Apple's new promo "Power Couple" is indicative of same old G4 until 2004!



  • Reply 21 of 24
    spartspart Posts: 2,060member
    [quote]Originally posted by Xhorxhi:

    <strong>I agree "KOSHEE" I for one am fence sitting and refuse to buy a G4 TI or a DP PowerMac!!! As a power user both of these machine would have been more than adequate 1+ year ago but now.... NO WAY!

    And I am chompin' at the bit for a PB that I can go out in field with and do all the graphics I do at the home office with my desktop set up! Even the Ti800 PB is not there yet. I demoed the Ti800 and my G4 450 "sawtooth" Rev.A "FEELS" better in the finder and does photoshop and 3D work smoother than the "new" PB!</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Maybe thats because they aren't "new?" Last time I checked, the PowerBooks were last updated in April, and are due to be updated any time now.

    [quote]Originally posted by Xhorxhi:

    <strong>As for the "new" DP PowerMacs they surely would "clean up" over my current machine but I "perceive" these new towers as "stop-gap" and no amount of rationalization either technical or whimsical will sway me. Apple is, in my eye, STUCK, and needs to do somthing BIG before I will buy "NEW" again! I think large numbers of "power users" as well as consumer Apple customers feel the same way and it is negatively affecting sales for Apple!

    [ 10-13-2002: Message edited by: Xhorxhi ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    If you perceive the MDD PowerMacs to be stopgap, then you have no idea what stopgap means. You admit that you haven't even tried one of the new machines.

    As for being stuck, the last time Apple was stuck was back in ~2000 when they halted at 500MHz. Ever since the boost to 733MHz they haven't looked back.

    If you would look at sales, I really doubt they are lagging for the PowerMac at the moment. The Dual 867MHz model must be selling very well, probably the best selling low-end PowerMac ever. As for the other two, they are probably selling quite well also.

    Being close minded isn't going to get you far.
  • Reply 22 of 24
    spartspart Posts: 2,060member
    [quote]Originally posted by KOSHEEMEE:

    <strong>Xhorxhi, your realistic outlook on this situation is greatly appreciated!</strong><hr></blockquote>

    He didn't have an outlook, just a bunch of closeminded comments. All he wants are a specified set of numbers that are just as fast as x set of numbers.

    I think that he could believe that the world is flat with quite a bit of conviction, and even after flying around the world in a jet, the proof for the Earth's roundness right in front of him, he would still not change his views. He himself said as much. Someone who doesn't care to listen to reason is functioning only on emotion, greed, envy, etc. Not a good thing.

    [quote]Originally posted by KOSHEEMEE:

    <strong>Ok, for my music studio I go buy a new PowerMac 1.25GHZ dual that is half a front side bus short of a full load, a fire hazard, and as loud as a vacuum cleaner to boot! It is not going to happen!</strong><hr></blockquote>

    The FSB isn't really the problem, and a DDR bus doesn't necessarily mean twice the speed. As for the fire hazard, my ass it is a fire hazard. About as much as any other computer. With regard to noise, it is as loud as any other professional computer. Just because slow, cool-running consumer computers (from Apple, at least) are blessed with silence, doesn't mean that the more powerful, hotter running professional computers will be also.

    [quote]Originally posted by KOSHEEMEE:

    <strong>I am not going to invest in a lot of software and load it on a PC and have it crash all the time either! There is one application I have to have a PC for and that is Gigasampler, a most desirable program. And that strikes another sore spot because Gigasampler for Mac is not happening, especially with the current so embarrassingly so lame hardware!!!</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Looks like a computer isn't for you. May I suggest a good word processor?

    As for the so-called 'lame hardware' scaring off developers, from what I have been seeing more and more software is being ported to Mac OS X. Hardware doesn't seem to be the barrier, marketshare is. But I wont drag this thread off into a discussion about marketshare/mindshare.

    [quote]Originally posted by KOSHEEMEE:

    <strong>Apple I am waiting, I am a power user and I am getting very impatient, and this is causing me to eat an excess amount of chocolate?..we got a lawsuit pending!!!! And Johnny Cockrain is my lawyer!!!! And he has stated ?NO G5, WE SKIN EM ALIVE?

    <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />

    [ 10-13-2002: Message edited by: KOSHEEMEE ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Judging by your English/stupidity, you are not a power user. Suing Apple because you are fat isn't going to make you much happier either. You're the only one to blame in that case.
  • Reply 23 of 24
    Thanks Gang for all the information, and even you Spart, although not even a super computer word processor is going to correct or compensate for my bad grammer. Give me a break I am from Idaho and my social life as a child was little more than me and a field full of potatoes. They have eyes but no mouth!! Beats the heck out or me how I can rock up a storm tickling the ivory and have a heck of a hard time putting thoughts into words.

    Looks like there are new threads proclaiming the arrival of the IBM chip. I came here to AI to find out some information vent a little frustration with APPLE, do a little jive talking, improve my grammer no that is hopeless!!! Met the King, or Queen of jive Spart maybe about 12 years old. It don?t matter if this music thing works out I will need a slick talking agent if you are able and willing, and success has not knocked at your door yet.

    Now the agony of waiting to get my hands on this new Apple monster computer. Music software though no word processor!!!

    Kosheemee over and out!!! For your information in my native language Kosheemee means Dances with Potatoes!!!

    Cheers and enjoy your new Power Macs

    [ 10-13-2002: Message edited by: KOSHEEMEE ]</p>
  • Reply 24 of 24
    don't feed the trolls.

    move along.
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