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in General Discussion edited January 2014
Well, June is here, which means that the graduation season is now well underway. Those who go to semester schools are probably done by now, but those of us on quarters will be graduating this week.

So, who here is graduating (from high school, college, grad school, correspondence school, whatever)? And what do you plan to do now?

I myself am taking my last final in college tomorrow, which will likely be followed by a couple days of heavy drinking, then graduation ceremonies. Then, a summer of not having a job before I start a new school in August.


  • Reply 1 of 8
    splinemodelsplinemodel Posts: 7,311member
    I finished last week. Now I'm workin'. What are you doing in August?
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  • Reply 2 of 8
    agent302agent302 Posts: 974member
    Going to law school (yes I'm an evil person).

    And in deference to a few of the established posters here, I'm going to "Dook".
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  • Reply 3 of 8
    splinemodelsplinemodel Posts: 7,311member
    Ahhh, law school: the great repository for people who went to and left college with no idea what their passions are, or discovered them only to be too afraid to go further.

    With that said, Duke isn't too bad of a place. The only problem I know of is that it's so dull when it comes to nightlife. You have to go to chapel hill for a good time, which is annoying.
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  • Reply 4 of 8
    staphbabystaphbaby Posts: 353member
    Just received graduation papers from the Law Faculty here... although I'm still going on my Arts degree.

    Take my advice: drop law now. You don't know what a complete waste of time it is. :P
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  • Reply 5 of 8
    staphbabystaphbaby Posts: 353member

    Originally posted by Splinemodel

    Ahhh, law school: the great repository for people who went to and left college with no idea what their passions are, or discovered them only to be too afraid to go further.

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  • Reply 6 of 8

    Originally posted by Splinemodel

    Ahhh, law school: the great repository for people who went to and left college with no idea what their passions are, or discovered them only to be too afraid to go further.

    All too true, Splinemodel. However, I did (re-) discover some passions of mine during law school and hope to find a job that lets me follow them. (I just received my Juris Doctor ten days ago.)

    I've started studying for the bar exam, which is what matters even more. Even now that I'm done, I have lingering second thoughts. With summer upon us, I can't help but think that the amount of cash I spent on law school, combined with the revenue I lost, would have made a nice downpayment for a house on the beach. I guess I'll have to wait a couple more years....

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  • Reply 7 of 8
    a_greera_greer Posts: 4,594member
    Graduated HS last week!!!!!

    already in college, no rest for the weary wouldnt have it any other way

    HS sucked but now it is OVER YIP YIP YEHAW!!!!!!

    major is cis for my associates and thus garenteed entery to the CS (Comp Sci) program at Indiana State, but if all goes as I plan, I will transfer to Purdue...Heres hopeing...
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  • Reply 8 of 8
    scottscott Posts: 7,431member
    Good luck to you all.
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