Lying Liar-John Kerry



  • Reply 41 of 72
    gilschgilsch Posts: 1,995member
    Wow Trumptman, just when I thought you couldn't outdo outdo yourself.

    A funny thing happened today while I was driving. I was hitting seek while listening to AM radio when I heard this guy talk about the exact same thing Trumptman is. He was going on and on about Kerry and his "lies" and how he's been caught lying about the medals and about some tape or something and Good Morning America. Well, turns out the guy identified himself as Drudge. Is this the guy from DrudgeBSReport? Wasn't it you Trumptman who started a thread about Kerry having an affair some time back linking to Drudge? Big Drudge fan eh?

    I find it sad that through being partisan before being American some people have a completely different measuring stick when it comes to "lying". Kerry has a lot of catching up to do before even being in the same league as Bush and his admin. regarding "lying". Boohoo, "lying liar-John Kerry". Please....
  • Reply 42 of 72
    7e77e7 Posts: 146member

    Originally posted by pfflam

    Really. Its like an embarrasment of riches . . . so many heroic deeds that he threw them away . . or said that he did in solidarity and anger . . . in youthful passion and anger . . then reclaimed them or simply decided to acknowledge he kept them . . . yeah, somewhere, probably back in 71 he either lost his nerve, and didn't throw them away (in oride) or now, doesn't have them . . .

    Um . . . gee . . . is that really that bad?

    better that then lie to start a war that didn't need to be founght and shouldn't have been fought in the manner that it was, thereby gauranteeing that more terrorism would ensue and American isolation would continue and etc etc etc

    Is this all that the repubs can muster . . . trying to take an obviously valorous man down to the level of snivelling little-avoid-a-bullet-with-a-silver-spoon?

    Please don't embarrass yourself anymore by defending somebody who has no integrity. You are doing your reputation even more harm - if that is actually possible... And by the way this is a story brought to you by ABC News - not exactly known to be a GOP mouthpiece in any way, shape or form.

    President Bush did not lie to start a war, okay? Offer up the proof as merely saying so does not hold up in a court of law. It is Kerry who has already perjured himself with that testimony he gave to the Senate in 1971 and he basically admits as much by backing away from those statements in subsequent years. And again please provide proof that Bush got preferential treatment in getting his National Guard spot - and I mean actual proof that goes beyond left-wing accuasations and extremely shaky circumstantial evidence because as far as I am aware those things have not yet carried the day in a court of law.

    Kerry has been PROVEN to be a liar on at least two separate occasions - and no doubt more when you look at his ever evolving positions on more political issues then you can shake a stick at. Deal with it. Your accusations about Bush have yet to pass the test.

    And your assertion that the war in Iraq has created more terrorism is not really been proven either. We have not had an attack on U.S. soil since 9/11 - all the attacks on our interests here and abroad have happened in Iraq. If we are creating this rising tide of animosity then would it not be logical to assume that we should have been hit here at home or at least in other areas besides Iraq by now? What is probably happening is that Al Qaeda and other Islamic fundamentalist terror groups are being forced to go after us in Iraq because they are well aware that if we succeed in setting up a free, prosperous and democratic Iraq in the heart of the Middle East then the days of Islamic fundamentalism are well and truly numbered. I would rather they attack our heavily armed military force in Iraq than unarmed civilians in their offices and houses here at home. And I am willing to bet that 100% of our Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines serving in Iraq and Afghanistan would agree with that statement.

    And please check your spelling once in awhile or lay off the sauce...
  • Reply 43 of 72
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member

    Originally posted by 7E7

    Please don't embarrass yourself anymore by defending somebody who has no integrity. You are doing your reputation even more harm - if that is actually possible... And by the way this is a story brought to you by ABC News - not exactly known to be a GOP mouthpiece in any way, shape or form.

    President Bush did not lie to start a war, okay? Offer up the proof as merely saying so does not hold up in a court of law. It is Kerry who has already perjured himself with that testimony he gave to the Senate in 1971 and he basically admits as much by backing away from those statements in subsequent years. And again please provide proof that Bush got preferential treatment in getting his National Guard spot - and I mean actual proof that goes beyond left-wing accuasations and extremely shaky circumstantial evidence because as far as I am aware those things have not yet carried the day in a court of law.

    Kerry has been PROVEN to be a liar on at least two separate occasions - and no doubt more when you look at his ever evolving positions on more political issues then you can shake a stick at. Deal with it. Your accusations about Bush have yet to pass the test.

