O'Franken getting higher ratings than the big fat idiot in NYC



  • Reply 21 of 70
    faust9faust9 Posts: 1,335member

    Originally posted by SDW2001

    OK. Trying to paint these numbers as positive for Air America is really pathetic. Air America cannot and will not succeed. There ISN'T a market for liberal radio, because the vast majority of the electorate rejects liberalism. That doesn't mean their "conservatives" or Bush-lovers either, but liberalism has become curse word in politics. Modern liberals run as moderates, because...hello....that's how they can get elected.

    Secondly, Air America is on....wait for it...NINE radio staions. Rush Limbaugh is on 600, as someone else correctly pointed out. Rush's audience is 20 million listeners per day. Pointing out one demographic area in one city (a decidedly liberal one too) is a joke.

    Thirdly, the numbers themselves are a bit flawed. The ratings number compares STATIONS from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. From the link.

    Think about this. Let's say ABC-NY beats NBC-NY in one demogaphic group (and only in NY) from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Someone then concludes that because, say, "Friends" is on at the same time as say, "My Wife and Kids", (8:30 p.m. for the sake of argument), that "My Wife and Kids" beats friends.

    Even the source of this information is flawed. It's a goddamn liberal BLOG. Worse still, it quotes Franken's quote...which is dubious itself. 6.5 million unique streaming listeners? I'd like some documentation on that.


    Edit: I'd also like to point out that Air America is BUYING radio time, whereas Rush and Hannity are supported by vast ad revenue (which is the motivation for their local affiliates to carry them). If all the reasons Bore America will fail, that's the main one. It simply not profitable.

    Man alive you need to do some research before posting. Here:

    On The Air


    XM Satellite Radio - 167

    Sirius Satellite Radio - 125


    Chapel Hill, NC - WCHL 1360

    Key West, FL - WKIZ 1500

    New York City - WLIB 1190

    Plattsburgh/Burlington - WTWK 1070

    Portland, ME - WMTW_870


    Anchorage, AK_KUDO_1080


    Minneapolis - WMNN 1330

    Portland, OR - KPOJ 620

    Riverside, CA - KCAA 1050

    Sacramento, CA_KSQR_1240

    Santa Cruz, CA_KTEE_93.7 FM

    San Luis Obispo, CA_KYNS_1340

    West Palm Beach, FL - WJNO 1290

    Coming Soon...

    Colorado Springs, Co_KBZC_1300

    Boulder, CO_KBAC_610

    Memphis, TN_WMQM_1600

    Reno, NV_KXTO_1550

    Northampton, MA_WHMP_1400

    Nashua, NH_WSNH_900

    Dish Network_


    Plus if you scroll up the same thing was reported in the Chicago Tribune NOT from a Blog. Demographic data is reported to everey radio station and advertiser each week so advertisers know where to send their money. You can deny it all you want but again the facts are against you. Do some research.
  • Reply 22 of 70
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member

    Originally posted by SDW2001

    Edit: I'd also like to point out that Air America is BUYING radio time, whereas Rush and Hannity are supported by vast ad revenue (which is the motivation for their local affiliates to carry them). If all the reasons Bore America will fail, that's the main one. It simply not profitable.

    This isn't all that strange, as they will just turn around and sell the advertising themselves. For a new radio program I'm not surprised this is how it's starting. They need to get into markets quickly so they don't have time to get a show on one station and wait for syndication.

    I think it's a bit too early to judge if they're going to fail or not. But if they are beating Rush at the same time slot, or even competing, that's fairly big news.
  • Reply 23 of 70
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member

    Originally posted by bunge

    This isn't all that strange, as they will just turn around and sell the advertising themselves. For a new radio program I'm not surprised this is how it's starting. They need to get into markets quickly so they don't have time to get a show on one station and wait for syndication.

    I think it's a bit too early to judge if they're going to fail or not. But if they are beating Rush at the same time slot, or even competing, that's fairly big news.

