PC user who's switching tomorrow after work! need help



  • Reply 21 of 44
    dmband0026dmband0026 Posts: 2,345member

    Originally posted by IWANTAMAC

    Hey everyone. I've been reading this site for the past 6 months because I want a Mac. I finally am saying something because it's nice to see that so many of you are helpful. I hope I can save enough money this summer to buy a Mac (powerbook). Then I can finally become one of you. By the way, I don't mind my Dell laptop excpet for one thing. When I start my laptop, it starts up normally, but after the WindowXP Professional screen with the scrolling bar at the bottom, the screen goes blank. The hard drive is running and everything but just goes black. I have to restart it and try it again. Sometimes it happens multiple times and I want to drop it on the floor and jump on it. My roommate has the same laptop and has the same problem. I just want a Mac just for the hell of it. 8)

    Welcome to AI, hope you enjoy your stay. And since this is your first post, I won't jump all over you for hijacking the thread

    I hope you can save up enough money for that PB too, those things are sweet, my 12" is coming in next week sometime. You'll never realize how bad you have it until you have it so good with a Mac

    And about your problem with your Dell, backup, reinstall Windows, than drop it on the floor and jump on it ;-)

    Seriously though, backup and reinstall and that should solve a problem like that.
  • Reply 22 of 44
    avalon409avalon409 Posts: 12member
    wee got my powerbook g4 1.33 today .. god damn os X is beautiful .. expose is SWEET ... wonder if i can show desktop (minimize all) in one click of an icon like in windows. wow .. the cutest thing is using aol instant messenger and having a conversation in the window instead of a list of typed words ...

    so far .. no software problems, no reboots, thing is gorgeous. one bad pixel, left of center on center row of screen, it's green, dissapears when it's white or has a window up, desktop shows it as a green dot on any wallpaper =( .. probly wont go in and whine unless i have another problem or it bugs me shitless ..

    so far i think this is a beautiful machine

    hope pixel will dissapear or will be able to be massaged out .. oh well, that's life. thanks for all your help again guys.
  • Reply 23 of 44
    vox barbaravox barbara Posts: 2,021member

    Originally posted by avalon409

    thanks for the warm welcome, ...

    hi, just enjoy your pb, it will be fine, assured

    advice: don't think "problem", if you think "problem", everything goes the way of "selffulfilling prophecy", perhaps you know what i mean.

    heard about statistics? I'd say 99% of the products apple delivers are pretty much ok. only perhaps 1% is no good. but that is normal. The thing is, in forums like this this particular 1% is kind of overrepresented. You probably get the picture

    That is statistic in a nutshell.

    In the very most cases i'd say apple rocks !

  • Reply 24 of 44
    vox barbaravox barbara Posts: 2,021member

    Originally posted by avalon409

    ... wonder if i can show desktop (minimize all) in one click of an icon like in windows...

    there are different ways of course. get a bit familiar with the power of exposé. Either you use FKeys (i.e. mine is F10) or you move your mouse to one particular corner, both actions reveal the desktop instantly. In this state you have full access to desktop content, try "drag and drop"

    Or, one common way to hide ANY open window instantly is command-option-click the dock finder icon (the one far left).

    by clicking on docked app icons (left to the line in the dock), you will bring that app to the front, option-click to one particular app icon will bring the app to the front AND hides any other. And so on and so on

    go figure it.

  • Reply 25 of 44
    zozo Posts: 3,117member
    btw, If you use MS or Logitech mice, they have good mouse drivers that add a ton of functionality and stuff.

    I use an optical MS 2 button scroll mouse and with the drivers installed you can assign each button to different keys or jey bindings, and you can tell the drivers to use certain keys in certain apps. Very useful for gaming.

    For example, I have set my scroll button to Apple+H which is Hide an application. For me its the easiest way of getting rid of clutter. Im not 100% used to Expose' yet.... although you could assign a mouse button to one of the Expose' bindings...

    oh... and www.versiontracker.com is your friend... just dont get too addicted to it
  • Reply 26 of 44
    stylesheetstylesheet Posts: 19member

    Originally posted by avalon409

    wonder if i can show desktop (minimize all) in one click of an icon like in windows.