    And your assertion that the war in Iraq has created more terrorism is not really been proven either. We have not had an attack on U.S. soil since 9/11 - all the attacks on our interests here and abroad have happened in Iraq. If we are creating this rising tide of animosity then would it not be logical to assume that we should have been hit here at home or at least in other areas besides Iraq by now? What is probably happening is that Al Qaeda and other Islamic fundamentalist terror groups are being forced to go after us in Iraq because they are well aware that if we succeed in setting up a free, prosperous and democratic Iraq in the heart of the Middle East then the days of Islamic fundamentalism are well and truly numbered. I would rather they attack our heavily armed military force in Iraq than unarmed civilians in their offices and houses here at home. And I am willing to bet that 100% of our Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines serving in Iraq and Afghanistan would agree with that statement.

    And please check your spelling once in awhile or lay off the sauce...

    Everett Washington huh? Doin a lot of smack are we? Your inane ranting about what you fantasize is happening in the Middle East speaks volumes about the perils to America of it's "we will believe whatever we have to keep our party pure" contingent.

    If we can't even talk about the grave issue facing our country without the constant babble from people who are demonstrably incapable of paying attention or acknowledging reality or doing much of anything, really, besides parroting the exhausted rhetoric of right wing hacks who actually know better and are probably surprised at how much traction this horse shit gets outside the beltway, then it's hard to see how we're ever going to get out of a downward spiral of wars of convenience and foreign policy by talking point.

    For god sakes get your head out of your ass and act like a patriot. Think.
  • Reply 44 of 72
    jubelumjubelum Posts: 4,490member

    Originally posted by addabox

    If we can't even talk about the grave issue facing our country without the constant babble from people who are demonstrably incapable of paying attention or acknowledging reality or doing much of anything, really, besides parroting the exhausted rhetoric of right wing hacks who actually know better and are probably surprised at how much traction this horse shit gets outside the beltway, then it's hard to see how we're ever going to get out of a downward spiral of wars of convenience and foreign policy by talking point.

    All of that, in all of its complexity, was actually a correct sentence. Major props for the one-sentence paragraph.

    Now give me your version for left-wing hacks.
  • Reply 45 of 72
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member

    Originally posted by Jubelum

    All of that, in all of its complexity, was actually a correct sentence. Major props for the one-sentence paragraph.

    Now give me your version for left-wing hacks.

    No such thing. Only enlightened men of honor with a certain noble set to their brow.
  • Reply 46 of 72
    gilschgilsch Posts: 1,995member

    Originally posted by 7E7

    Blah blah blah blah blah And please check your spelling once in awhile or lay off the sauce...

    You're so out of touch with reality, correcting you on all your "points" would just be a waste of time.I think you may have set a new "standard" here tonight. And I don't mean that as a compliment.

    P.S By the way, speaking of bad spelling. It's accusations and not "accuasations".
  • Reply 47 of 72
    newnew Posts: 3,244member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    I'm not suggesting that no one ever did anything wrong. In fact I cannot think of any level of human endeavor or public service where someone, somewhere isn't doing something wrong.

    However Kerry appears to have generalized all the actions to the point to where the general soldier is commiting atrocities. He even goes so far as to suggest, but not really implicate himself.


    Actually Vietnam was much worse than that. It wasn't a few "missteps". It was, and still is, a great and well-documented embarrassment to the USA.

    And I've actually met americans ignorant enough to say: "We should have just dropped the bomb over there in 'nam..."
  • Reply 48 of 72
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by Gilsch

    Wow Trumptman, just when I thought you couldn't outdo outdo yourself.

    A funny thing happened today while I was driving. I was hitting seek while listening to AM radio when I heard this guy talk about the exact same thing Trumptman is. He was going on and on about Kerry and his "lies" and how he's been caught lying about the medals and about some tape or something and Good Morning America. Well, turns out the guy identified himself as Drudge. Is this the guy from DrudgeBSReport? Wasn't it you Trumptman who started a thread about Kerry having an affair some time back linking to Drudge? Big Drudge fan eh?

    I find it sad that through being partisan before being American some people have a completely different measuring stick when it comes to "lying". Kerry has a lot of catching up to do before even being in the same league as Bush and his admin. regarding "lying". Boohoo, "lying liar-John Kerry". Please....

    I read Drudge, but then I read lots of sites. If you want me to read a few of your favorites, just post them and I will check them periodically. Just as I do talkingpointsmemo,, etc...

    As for whether Kerry had an affair or not, he probably did but it is irrelevent to the discussion. It could have killed his presidential asperations before they started and you do know the Democrats do have a sort of history for the whole intern/kill your presidential bid with philandering thing.

    But the real point, you know the one you refuse to address, is that Kerry has been caught in an absolute lie that he has repeatedly told so that he can prove he wasn't an extremist with regard to his anti-war views.

  • Reply 49 of 72
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by New

    Actually Vietnam was much worse than that. It wasn't a few "missteps". It was, and still is, a great and well-documented embarrassment to the USA.

