fastest that the machines will support. I'm sure Apple would be willing to sell you the more expensive PC4000 if it worked. I am not as cutting edge as others so I would not waste money on things that might not work.

  • Reply 4 of 5
    thinkthink Posts: 14member
    Well, if you know of any friends who happen to own a stick or two of PC4000, you could borrow theirs and check the speed somehow to confirm that it either has or hasn't downclocked. Alternatively, you could order a single stick of the stuff and test it, then do an RMA if it does indeed downclock.
  • Reply 5 of 5
    dage007dage007 Posts: 320member
    ya thats what im thinking of doing. I will know right away if it is faster when i bench the ram disk. Maybe i will let people know what my outcome is. Especially if in theory it is 25% faster im sure people would want to know

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