    If they don't have time to do it right, then they must be in a hurry for some reason, I say this whole lib rasio net thing is a sham, both major players in talk syndication, Rush and Hannity have both said that going in, if they had as much funding as libnet did at launch, they wouldnt even bother with radio, they woulda bought an island somewhere, the # that I have heard is like 200 million, unless they get 400 stations fast, it will take for ever to make that up and a profit? first they need to stop bounceing checks...sorta makes you wonder, where did all of that $$$ go?
  • Reply 24 of 70
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member

    Originally posted by faust9

    Man alive you need to do some research before posting. Here:

    On The Air


    XM Satellite Radio - 167

    Sirius Satellite Radio - 125


    Chapel Hill, NC - WCHL 1360

    Key West, FL - WKIZ 1500

    New York City - WLIB 1190

    Plattsburgh/Burlington - WTWK 1070

    Portland, ME - WMTW_870


    Anchorage, AK_KUDO_1080


    Minneapolis - WMNN 1330

    Portland, OR - KPOJ 620

    Riverside, CA - KCAA 1050

    Sacramento, CA_KSQR_1240

    Santa Cruz, CA_KTEE_93.7 FM

    San Luis Obispo, CA_KYNS_1340

    West Palm Beach, FL - WJNO 1290

    Coming Soon...

    Colorado Springs, Co_KBZC_1300

    Boulder, CO_KBAC_610

    Memphis, TN_WMQM_1600

    Reno, NV_KXTO_1550

    Northampton, MA_WHMP_1400

    Nashua, NH_WSNH_900

    Dish Network_


    Plus if you scroll up the same thing was reported in the Chicago Tribune NOT from a Blog. Demographic data is reported to everey radio station and advertiser each week so advertisers know where to send their money. You can deny it all you want but again the facts are against you. Do some research.

    The facts are against ME? HAHAHAHAHAHA. You're a riot. OK..so that's 16 stations. With perhaps 7 more "coming soon". This compares to Rush's advertiser supported syndiation network of 600 stations. Air America doesn't even approach Sean Hannity, much less Rush Limbaugh.
  • Reply 25 of 70
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member

    Originally posted by bunge

    This isn't all that strange, as they will just turn around and sell the advertising themselves. For a new radio program I'm not surprised this is how it's starting. They need to get into markets quickly so they don't have time to get a show on one station and wait for syndication.

    I think it's a bit too early to judge if they're going to fail or not. But if they are beating Rush at the same time slot, or even competing, that's fairly big news.

    Again....what a joke. Beating Rush in a very liberal area, particularly among on demographic group. It's not even a direct comparison...it's a comparison of the 10-3 time slot. You can't be serious.

  • Reply 26 of 70
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member

    Originally posted by SDW2001

    Again....what a joke. Beating Rush in a very liberal area, particularly among on demographic group. It's not even a direct comparison...it's a comparison of the 10-3 time slot. You can't be serious.

    Everyone beats rush from 10:00-12:05, even if only 5 people listen...Liberals...can't live with them, can't live eithout 'em.
  • Reply 27 of 70
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member
    O'frankin sorta reminds me of Jim Rome, He has jack for tallent, no taste or timeing but damn he tries hard.
  • Reply 28 of 70
    faust9faust9 Posts: 1,335member

    Originally posted by SDW2001

    The facts are against ME? HAHAHAHAHAHA. You're a riot. OK..so that's 16 stations. With perhaps 7 more "coming soon". This compares to Rush's advertiser supported syndication network of 600 stations. Air America doesn't even approach Sean Hannity, much less Rush Limbaugh.

    Yeah, you were wrong. You were wrong about the number of stations (Rush told you 9 so it must be true), you were wrong about the source of the ratings report--might I add that I had linked and posted an article backing the assertion that Rush lost in NY. Hell you're even wrong about the demographics--Rush lost in TWO demographic groups (read the Chicago Tribune article I posted for god's sake there killer). So, your facts were wrong. You were wrong.

    Oh, here's another fact for ya, Rush and Franken compete head-to-head from 12-3PM each day.


    It's not an 10AM battle as has been characterised. These two are butting up against each other during the noon-to-drivetime programming block. Just a little more information for ya to absorb and cast baseless aspersion upon (a_greer this is target at you BTW).

