G5 Powerbooks, coming soon?

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
I have read talk that Apple will be upgrading thier g4 Powerbooks, to the g5 Powerbooks, and in doing so, would discontinue prodcution of the 12" Powerbook, in a g5 format.

My question is, when do we think that this will happen? When will Mac come out with the g5 Powerbook line?

By the way, MACS RULE!!!!!!


  • Reply 1 of 16
    sh0ewaxsh0ewax Posts: 114member
    In light of yesterday's G4 Revamp, I can positivley say this will not happen for 8-10 months...

    And if anyone can prove me wrong, please do so.
  • Reply 2 of 16
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member
    Apple exec Greg Joswiak just said that he didn't expect to see a G5 in a PowerBook "any time soon."

    Read into that what you will, but since the PowerBook is on a ~9 month update cycle (shorter for minor updates, longer for major ones) we can safely say that "[not] any time soon" means at least 9 months, possibly more.

    That doesn't mean that the PowerBook is stuck with a G4, by the way. Freescale (nee Mot SPS) rolls out new PowerPC designs on 90nm this summer.
  • Reply 3 of 16

    Originally posted by Amorph

    Apple exec Greg Joswiak just said that he didn't expect to see a G5 in a PowerBook "any time soon."

    How 'bout making that Apple confirms NO G5 PowerBooks anytime soon thread into a Sticky?
  • Reply 4 of 16
    ipodandimacipodandimac Posts: 3,273member

    if i hear one more person talk about powerbook G5's....
  • Reply 5 of 16
    there are already a billion threads about this. it's NOT going to happen this year, and probably not even next year. jeez.
  • Reply 6 of 16
    yevgenyyevgeny Posts: 1,148member

    Originally posted by Sh0eWax

    In light of yesterday's G4 Revamp, I can positivley say this will not happen for 8-10 months...

    And if anyone can prove me wrong, please do so.

    I agree. 8 months at the earliest. Apple is not going to roll out PB G5's in five months for back to school sales. I think that the only question is if Apple is going to roll out G5 PBs late this year or in January.
  • Reply 7 of 16
    genxgenx Posts: 15member
    Thanks to all of you for your help!!!
  • Reply 8 of 16
    We need a post count minimum in order to start new threads.
  • Reply 9 of 16
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    That is one way to look at things but I suspect that what Apple is telling us is that we will never see a 970 in a portable. Atleast not any of the currently released 970's. Look at "long time" as being infinity.

    Is suspect Apple will bridge the current laptops to something new. This rev gives them anther 6 to 12 months to do that in.

    Personally I don't see a 970 nor a 970-FX going into a laptop and at the same time producing a machine people will buy. So something is being waited on hardware wise. Not really such a bad thing considering Laptop sales are still OK at apple. Its the desk top space that has Apple bleeding.



    Originally posted by Yevgeny

    I agree. 8 months at the earliest. Apple is not going to roll out PB G5's in five months for back to school sales. I think that the only question is if Apple is going to roll out G5 PBs late this year or in January.

  • Reply 10 of 16
    hasapihasapi Posts: 290member
    Yep, Jan 05 (MWSF - is my bet!) at the earliest now. The current update is quite good including the price drops.

    Also, this also gives moto and maybe IBM to come out with even faster G4 by year end. Its entirely possible that a moto's 7457R or IBM's 750VX at around 2GHz will be available by then.

    Remember, the ibooks, emacs and imacs cant stay at the max 1.5G for ever. The 970FX's thermal characteristics does however, suggest that a G5 PB is coming, its just a question of time.

    We may get some more info come WWDC on product line predictions. Until then, Im getting a 1.5G 15" now!.
  • Reply 11 of 16
    I kind of agree with what people are saying about the G5 not being around till 2005, but there is some evidence against it:

    Firstly, of course the chief Joswiak guy would say that they are miles away, otherwise they would never sell the new speed bumped G4s.

    Secondly, he said it took 2 years for the G4 to get in the powerbook. If I am not mistaken, that was the TiBook. ie. completely new architecture for the powerbook. They already have developed the AlBook, surely that cuts down on one time constraint...

    Finally, haven't apple almost exhausted the possibilities for G4 spped bumps and upgrades in the powerbooks? I mean everyone seems to think that 1.5ghz g4 is max in a laptop, 128mb graphics is pretty large etc etc.

    What can the next one have?:

    Big changes:

    New, sharper, wide viewing angle displays

    G5 of course or maybe dual G4? (surely that wouldn't fit)

    Normal improvements (pretty boring):

    Faster RAM, HDD, Superdrive etc.

    Better battery life

    There is no truly amazing NEW technology to fit in otherwise (correct me if I am wrong) - they already have everything..... built-in iSight maybe?

    Could this have been the last G4 speed bump? - roll on christmas shopping at Apple flagship Store London.

    Just speculation.... I know these threads have gone on for ages.
  • Reply 12 of 16
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    I hope Apple never comes out with a G5 PowerBook, just to tweak some of you.
  • Reply 13 of 16
    jessearljessearl Posts: 103member

    Originally posted by Amorph

    That doesn't mean that the PowerBook is stuck with a G4, by the way. Freescale (nee Mot SPS) rolls out new PowerPC designs on 90nm this summer.

    What does this mean? I can't translate.
  • Reply 14 of 16
    pbpb Posts: 4,255member

    Originally posted by jessearl

    What does this mean? I can't translate.

    See Amorph's posts in this thread.
  • Reply 15 of 16
    programmerprogrammer Posts: 3,467member

    Originally posted by jessearl

    What does this mean? I can't translate.

    This means that we might see better alternatives for the portables and consumer machines than a G5. At the very least lower power consumption, possibly higher clock rates... and if we're lucky, on-chip memory controllers.
  • Reply 16 of 16
    jubelumjubelum Posts: 4,490member

    Originally posted by Ensign Pulver

    We need a post count minimum in order to start new threads.

    I guess I can add your name to my "Hundred post rule" petition. Glad to have you aboard. 8)
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