    And I've actually met americans ignorant enough to say: "We should have just dropped the bomb over there in 'nam..."

    Are you willing to say that the general service people on the field were on the whole committing war atrocities including rape, murder, and so forth? No one here is trying to argue that Vietnam wasn't a top-down muddled mess. Rather that the men and women attempting with one arm tied behind their back, to execute that mess were not all baby killers, rapists and fond of torture.

  • Reply 50 of 72
    newnew Posts: 3,244member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    Are you willing to say that the general service people on the field were on the whole committing war atrocities including rape, murder, and so forth? No one here is trying to argue that Vietnam wasn't a top-down muddled mess. Rather that the men and women attempting with one arm tied behind their back, to execute that mess were not all baby killers, rapists and fond of torture.


    I never said "all".

    But many did. First google hit.

    Way to many. And people who spoke up against it should be credited for that. Get of your patriotic blinds for two seconds...
  • Reply 51 of 72
    7e77e7 Posts: 146member

    Originally posted by addabox

    Everett Washington huh? Doin a lot of smack are we? Your inane ranting about what you fantasize is happening in the Middle East speaks volumes about the perils to America of it's "we will believe whatever we have to keep our party pure" contingent.

    If we can't even talk about the grave issue facing our country without the constant babble from people who are demonstrably incapable of paying attention or acknowledging reality or doing much of anything, really, besides parroting the exhausted rhetoric of right wing hacks who actually know better and are probably surprised at how much traction this horse shit gets outside the beltway, then it's hard to see how we're ever going to get out of a downward spiral of wars of convenience and foreign policy by talking point.

    For god sakes get your head out of your ass and act like a patriot. Think.

    Doin' a lot of smack? What the hell is that supposed to mean? Never touched the stuff - EVER. I work in law enforcement and I see everyday the damage that stuff can do and the cost it inflicts on our society. So I am offended by your unwarranted attack on my character. I backed my opinion with thoughtful reasoning and perhaps I hurt your feelings because deep down you know it is true. And I have lived in the Middle East so I don't fantasize about anything - I know what the real story is and your ideas about what you think is going on is vastly different than the reality.

    Do you have a problem with somebody exercising free speech? I serve my community daily and consider myself a patriot. It is people like you who refuse to acknowledge reality. If you think this war was started by people who are only interested in the profit motive of the oil and defense industries than you are so far gone that nobody can help you. It is funny. The people who did their utmost to stop this war were the people who were in bed with Saddam Hussein and their incessant greed somehow allowed them to look the other way while hundreds of thousands of Iraqis over the years were slaughtered.

    The vast majority of Iraqis are thankful that Saddam Hussein is gone and are grateful we came. They do want to take their country back but it is a long and difficult process because we are talking about a people who have not been able to speak their own minds for probably most of their lives. They need to learn how to govern - everything is a new process. We need to be firm with them in the respect that they need to take over their own security. But we need to help them and stand by them and we have been doing that. I have heard from so many people who have served over there that have complained to me how little we Americans know about all the good that is being done over there because the media is only concerned with how many servicepeople have died rather than the progress that has been made. Now pull your head out of your ass and find out what is going on rather than spouting all this BS like some liberal hack - such as you are.

    See how this works? Your response is to personally attack me without even beginning to refute what I said with facts or even the most remote bit of reasoning as if your opinion about the world is so obviously correct that no further explanation is warranted. I am afraid that simply just will not do my friend.

    The previous administration's do nothing policies directly resulted in almost 3,000 body bags on September 11, 2001. This was before the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. If we were so beloved before than why is their a huge hole in the ground in downtown Manhattan? These Islamic fundamentalists have hated us before and always will regardless of what we do - mostly as a result of our support for Israel. The only correct answer is to take the fight to these people because you cannot negotiate with people who are willing to take their own lives to kill unarmed women and children in Israel, New York or wherever. They hated us before we invaded Afghanistan and Iraq so I don't think we should be that concerned that they somehow may hate us even more. We know to what lengths our enemies will go to harm us and it is now our job to make sure we eliminate them as a threat so they will never be able to do it to us again. Make sense?
  • Reply 52 of 72
    7e77e7 Posts: 146member

    Originally posted by Gilsch

    You're so out of touch with reality, correcting you on all your "points" would just be a waste of time.I think you may have set a new "standard" here tonight. And I don't mean that as a compliment.

    P.S By the way, speaking of bad spelling. It's accusations and not "accuasations".

    So I missed one word. I would never point that out even to a liberal. Two or three in a single sentence is a different story...
  • Reply 53 of 72
    7e77e7 Posts: 146member

    Originally posted by Gilsch

    You're so out of touch with reality, correcting you on all your "points" would just be a waste of time.I think you may have set a new "standard" here tonight. And I don't mean that as a compliment.

