Confirmed!!! G5's On the Way.....(typo?)



  • Reply 40 of 95
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    [quote]Originally posted by mackie9:

    <strong>...There's nothing incorrect on my web site. The shareware version of VueScan 7.3.5 will not run on PowerPC G5 systems (yes, it says G5, not G4). I'm not able to explain this any further at this time....</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Sure and guess what the shareware version of VueScan doesn't run on the PPC G6 or G7 either. <img src="graemlins/hmmm.gif" border="0" alt="[Hmmm]" />

  • Reply 42 of 95
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member

    There's nothing incorrect on my web site. The shareware

    version of VueScan 7.3.5 will not run on PowerPC G5

    systems (yes, it says G5, not G4).


    If he disabled it of course it won´t run a G5
  • Reply 43 of 95
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member
    From: [email protected]

    Date: Mon Dec 17, 2001 02:59:29 PM US/Eastern

    To: [email protected]

    Subject: Re: PowerPC G5 disabling?

    In a message dated 12/17/2001 2:51:44 PM EST, [email protected] writes:

    But, I hope this isn't a hoax to get traffic for your site.

    The code is definitely in VueScan. Here's the OS 8/9 version:

    #if defined(__MACOS__)

    int ret = 0;

    long response;

    if (noErr == Gestalt(gestaltNameRegistryVersion, &response))


    RegEntryIter iterator;

    OSStatus err = RegistryEntryIterateCreate(&iterator);

    if (noErr == err)


    RegEntryIterationOp operation = kRegIterContinue;

    while (1)


    Boolean done = false;

    RegEntryID regEntryID;

    err = RegistryEntryIterate(&iterator, operation, &regEntryID, &done);

    if ((noErr != err) || done)


    RegEntryID parent;

    RegCStrEntryNameBuf name;

    Boolean unused;

    name[0] = 0;

    err = RegistryCStrEntryToName(&regEntryID, &parent, name, &unused);

    if (noErr == err)


    if (!strncmp(name, "PowerPC,G5", 10))

    ret = 1;






    return ret;



    Ed Hamrick

    He sent me that. But in regards to it not running on a G6 or G7....good point.
  • Reply 44 of 95
    i found this in the compiled version i just downloaded. the string "PowerPC, G5" is definately part of the code - ALTHOUGH THIS DOESN'T MEAN ANYTHING !

    Copyright 2001 Hamrick Software
  • Reply 45 of 95
    Come on guy this guy is playing with our nerves.... the shareware doe not work on a G5 or whatever shipset that does not exist at the moment !!!!
  • Reply 46 of 95
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member
    [quote]Originally posted by SDW2001:

    <strong>This is huge. Or maybe he is just a jack ass....</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I cast my vote for jack ass
  • Reply 47 of 95
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member
    Well, it is possible that:

    1) This guy is ****ing with us for fun. Possible that he just put it in there (the code) for fun so he could say it wasn't a typo.

    2) He actually has access to a G5

    3) He knows someone with a G5

    many others.....
  • Reply 48 of 95
    it's a typo as reported by mike at<a href=""; target="_blank">web page</a>

    if you really believe some joe blow shareware developer is going to recieve that kind of hardware from apple for whatever reason, you are absolutely nuts or are bogarting waaaaay to much of the happy smoke. if it's the later send some of that my way please.
  • Reply 49 of 95
    Definitely very surreal, but remember that code that disables operation on a fictional chipset is not an entire impossibility.

    An excellent trick, either way.
  • Reply 50 of 95
    ooops me spoke to soon and misread the article. dumb ass am i.

    still say it's a typo, but much appreciate any and all happy smoke you send me.
  • Reply 50 of 95
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    [quote]Originally posted by running with scissors:

    <strong>it's a typo as reported by mike at<a href=""; target="_blank">web page</a>

    if you really believe some joe blow shareware developer is going to recieve that kind of hardware from apple for whatever reason, you are absolutely nuts or are bogarting waaaaay to much of the happy smoke. if it's the later send some of that my way please.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Wow, did you even read that? It clearly says' IT IS NOT A TYPO. Jeesh, if you are gonna site info, site it correctly

    [quote] Scanner Software Notes 'Disabled on G5 Processors' -

    " <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;

    The above URL for Hamrick Software's Mac version of their VueScan software has a note about the latest version being "disabled on G5 processors"?!?!?!


    I'd venture to guess that Hamrick Software is a test site for a G5 Mac - or at least they have access to one. [or a user of their software perhaps reported this?-Mike]

    Why they mention this on their site is strange - you'd think that if they are a test site that an NDA would keep them from mentioning it.

    -Eric Smalling "

    The word I hear is that all new hardware testing is done inside of Apple (machines not seeded anymore outside of Apple), but not positive that is true. Checking the linked page at noon today the note is still there:

    "Please note that the shareware version of VueScan is disabled on PowerPC G5 processors."