    Dunno if this is any help- but as other people have mentioned, you can just use hot corners to easily show the desktop.

    heres my Expose setup:

    Desktop - Bottom Right corner

    All Windows - Middle mouse button (scroll wheel on any Logitec / MS mouse)

    Application windows - Bottom Left corner

    Hope it helps
  • Reply 27 of 44
    staphbabystaphbaby Posts: 353member

    Originally posted by ZO

    oh... and www.versiontracker.com is your friend... just dont get too addicted to it

    Hmm... if versiontracker is your friend, then macupdate is my surrogate lover.

  • Reply 28 of 44
    vox barbaravox barbara Posts: 2,021member

    Originally posted by avalon409

    ... so far i think this is a beautiful machine...

    if you want to get some tidbits about the entire platform, THAN you probably shouldn't miss the museum, ars, and the devcenter, but leave this link alone.
  • Reply 29 of 44
    flounderflounder Posts: 2,674member

    Originally posted by Stylesheet

    heres my Expose setup:

    Desktop - Bottom Right corner

    All Windows - Middle mouse button (scroll wheel on any Logitec / MS mouse)

    Application windows - Bottom Left corner

    Hope it helps

    That's my exposé set up too! It works well......
  • Reply 30 of 44
    johnqjohnq Posts: 2,763member
    And MacFixIt.com is good for keeping up with various troubleshooting issues. Never hurts to peruse the headlines even if none apply to you. You might remember an article later when you do need an answer.

    And don't let that site scare you. After all there are millions of users with millions of different setups, so things go wrong eventually but sites like that are only about the problems. It's not representative of typical usage.

    The forums are particularly handy: http://www.macfixitforums.com/

    However, AppleInsider's forum is just as good for troubleshooting, I find. I tend to actually not go to MFI any more except the main page. (Moderation was waaaay to stringent).
  • Reply 31 of 44
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member

    Originally posted by avalon409

    one bad pixel, left of center on center row of screen, it's green, dissapears when it's white or has a window up, desktop shows it as a green dot on any wallpaper =( ..

    Yeah, that's a stuck pixel, not a dead one, so chances are decent that it can be fixed by you with some patience.
  • Reply 32 of 44
    vox barbaravox barbara Posts: 2,021member

    Originally posted by avalon409

    wee ... SWEET ... ... the cutest thing ... thing is gorgeous ... is a beautiful machine...

    well, i guess my way to quote lets assume i am a bit biased, hm, i will mull over it later on

    btw, iTuned already? just curious.

  • Reply 33 of 44
    soulcrushersoulcrusher Posts: 587member

    Originally posted by progmac

    don't be disheartened if you feel a little useless for a while. going from windows, it will take a couple months of regular use and then everything will be second nature. make sure you learn the key commands. here are some common ones. oh, command is the key with an apple and clover looking thing on it. i like to call it apple (or "open apple" haha), but most of the mac-heads prefer command, so i'll use that

    command + w: close window

    command + q: quit program

    ---side note: closing a window and quitting a program are not one in the same as they are in Microsoft Windows----

    command + tab: cycle between open programs (should be familiar)

    command + ~ : cycle between open windows within a program (equivalant to ctrl + tab in windows)

    command + m: minimize window to dock

    command + n: new finder window

    command + shift + n: new folder

    command + l: create alias (Microsoft "shortcut")

    command + left: move to beginning of line when entering text (like MS "home)

    command + right: move to end of line when entering text (like MS "end")

    home: move to beginning of document

    end: move to end of document

    then there are the old command + s (save), etc, that should be familiar from windows. in all the context menus, the key commands will be marked. the up arrow you will see on occassion means the shift key. the weird looking tilted Z with a dash means option.

    hope this helps. even if it doesn't, it was fun to type

    Hey man you missed the most useful one!

    command + h

    Hide is the best feature on the Mac.
  • Reply 34 of 44
    ghost_user_nameghost_user_name Posts: 22,667member
    Well, ladies and gents, I'm proud of you all. i usually like to be one of the first to welcome in new members and PC-to Mac switchers, but you've done a fantastic job showing the ropes and explaining some of the transitional nuances about using a Mac.

    Here are a few things I'd like to add:
    • Read and learn this list of text navigation shortcuts! Some of these were mentioned before by progmac, but this is a little more complete.

    • Understand the system's inheritance hierarchy. For new users, it's confusing why there are *three* or more Library folders (one at the top, one in System, and one in your home). Read this explanation and then re-read it again.