    P.S By the way, speaking of bad spelling. It's accusations and not "accuasations".

    So tell me how it really is, Gilsch. You liberals slay me with your idea that your view of the world is so obviously correct that it requires no further explanation. Try making an argument with some reasoning (and perhaps a few facts for flavor) added in for a change. You might actually like it - until you find out that it is impossible to do without contradicting yourself.

    I wouldn't want to waste your time in any case as it would take you a long time to come up with a logical argument to back your position. I am still waiting for you to actually make your first coherent argument as nothing I have read in any of your posts indicate you are capable of making that kind of a leap...
  • Reply 54 of 72
    gilschgilsch Posts: 1,995member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    I read Drudge

    Hehe, I knew it. That was too easy.

    As for whether Kerry had an affair or not, he probably did but it is irrelevent to the discussion.

    Yeah, "he probably did". I'm sure you have insider info. on that one too. lol

    But the real point, you know the one you refuse to address, is that Kerry has been caught in an absolute lie that he has repeatedly told so that he can prove he wasn't an extremist with regard to his anti-war views.

    Yeah, one highly condecorated war veteran, bad, extremist man who had the balls to go to war for his country.

    A man can change his views on war after being in the thick of it and seeing its horrors and death up close. War changes people.

    Actually the real point is that you're being a hypocrite for using a different measuring stick for Kerry because you love Bush.

    At least Kerry didn't avoid going to Vietnam unlike your hero "Bring it on-Mission Accomplished" Bush.

    Weird how you can love a man who goes out of his way to build up the image of a military warrior in times of war when he wouldn't even answer his country's call 30 some years ago, while at the same time bash a highly decorated Vietnam vet for supposedly "lying" about what he did with his medals...or ribbons.

    Big fzcking deal. Put them on Ebay Kerry. Maybe Bush will buy them.
  • Reply 55 of 72
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by Gilsch

    Hehe, I knew it. That was too easy. Yeah, "he probably did". I'm sure you have insider info. on that one too. lol Yeah, one highly condecorated war veteran, bad, extremist man who had the balls to go to war for his country.

    A man can change his views on war after being in the thick of it and seeing its horrors and death up close. War changes people.

    Actually the real point is that you're being a hypocrite for using a different measuring stick for Kerry because you love Bush.

    At least Kerry didn't avoid going to Vietnam unlike your hero "Bring it on-Mission Accomplished" Bush.

    Weird how you can love a man who goes out of his way to build up the image of a military warrior in times of war when he wouldn't even answer his country's call 30 some years ago, while at the same time bash a highly decorated Vietnam vet for supposedly "lying" about what he did with his medals...or ribbons.

    Big fzcking deal. Put them on Ebay Kerry. Maybe Bush will buy them.

    First I've never said Bush was my hero. I've never even claimed I consider him the best conservative or best Republican. If anything I've complained about government growth under him and the lack of restraint with regard to spending under his watch. So you can take my supposed hypocracy and stuff it because I've given Bush credit and criticism when due.

    The point about the ribbons is that Kerry doesn't want to admit that he crossed a line, from criticizing his country, to tearing it down.

    The difference between the two is not as you termed it no "big fzcking deal."

  • Reply 56 of 72
    gilschgilsch Posts: 1,995member

    Originally posted by 7E7

    So tell me how it really is, Gilsch. You liberals slay me with your idea that your view of the world is so obviously correct that it requires no further explanation.

    Liberal?? Compared to you maybe. I'm a registered Rep who voted for Bush actually(and unfortunately). However, unlike you, I'm not a party zealot who's unable to put the country before the party, and that's why correcting your rhetoric would be a complete waste of my time.
  • Reply 57 of 72
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member




  • Reply 58 of 72
    msanttimsantti Posts: 1,377member

    I'm a registered Rep

  • Reply 59 of 72
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    Nick are you kidding us?

    "How many of the chickenhawk gang accused American soldiers, fighting abroad of participating in rape, murder, torture and other "atrocities?" "

    um duh? THEY WERE atrocities. Have you ever killed someone? A small child, for example? I can't imagine what it felt like to be in Vietnam and I bet you can't either. People that don't know about something especially like this should not talk. That includes you, and any rich Republican that smoked doobies while our GIs were being ordered to kill women, children, civilians, and everything else. I don't think he should have downplayed anything or even done the mild toning down he did when he was talking to Tim Russert. However he has to get elected and this is what he has to do, gravitate toward the middle. Anything but Bush. I seriously think WW III is possible if Bush is reelected. I wanted to join the Army to pay for college but I am definitely waiting until November to make that decision.
  • Reply 60 of 72
    msanttimsantti Posts: 1,377member

    I seriously think WW III is possible if Bush is reelected.

    Hoo boy.
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