What do you love & hate about your job?



  • Reply 41 of 44
    fangornfangorn Posts: 323member
    Well, I'm self-employed, so if I didn't love my job more than I hated it, well, I couldn't exactly work out new terms with the boss.

    I love the work I do. Since 99% of our work involves college textbooks, I feel like I'm always learning. Sometimes the stress level gets a bit much because the deadlines tend to be tight. Most of the authors/professors are great to work with, although there is the occasional exception to the rule. On top of it all, I think I get the best of both worlds: I work but raise my own kids--no daycare, no babysitters.

    The part I don't like is doing sales. Calling and asking for work is the toughest part for me.
  • Reply 42 of 44
    whisperwhisper Posts: 735member

    Originally posted by podmate

    I bet Carol A can answer this better than I can. From what I see at the University that I work for you will need a minumum of a Masters. To get tenure you will need a Doctorate. I not sure what you need for public/private K-12.

    My brother-in-law is a Spanish teacher at a Prep school in CT. and he only has a BS.

    For private schools (at least in California), I don't think you need anything. Maybe a HS diploma. I was offered a job teaching Graphic Arts at a private high school out near where my parents live before I was even halfway through college. And the degree I'm working towards isn't even in that field.
  • Reply 43 of 44
    whisperwhisper Posts: 735member
    Oh, sorry, forgot to tell you about my job. At the moment I'm a freelance audio engineer (though that may change soon cause it's pretty dry around here right now). I love my jobs except for two things: the loading/unloading of all that heavy gear, and the odd hours. Overall, I'd say about 80/20 in favor of what I'm doing.
  • Reply 44 of 44
    carol acarol a Posts: 1,043member

    Originally posted by hardhead

    Carol A, hat's off to you and all educators the world over. It's an indication (a sorry one at that...) of sorts that teachers in the USA are not given their proper and earned financial due.

    I work as an independent contractor for a security and protection service. I've been fortunate(hmmm...) enough to have established myself with the upper income segment of society. As such, I get to see first hand how disconnected so many of the wealthy are from middle-class(and below...) Joe and Jane America. It's very funny and very tragic at the same time. I enjoy my work very much, get paid well and consider myself to be one lucky son of a gun.

    I also work in East Los Angeles(a pre-dominantly Mexican/American area) on my spare time helping ex-gang bangers work their way to mainstream life again. Very satisfying work. Despite being blond haired and blue eyed, I get respect because I give it as well as not taking sh*t from anyone.

    Hi Hardhead -

    Were you in the military, by any chance, before your current job? You sound like you might have been a Marine or in Special Forces. I have a friend on another board who was in Army special forces for quite a few years.

    What's the (ballpark) success rate with the gangbangers? Are they mostly teenagers, or guys in their twenties?
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