    Not sure if this is a typo or a "leak" so to speak about new systems that might be announced at Macworld SF early next month.

    (Update - a reader replied to this post

    " Dear Mike:

    Just wanted to confirm that it doesn't look as though Ed Hamrick's note regarding VueScan is a typo. If you go to the VueScan release notes for version 7.3.5, he specifically notes that he's disabled the shareware version for G5 processors. See <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>; It wouldn't make any sense to disable the shareware version on G4 processors -- most of his target audience has probably already moved to the G4.

    Hope this helps. Love your site! <hr></blockquote>

    I guess you don't need any trees to smoke, cause you are already burnt
  • Reply 52 of 95
    here are some of the system error messages in vuescan. no mention of "doesn't run on powerpc g5" or anything like that:

    This application needs at least a MacPlus"This application needs more memory!This application is out of memory*This application needs at least System 7.5 About this wxWindows Application}This application needs Appearance extension (built in with System 8) - this restriction will be relieved in the final release

    one more thing - this is an online app available on his site:

    <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>;
  • Reply 53 of 95
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member
    From: [email protected]

    Date: Mon Dec 17, 2001 03:22:37 PM US/Eastern

    To: [email protected]

    Subject: Re: PowerPC G5 disabling?

    In a message dated 12/17/2001 3:12:52 PM EST, [email protected] writes:

    The code might be there but that doesn't mean the processor even exists

    in shipping form yet.

    That's true.

    How are you available to answer

    the four hundred thousand emails you are about to get?

    I've gotten maybe 15 e-mails about the G5 comment. I've gotten

    more e-mails today about the SprintScan 4000 and problems with

    VueScan 7.3.4 (I fixed these problems in 7.3.5).

    You mean your

    just sitting there waiting for them? hmmm......

    I get more than 100 e-mails every day. It just happens that

    I finished dinner and am wading through a stack of support



    Ed Hamrick

    Latest communication from him.....

    Well, I'll add it to the stack of "stuff that makes the case stronger for the G5". Why not. With all the rumors around something has to be up. There has never to my knowledge been this much specualtion about something addition to the number of leaks and what not.....

    I'm convinced now. Even if this guy is screwing with us. The G5 is coming. There is just too much evidence in support. That's why the keynote got moved. It is going to be ****ing great. All naysayers can believe what they want.
  • Reply 54 of 95
    [quote]Jeesh, if you are gonna site info, site it correctly<hr></blockquote>

    If you are going to insult someone for their reading skills, you should, perhaps, brush up your spelling skills first (cite, not site)
  • Reply 55 of 95
    This can mean one of three things:

    1: He knows something about the G5 and is yanking our chain.

    2: He doesn't know anything about the G5 and is yanking our chain.

    3: This is his way of getting back at Mac users for jamming his email with requests to not stop developing for the Mac.... See Number 2.

    Not supporting non-shipping speculative hardware is as easy as writing this post... Actually easier. I'm doing it right now.
  • Reply 56 of 95
    Th guy is not lying! It is true. It doesn't run in my G5.
  • Reply 57 of 95
    davegeedavegee Posts: 2,765member
    [quote]Originally posted by SDW2001:

    <strong>From: [email protected]

    Date: Mon Dec 17, 2001 03:22:37 PM US/Eastern

    To: [email protected]

    Subject: Re: PowerPC G5 disabling?

    ...I've gotten maybe 15 e-mails about the G5 comment. I've gotten more e-mails today about the SprintScan 4000 and problems with

    VueScan 7.3.4 (I fixed these problems in 7.3.5). .... I get more than 100 e-mails every day. It just happens that I finished dinner and am wading through a stack of support e-mails. Regards, Ed Hamrick</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I also find it kinda strange that the author of VuScan quoted an AI message you posted here as an email reply. Hmm so he way answering support emails and surfing the AI rumors message board all at the same time.. Yea that sure seems strange... I still wanna believe but then again I **always** wanna believe. =)

  • Reply 58 of 95
    icomicom Posts: 41member
    pleasure overload...going to w*** my pants . I want a G5 . By now, Apple would have read it . So, what would they do ? Put the legal team on the guy or just let it happen . This can't go by unpunished it ?

    Still want a G5 though
  • Reply 59 of 95
    Where have you guys been that you think that VueScan is just another piddly software program? Vuescan is great and has very wide use in what market? Oh yeah, the graphics market, where Apple is also big. Chances are small that he has a prototype G5 (assuming they exist). Chances are nearly 100% that some testing his software does.
  • Reply 60 of 95
    g-newsg-news Posts: 1,107member
    Holy shit, either it's aufkcing good hoax, or he's ****ing dead. VueScan, byebye


    O did I tell you I have a G5 at home, yeah I said G5, not G4, 3, 2 or 1, G5! It says ATHLON XP on the chip though, I have no clue why )
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