    • Ever wonder how to "uninstall" something? Think simple. Trash it. Bing-bang-boom, done. I have a tutorial explaining this in greater depth here.

    • Enable the system-wide spell checker wherever you go! Edit: Spelling: Check Spelling As You Type. If an app you use doesn't support it, complain to the developers until it does!

    • Try drag and drop on everything, it's one of the landmark features of a Mac. Command-drag toolbar items, command-drag extra menu items (on the right of the menu bar), drag files and drop them onto a Dock (or Finder) app icon to open them, drag and drop text, drag and drop pictures, drag and drop URLs and bookmarks in Safari (both the editor and in the bar on your window), drag and drop the little icon in document and folder title bars, drag a selection and activate expose or apple-tab and drop it into another window or program, drag and drop in the Finder with spring-loaded folders and windows, drag and drop a file in the Terminal to enter its path... the list goes on! I could write pages just about the widespread availability of "drag and drop" in Mac OS X.

    I'll add more as I can think of them. The most important thing to keep in mind, though:

    Don't be afraid to try things and explore your new computer! Mac OS X isn't fragile. It would take some intentional mucking for you to "break" it. Worst case scenario: since this is a new computer, you can always wipe it and restore from the original CDs, but I doubt there's anything you'd do that would necessitate that.

    Enjoy your new Mac! And welcome to AppleInsider. I hope to read all about your new experiences. If you have *any* questions, feel free to ask them or search AppleInsider. Like the old adage says, here are no "stupid questions" especially for new users.
  • Reply 35 of 44
    progmacprogmac Posts: 1,850member

    Originally posted by soulcrusher

    Hey man you missed the most useful one!

    command + h

    Hide is the best feature on the Mac.

    good catch. hide is quite useful, as is "hide other" (hides all windows except for the program that is open) : command + option + h
  • Reply 36 of 44
    vox barbaravox barbara Posts: 2,021member

    Originally posted by Brad

    [*]Try drag and drop on everything, it's one of the landmark features of a Mac. Command-drag toolbar items, command-drag extra menu items (on the right of the menu bar), drag files and drop them onto a Dock (or Finder) app icon to open them, drag and drop text, drag and drop pictures, drag and drop URLs and bookmarks in Safari (both the editor and in the bar on your window), drag and drop the little icon in document and folder title bars, drag a selection and activate expose or apple-tab and drop it into another window or program, drag and drop in the Finder with spring-loaded folders and windows, drag and drop a file in the Terminal to enter its path... the list goes on! I could write pages just about the widespread availability of "drag and drop" in Mac OS X.[/list]

    I couldn't have said it with more impact - that is exactly, what i meant with try drag an' drop, - indeed.
  • Reply 37 of 44
    avalon409avalon409 Posts: 12member
    how do i fix a stuck pixel... is there a calibrating thing i heard on another thread ...

    if i remember right, it isnt the standard calibrator with the powerbook

  • Reply 38 of 44
    avalon409avalon409 Posts: 12member
    thanks for the warm welcome brad .. i am loving expose ... and as much as i liked the show desktop icon in windows .. the hotcorner desktop thiingy is sweet ... i am still not sure if i am uninstalling everything properly .. but oh well. seems the only issues i have with this beauty is one stuck pixel and a crumpler school hymn hard sleeve to come in ... they seem to be sold out EVERYWHERE until june?!? augh ..

    i know one stuck pixel shouldnt be a big deal .. but it's glaring green and i'm some sorta optical perfectionist ... so i know it will bother me after i stare at it long enough ... anyone know how i can fix it?

    thanks a bunch ... i was warned about people like you *Brad* before i switched ... hehe fellow forum members said you guys would be really helpful and you are. will read up on those links =)
  • Reply 39 of 44
    lucaluca Posts: 3,833member
    Since you have a warranty you may as well try going into the Apple store and asking if you can get a replacement. Chances are you won't get one since it's only one pixel, but in many cases the location of the pixel is important in determining whether to offer a replacement or not. If it's near the edge, there's no way you'll get a replacement for just one pixel, but if it's near the center like you said there may be a chance. Worth a shot at least.

    I guess you can hope for a screen defect to take your screen so you get a new, 100% perfect one \
  • Reply 40 of 44
    avalon409avalon409 Posts: 12member
    top to bottom (row) it is right about middle, left to right, it's slightly left, maybe half to one inch left of center hatch .. lemme double check

    an inch to the left ...
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