Lying Liar-John Kerry



  • Reply 61 of 72
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by Aquatic

    Nick are you kidding us?

    "How many of the chickenhawk gang accused American soldiers, fighting abroad of participating in rape, murder, torture and other "atrocities?" "

    um duh? THEY WERE atrocities. Have you ever killed someone? A small child, for example? I can't imagine what it felt like to be in Vietnam and I bet you can't either. People that don't know about something especially like this should not talk. That includes you, and any rich Republican that smoked doobies while our GIs were being ordered to kill women, children, civilians, and everything else. I don't think he should have downplayed anything or even done the mild toning down he did when he was talking to Tim Russert. However he has to get elected and this is what he has to do, gravitate toward the middle. Anything but Bush. I seriously think WW III is possible if Bush is reelected. I wanted to join the Army to pay for college but I am definitely waiting until November to make that decision.

    Hey, thanks for the rant. Appreciate it, really...

    Have I ever killed someone... ummm... no. I didn't know that was the minimum criteria for being able to make a judgement on this matter. Perhaps you can relate your child killing experiences since you seem to consider yourself fit to pass judgement on this matter while considering me unfit.

    As for smoking doobies while avoiding service, that would be Clinton last time I checked. I didn't know he was a rich Republican. Although I do know he is now rich since his wife's book advance forced her publisher to lay off about a thousand people. Her village had to hit the mean streets so she could buy her dream house.

    As for you "thinking" WWIII is possible under Bush, you should read some history. Look up the long history of passivity and appeasement to aggressors before a war. See how effective it was in the past before you claim it will work again and prevent another World War.

    As for joining the Army, let me give you a bit of advice. If you want to join the service, do so because you want to participate in its primary mission. If you don't want to participate in its primary mission, then don't join. There are plenty of other ways to pay for school beside joining the service. If you are not interested in defending the country, don't join because you will do nothing but piss and moan when you are actually asked to do the job you signed up for.

  • Reply 62 of 72
    jimmacjimmac Posts: 11,898member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    I did, I didn't, I did but I didn't inha... I mean they weren't mine

    Seems Kerry finally told one lie to many and got caught by himself, on tape.

    When will people wake up and see that Kerry and his ilk are trying to have their cake and eat it too. He was demonizing his own troops abroad and using his own medals to protest about it domestically. He crosses a line and then parses and lies to get out of it.

    Sad, sick and wrong. Although I'm sure Al Franken will devote a chapter of his next book to it.


    So how are things down there at the bottom of the barrel?

    The fact that the Bush supporters mudslinging is getting so desperate and pathetic makes me smile.

    All anyone has to say in response to this ( in regard to the election ) is : Hey! Where's the WOMD?
  • Reply 63 of 72
    7e77e7 Posts: 146member

    Originally posted by Gilsch

    Liberal?? Compared to you maybe. I'm a registered Rep who voted for Bush actually(and unfortunately). However, unlike you, I'm not a party zealot who's unable to put the country before the party, and that's why correcting your rhetoric would be a complete waste of my time.

    I have to admit that I find that hard to believe. There seems to be a lot of alleged Republicans who now all of a sudden hate President Bush on all these message boards and methinks this is some ploy by liberals to garner some credibility by claiming to be Republicans when they really aren't. The reason I say this is that any Republican that is upset with Bush is mostly upset with him because they think he is not aggressive enough in prosecuting the war in Iraq or they are upset with government spending which admittedly has been on the rise due mostly in part to the cost of the war on terrorism in Iraq and Afghanistan. Other than on these faceless message boards I never heard of or seen a Republican that is refusing to support Bush for a second term because they thought the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were a mistake.

    And again, I am not a party zealot and supporting the war in Iraq is not putting my party before the country. It was the right thing to do and it is still the right thing to do. Now cut the rhetoric and start providing at least some simple reasoning or factual backing as to why you believe we are going down the wrong road. I just am sick of people like you blowing gaskets at what you consider to be outrageous and then refuse to reason why what is going on is wrong and what you would do differently. We already know what doing nothing got us so please enlighten us with your concept of how you will go about making the world safer for us Americans at home. We were already despised by Islamic fundamentalists around the world before Bush came into office so what is your grand scheme that will lead them to lay down there arms and proclaim undying love for the United States? Do you suggest we sell out the Israelis so we can garner support from these murderous fanatics? What do you propose we do about this problem. Stop moaning about what you think is wrong and start telling us how things need to be done.

