PowerBook S-Video

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Hey Guys. Many of you helped to convince me to get a PowerBook, 15inch, combo drive, i don't need a dvd burner, and it is awsome. I tried to connect with the S-Video, and the adaptor to my tv, like it says you can do, and it did not work, and I don't know why? Any Help? I tried the apple help menu, but I think I am doing somthing wrong? I know u were help before, I know u will be a help now,



  • Reply 1 of 3
    wrong robotwrong robot Posts: 3,907member
    I never have any problems connecting my computer to the TV. I take the Adaptor Provided by apple, an RCA red and white cable*, plug one end into the TV and one end into the adaptor. Open up System preferences, click "detect displays", then I configure how I want it.

    Usually the TV switches to the proper input for me, but if not, then I simply goto the specified input with the remote.

    *Though technically you need a singular yellow tipped RCA cable, The Red and white cable works just fine, I juts don't use the White(or red) part
  • Reply 2 of 3
    genxgenx Posts: 15member
    hey, thanks for your help. The detecting displays part was the piece I missed, but now I have it working, and as I type I have my iTunes visulaizer running, this will be great for parties, thanks
  • Reply 3 of 3
    cosmonutcosmonut Posts: 4,872member
    Just as a note, sleeping and waking the Powerbook will automatically have it detect displays, as well as hitting the little display...detection...button...thing...in the 'F' keys.
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