    Here this is the title of the thread:

    O'Franken getting higher ratings than the big fat idiot in NYC

    Its not O'Franken has 600 stations or O'franken is the number one radio show. In keeping with the title of the thread, thus the topic, I posted pertenate information from a credible source vice your wrong allegations. The number of stations isn't the issue here because they have only been on the air for what a month or two? How many did Rush start with? Hmmmm One, two maybe?

    You Neo-Cons crack me up because here our capitalist market is working as it should. A group of chuckle heads has tapped a previously untapped market and are doing fairly well. They are posting good numbers in at least two big markets (Chicago, and NY) so the ad revenue will follow. Even trumptman said they have a chance, but not you SDW because you're blinded by the god savior Rush and Hannity.

    You go ahead and keep listineing to the Neo-Con shills though. They'll tell ya what to think. They'll tell ya the "truth". They'll fill your head with the "facts". I on the otherhand will follow credible sources. I'll keep my subscription to the economist, you can keep your Weekly Standard.

    On a lighter note:


    China-Men beware!!!
  • Reply 29 of 70
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member
    OK I HAVE F***ING HAD IT...I dont beleive Frankin when he talks ratings, now I dont always beleve rush when he talks numbers (although most of the time they speak for themselves) but if he lied about the numbers, the press would be all over it like white on rice, like flies on dung, like mud on a sow and so on.

    My point is that anyone reporting the numbers has an interest in them, more specifically where they land in them, I wish for once these mysterious numbers were made public, I know Arbitron makes their bread selling the data, but I only care about over all market share, not age demos, not any other stats, I just want the overall ratings from the source, not the as spun by Limbaugh or Franken version.
  • Reply 30 of 70
    midwintermidwinter Posts: 10,060member

    Originally posted by trumptman

    Younger people tend to be more liberal. It wouldn't surprise me at all if Franken did better with them. Let them get married, buy a home and a car and suddenly they are Rush Limbaugh listeners.

    I was liberal when I was younger and now that I'm married, own a house and two cars, I'm only a conservative one day out of the year: the day I write that big-assed check to pay my taxes (and believe me, it is usually a big-assed check...I guess I picked the wrong year to sell a house and make a sizeable profit off of it).



  • Reply 31 of 70
    thegeldingthegelding Posts: 3,230member
    almost 43, own my home, three cars, etc etc...

    was raised a crazy liberal, will die a crazy liberal...

    the sound of rush limburger's voice causes pain to my intestines...

    and i am even a liberal 365 days a year, even on tax day...i love paying taxes...i live in the best country in the world, why wouldn't i want to support it??

    to me, all those repubs complaining about taxes are kinda unamerican

  • Reply 32 of 70
    midwintermidwinter Posts: 10,060member
    Waitaminute...AA is coming soon to a station in Memphis? Holy crap! I'll be really interested to see how that pans out. I wonder why they went with Memphis and not something like Jackson or Birmingham, which would seem to me to offer a more appreciative audience.
  • Reply 33 of 70
    faust9faust9 Posts: 1,335member

    Originally posted by midwinter

    Waitaminute...AA is coming soon to a station in Memphis? Holy crap! I'll be really interested to see how that pans out. I wonder why they went with Memphis and not something like Jackson or Birmingham, which would seem to me to offer a more appreciative audience.

    Memphis is pretty liberal. The University of Tennessee is there. Plus least we forget the 1984 worlds fair? Hippies!!!
  • Reply 34 of 70
    midwintermidwinter Posts: 10,060member

    Originally posted by faust9

    Memphis is pretty liberal. The University of Tennessee is there. Plus least we forget the 1984 worlds fair? Hippies!!!

    UT's main campus is in Knoxville, isn't it? And wasn't the '84 World's Fair in Knoxville as well?

    Memphis has Memphis State and, I think, Rhodes College (or is it Rust College?) as well as a couple others. It's been 15 years or so since I lived in the area (I grew up in North Mississippi), so maybe things have changed. But North Mississippi, Eastern Arkansas, and Western Tennessee have never struck me as being host to some kind of latent liberalism.

