The Obligatory 2004 NHL Playoffs Thread



  • Reply 181 of 249

    Originally posted by murbot


    2 quick, GOOD goals and it's 4-1 Calgary. Un-frickin-believable. I don't think anyone thought they'd take the first 2 games on the road.

    Go Flames!

    Woohoo!!! Calgary's bringing the cup back to Canada where it belongs! I can't believe this is the same team that hasn't made the playoffs since 1989!

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  • Reply 182 of 249
    buonrottobuonrotto Posts: 6,368member
    Calgary didn't have many shots, but the ones they had were amazing. It didn't help that San Jose gave them so many turnover and odd-man rushes. Still, the bottom line is, like every game, you could tell who was going to win just by seeing who got to the puck first. Calgary had an extra step, they worked harder, and this time they didn't steal the game because they owned it.
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  • Reply 183 of 249
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    Bay area sports franchises... Choking hard since 1995!
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  • Reply 184 of 249
    faydrauthafaydrautha Posts: 127member

    Originally posted by BuonRotto

    Yes, this was definitely true as the game went on, especially TB's horrible display in the third. I know what they were trying to do, but it was a poor showing in that as well. Koharsky (sp?) missed such blatant stuff, I wonder where he was looking all night.

    He is by far one of the WORST officials in the league right now.

    They tried to send a statement. but that kind of stuff doesn't work against a team that's tougher and more physical. I can't wait to see their faces when they come in to Philly. It's a whole new world coming to play here in the playoffs.
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  • Reply 185 of 249
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    Those last two goals in rapid succession were brutal; although I will say SJ kept at them it seemed like. Calgary is playing this game the way it was meant to be played; only one real marquee player but even he plays a team game. Everyone is skating hard, finishing their checks and keeping an even keel whether winning or losing.

    Calgary fans have something to be proud of, whether this team gets Lord Stanley or not. During a season of discontent and labor conflict, these guys are really helping to cover up some of hockey's black eye. Way to go Flames.
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  • Reply 186 of 249
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member
    I forgot to mention this... anyone else sickened by the "quality" of the fans in San Jose? I couldn't believe how quickly they turned on their team. They friggin' booed them off the ice after the first period, for chrissakes! Then in the third, they're cheering Nabokov when he makes an easy save... (that's a classy fan's way of telling a goalie they suck, for the uninitiated).

    Nevermind the fact that they wouldn't even BE in the Western Final if it weren't for Nabokov. Pretty pathetic showing, if you ask me.

    It's funny, I remember Flames fans giving the team a standing ovation after the last home game last year, and they hadn't even made the playoffs. Difference between real fans, and wagon jumpers, I guess.

    I'm not even a Sharks fan and I thought it was terrible. Definitely surprising.

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  • Reply 187 of 249
    alcimedesalcimedes Posts: 5,486member
    you Canadians and your fucking honor.
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  • Reply 188 of 249
    cam'roncam'ron Posts: 503member
    100 bucks says flames win the cup. whos with me??
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  • Reply 189 of 249
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    I wouldn't bet against them at this point; tonight's game will tell the story basically. Meanwhile, the Flyers just got raped on a no-call that led to a LeCavelier breakaway goal. St. Louis (I think) hit Vinny on a long pass that was easily a two-liner. Didn't even seem close on the replay though Clement Clement mouth of Cement didn't notice....

    Too bad. I was hoping Philly would make a game of it. Still time though.
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  • Reply 190 of 249
    inactionmaninactionman Posts: 618member
    Yeah! Them Philly fans sure are quiet. That three way passing play Richards scored on was fantastic. I'm sure Hitchcock, Clarke and Roenick will all have some choice words about the 2-line pass after the game. Given their current habit of declaring everything that doesn't go their way as 'dangerous'* that no-call will definitely be dangerous according to the Broad Street Bullies.

    *Philly declared that all of Darcy Tuckers hits in the second-round were 'dangerous'. Showing the replay of Brashear gooning it up was 'dangerous'.

    What'll Philly declare as the next dangerous act perpetrated against them??? Only time will tell!!! Personally, I can't wait to hear what those whinny bitches are complaining about next!

    GO Anyone-but-philly GO!
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  • Reply 191 of 249
    inactionmaninactionman Posts: 618member
    Oh! I didn't know Hitchcock had complaining about his players being slashed on the back of the legs. Apparently this is dangerous!

    Hitchcock sayeth, "We don't like it, so we're not going to sit there and quietly watch it. It has no place in the game and it is a very, very dangerous play."

    Oh No! Slashing is dangerous!!! Take off your cry-baby pants Ken.

    Game 3 is over. Bolts won. Many dangerous things occurred. I'm sure Philly will be quick to point out what it was in case the rest of us missed it.
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  • Reply 192 of 249
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    I've never liked Hitchcock. The systems he employs are usually boring and as everyone has figured out by now, he whines a lot during the playoffs.
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  • Reply 193 of 249
    faydrauthafaydrautha Posts: 127member

    Originally posted by InactionMan

    Yeah! Them Philly fans sure are quiet. That three way passing play Richards scored on was fantastic. I'm sure Hitchcock, Clarke and Roenick will all have some choice words about the 2-line pass after the game. Given their current habit of declaring everything that doesn't go their way as 'dangerous'* that no-call will definitely be dangerous according to the Broad Street Bullies.

    *Philly declared that all of Darcy Tuckers hits in the second-round were 'dangerous'. Showing the replay of Brashear gooning it up was 'dangerous'.