    Please waste some of your time and refute what I have said. Please!!!
  • Reply 64 of 72
    jimmacjimmac Posts: 11,898member

    Originally posted by 7E7

    I have to admit that I find that hard to believe. There seems to be a lot of alleged Republicans who now all of a sudden hate President Bush on all these message boards and methinks this is some ploy by liberals to garner some credibility by claiming to be Republicans when they really aren't. The reason I say this is that any Republican that is upset with Bush is mostly upset with him because they think he is not aggressive enough in prosecuting the war in Iraq or they are upset with government spending which admittedly has been on the rise due mostly in part to the cost of the war on terrorism in Iraq and Afghanistan. Other than on these faceless message boards I never heard of or seen a Republican that is refusing to support Bush for a second term because they thought the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were a mistake.

    And again, I am not a party zealot and supporting the war in Iraq is not putting my party before the country. It was the right thing to do and it is still the right thing to do. Now cut the rhetoric and start providing at least some simple reasoning or factual backing as to why you believe we are going down the wrong road. I just am sick of people like you blowing gaskets at what you consider to be outrageous and then refuse to reason why what is going on is wrong and what you would do differently. We already know what doing nothing got us so please enlighten us with your concept of how you will go about making the world safer for us Americans at home. We were already despised by Islamic fundamentalists around the world before Bush came into office so what is your grand scheme that will lead them to lay down there arms and proclaim undying love for the United States? Do you suggest we sell out the Israelis so we can garner support from these murderous fanatics? What do you propose we do about this problem. Stop moaning about what you think is wrong and start telling us how things need to be done.

    Please waste some of your time and refute what I have said. Please!!!

    Nope if you want to blame someone for Bush's drop in popularity with his own party it's Bush.

    What Bush did was just piss most of the world off at us. How's that making it safer?

    What should be done is a very complex question. What we shouldn't do is attack other counties without provocation and then apparently lie to our own people about the reason for starters. That sort of thing just makes matters worse.

    Oh by the way where's the WOMD?
  • Reply 65 of 72
    artman @_@artman @_@ Posts: 2,546member
    Bush...No, never again. Terrifying. (bonesman)

    Kerry...Why not? Any man who keeps secrets (bonesman).

    Nader...Chronic complainer. Weird. Ineffective when in office.

    I'm not voting. Period. All is lost.


  • Reply 66 of 72
    gilschgilsch Posts: 1,995member

    Originally posted by 7E7

    I have to admit that I find that hard to believe. There seems to be a lot of alleged Republicans who now all of a sudden hate President Bush on all these message boards and methinks this is some ploy by liberals to garner some credibility by claiming to be Republicans when they really aren't.

    Please waste some of your time and refute what I have said. Please!!!

    I couldn't care less if you believe my party affiliation or not quite frankly. Give me a break. As for your AO board liberals pretending to be Republicans for "credibility" conspiracy theory, well, thanks for the comedic relief.
  • Reply 67 of 72
    jubelumjubelum Posts: 4,490member

    Originally posted by jimmac

    Oh by the way where's the WOMD?

    Hardly worth laughing about...
  • Reply 68 of 72
    scottscott Posts: 7,431member

    Originally posted by Artman @_@

    Bush...No, never again. Terrifying. (bonesman)

    Kerry...Why not? Any man who keeps secrets (bonesman).

    Nader...Chronic complainer. Weird. Ineffective when in office.

    I'm not voting. Period. All is lost.


    Sounds like you need a fourth party canidate.
  • Reply 69 of 72
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by Gilsch

    I couldn't care less if you believe my party affiliation or not quite frankly. Give me a break. As for your AO board liberals pretending to be Republicans for "credibility" conspiracy theory, well, thanks for the comedic relief.


    I've asked you as well about your supposed "Republicanism." I've never seen you claim a conservative position on oh.... anything.

    It's sort of like being Catholic but disagreeing with ALL the teachings of the church.

    Why don't you lay out a few or your "conservative" beliefs for us. If you claim the word, then back it up.

  • Reply 70 of 72
    trumptmantrumptman Posts: 16,464member

    Originally posted by jimmac

    So how are things down there at the bottom of the barrel?

    The fact that the Bush supporters mudslinging is getting so desperate and pathetic makes me smile.

    All anyone has to say in response to this ( in regard to the election ) is : Hey! Where's the WOMD?

    I'm not at the bottom of the barrel yet. I looked beneath my feet and saw the Bush National Guard Service memo and the Bush Driving Drunk 20+ years ago memo underneath my feet. I also saw every Al Franken book too.

    Funny how it is only desperate and pathetic when it is a Republican. When Democrats do it, it must be moral indignation, and just doing what it takes to win.

  • Reply 71 of 72
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member

    Originally posted by groverat






    Indeed. You people need to cool off and stop being so damn obnoxious to one another. You're just embarrassing yourselves.

    I considered re-opening this later, but that never seems to help.
  • Reply 72 of 72
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    Maybe Republicans don't like Bush because Republicans in theory are for less government. less DEBT. Less INTERFERING with other countries. Civil liberties (as in what the PATRIOT Act takes away.)
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