    Maybe I'm wrong... I still think B'Ham and Jackson would be great locations for AA. And, of course, New Orleans (if they're not already there).


  • Reply 35 of 70
    faust9faust9 Posts: 1,335member

    Originally posted by midwinter

    UT's main campus is in Knoxville, isn't it? And wasn't the '84 World's Fair in Knoxville as well?

    Memphis has Memphis State and, I think, Rhodes College (or is it Rust College?) as well as a couple others. It's been 15 years or so since I lived in the area (I grew up in North Mississippi), so maybe things have changed. But North Mississippi, Eastern Arkansas, and Western Tennessee have never struck me as being host to some kind of latent liberalism.

    Maybe I'm wrong... I still think B'Ham and Jackson would be great locations for AA. And, of course, New Orleans (if they're not already there).



    Yeah, crapola!!! Thanks for correcting me on my college location (AKA College Football Saturday) knowledge.

    See that Neo-Cons... I admited a mistake. Let that be a lesson to y'all.
  • Reply 36 of 70
    midwintermidwinter Posts: 10,060member

    Originally posted by faust9

    Yeah, crapola!!! Thanks for correcting me on my college location (AKA College Football Saturday) knowledge.

    See that Neo-Cons... I admited a mistake. Let that be a lesson to y'all.


    Aside: Once while having drinks with colleagues (most of whom were serious sports fans [I'm not at all, really]), someone hit us with a trivia question. How many mascots/team names/team icons can you name that are neither a person nor alive? For instance, the Harvard "Crimson."

    Made for a LONG discussion which, oddly enough, was dominated not by the sports guru from Texas but the Turkish immigrant getting a PhD in mathematics. Go figure.


  • Reply 37 of 70
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member

    Originally posted by SDW2001

    Again....what a joke. Beating Rush in a very liberal area, particularly among on demographic group. It's not even a direct comparison...it's a comparison of the 10-3 time slot. You can't be serious.

    You compared Rush to AA, not I. If it's not even a direct comparison, why did you make it?

    You were trying to make a claim about AA buying time and I explained why I think they would do it and how it could still be profitable. I'm not wrong so yes, I am serious.
  • Reply 38 of 70
    shetlineshetline Posts: 4,695member

    Originally posted by Existence


    The claims made here seem to be clearly qualified as to the extent and scope of what is being claimed. No one's try to claim Air America has Rush beat hands down in all ways everywhere... all that's being said is "Hey. This looks pretty good for a new radio program and a new network. These are good signs for potential future success."

    A number of our friendly local so-called conservatives, however, seem to have adopted the tactics that they've learned from the right wing echo chamber:

    1) Read more into what is being said than has been said.

    2) Distort what has been said.

    3) Inject erroneous "facts".

    4) Decry loudly, with a tone of being wounded, shocked, and appalled at the ludicrous injustice of it all, the exaggerated version of events that you yourself create.
  • Reply 39 of 70
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member

    What about the fact that rush is on 600 stations and frankin is on like 9, most in very liberal areas, sans Chicago, he can't get on in a conservative market, and the network reportedly has to make bad checks to stay live in Chi-town.

    beleve me, if he realy had what it takes to beat limbaugh, he could get on with any major syndicate, every talk station lib or conservative, in a market where rush is on, gets stomped fom noon to 3 if he is on the other station, I beleve that arbatron would agree.

    OK you're either disingenuous or dumb. How does Rush get on on all those stations? ClearChannel et al are big companies. Who do big companies like? Dubya and the pandering filthy right-wing media like Faux and Rush. Duh?
  • Reply 40 of 70
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member
    This is absurd. Absolutely absurd. These ratings don't mean Franken beat Rush in NYC. They don't. End of story.

    Go ahead and keep foaming at the mouth, screaming:

    "Air America is doing great! Franken beat Rush in NYC! Look what this means! We'll have a liberal talk radio network equal to his soon. Just give it time!"

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