    What'll Philly declare as the next dangerous act perpetrated against them??? Only time will tell!!! Personally, I can't wait to hear what those whinny bitches are complaining about next!

    GO Anyone-but-philly GO!

    The Broad Street Bullies played in the 1970's. You're in the wrong century. Oh... and clueless.

    Tucker's hits WERE dangerous. Last I check he left his feet on those hits. And last i checked leaving your feet for a check is an automatic 3 game suspension. Missed that one didn't you? Or how about the charge that led to a boarding that wasn't called? Brashear's hit was legal, albeit rough. AND it's against league rules to show the replay the way they did over and over and over.

    I can't wait until next year when there is no more NHL. Maybe a new Hockey league will come out where the officials actually CALL penalties. It's annoying to see all the clutching and grabbing, inconsistant penalty calling and so on. If it's a penalty on one end it's a penalty in both ends.
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  • Reply 194 of 249
    faydrauthafaydrautha Posts: 127member

    Originally posted by InactionMan

    Oh! I didn't know Hitchcock had complaining about his players being slashed on the back of the legs. Apparently this is dangerous!

    Hitchcock sayeth, "We don't like it, so we're not going to sit there and quietly watch it. It has no place in the game and it is a very, very dangerous play."

    Oh No! Slashing is dangerous!!! Take off your cry-baby pants Ken.

    Game 3 is over. Bolts won. Many dangerous things occurred. I'm sure Philly will be quick to point out what it was in case the rest of us missed it.

    Let me guess... you're team either never made it or is already out of the playoffs right?

    And you complain about whining...
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  • Reply 195 of 249
    inactionmaninactionman Posts: 618member

    Originally posted by FaydRautha

    Let me guess... you're team either never made it or is already out of the playoffs right?

    And you complain about whining...

    I'm a Leaf fan. All we know how to do is whine.

    A Flyer fan shouldn't be critiquing the legality of a players checks. The reason Phillie doesn't have their best defensemen is because JR took a 200 foot run at Mats Sundin and sadly missed.
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  • Reply 196 of 249
    inactionmaninactionman Posts: 618member

    Originally posted by FaydRautha


    Tucker's hits WERE dangerous. Last I check he left his feet on those hits. And last i checked leaving your feet for a check is an automatic 3 game suspension. Missed that one didn't you? ...Snip

    From the NHL rules book: A minor or major penalty shall be imposed on a player who skates or jumps into, or charges an opponent in any manner.

    I didn't see anything about a 3 game suspension. Maybe I missed it.

    I agree with you about the amount of obstruction in the game. But every team does it and every team has to play through it. Having your head coach cry about it after every game isn't going to change that. Calling it dangerous won't change it.
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  • Reply 197 of 249
    murbotmurbot Posts: 5,262member

    Originally posted by FaydRautha

    And last i checked leaving your feet for a check is an automatic 3 game suspension. Missed that one didn't you?

    Hmm...I guess I missed that one too. That sounds a little worse than the 2 minutes I thought it got you.
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  • Reply 198 of 249
    agent302agent302 Posts: 974member

    Originally posted by murbot

    I forgot to mention this... anyone else sickened by the "quality" of the fans in San Jose? I couldn't believe how quickly they turned on their team. They friggin' booed them off the ice after the first period, for chrissakes! Then in the third, they're cheering Nabokov when he makes an easy save... (that's a classy fan's way of telling a goalie they suck, for the uninitiated).

    Nevermind the fact that they wouldn't even BE in the Western Final if it weren't for Nabokov. Pretty pathetic showing, if you ask me.

    It's funny, I remember Flames fans giving the team a standing ovation after the last home game last year, and they hadn't even made the playoffs. Difference between real fans, and wagon jumpers, I guess.

    I'm not even a Sharks fan and I thought it was terrible. Definitely surprising.


    How does this compare to throwing orange soda and cow tongues onto the ice?

    You'd have thought that the Flames were the desperate team by the end of that game.

    Go Sharks!
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  • Reply 199 of 249
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member

    Originally posted by FaydRautha

    The Broad Street Bullies played in the 1970's. You're in the wrong century. Oh... and clueless.

    Tucker's hits WERE dangerous. Last I check he left his feet on those hits. And last i checked leaving your feet for a check is an automatic 3 game suspension. Missed that one didn't you? ....

    Uh, no. I have to agree with the others. YOU missed it. 2 minutes, not 3 games. I'm curious, do you actually watch hockey with any regularity? You know of course there's a difference between your feet coming offing the ice as a result of leaning into a guy when you hit him... and literally jumping into your opponent while at high speed.

    I'm not one of the biggest Tucker fans ever -- in fact I detest the guy generally (Domi too) -- but I don't recall seeing anything that was a dirty, jump-first type hit. In fact you see that very rarely. Usually when a player gets up a head of steam and jumps into the player like that, it results in the other guy getting hurt pretty badly.

    It's like getting hit by a brick wall, though obviously Tucker isn't a big guy, mass-wise. I remember in the 92 Winter Olympics one of the players from Sweden (Naslund?) charged a guy from roughly the blue line or so, left his feet as he passed by the net and slammed a Team USA guy into the glass. Blood everywhere; it was brutal. That's what usually happens when a player leaves his skates and runs someone into the boards. If in the open, it often results in a concussion.

    As I recall I think the IHF or whoever the governing body was back then, gave him a game and that was it.
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  • Reply 200 of 249
    willoughbywilloughby Posts: 1,457member
    To all the Flyers haters.....who's dangerous now?

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