New Powermac`s and LCD`s from apple soon?

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
Hi am new to this forum.

Im going to switch from pc to Apple After endles houers whit stupid windos errors and blue schreens

Im just wondering if there are comming some new LCD displays and powermac's from apple soon??

Ore Imacs, Powerbooks?


  • Reply 1 of 17
    stevesteve Posts: 523member
    No one knows when a new Apple product will be released. Best estimates:

    - PowerMac: Update sometime in February

    - PowerBook: Sometime in May (it was just updated, days ago)

    - iMac: Update on January 6th

    It's assumed that new displays will be announced at MacWorld SF, in January, but even that is just mindless conjecture.

    [ 11-16-2002: Message edited by: Steve ]</p>
  • Reply 2 of 17
    cubecube Posts: 142member
    Thx alot

    But wat about LCD sices?

    And what wil be new in the Imac?

    [ 11-16-2002: Message edited by: Cube ]</p>
  • Reply 3 of 17
    [quote]Originally posted by Cube:

    <strong>Thx alot

    But wat about LCD sices?

    And what wil be new in the Imac?

    [ 11-16-2002: Message edited by: Cube ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Heh, now you're opening Pandora's Box.

    There's all kinds of conjecture regarding what will happen with LCDs (sices, did you mean prices or sizes). Alot of folks seem to think that the 15" one will go away, to be replaced by a 17". Folks also seem to think that a 19" or 20" will be intro'd as well, and possibly that all LCDs will be cinema wide. Keep in mind, all of this is conjecture. The pricing is "all over the map" with very few anticipating $$ increases.

    Concerning the iMac, some folks say that the high end one will get a 19" cinema wide and the lower end ones will get 17" cinema wides. Others tend to think 17" across the board. Most everyone expects a speed bump processor wise (how much varies with the individual), and some even hope for a bump in BUS speed and DDR RAM. Again, this is all conjecture as well.

    I guess the bottom line is, if you need a new Mac NOW, then get one. If you want certain things in the design and can wait ... well, it's up to you.

    edit: can't type, nor spell

    [ 11-16-2002: Message edited by: MacJedai ]</p>
  • Reply 4 of 17
    bartobarto Posts: 2,246member
    The next G4+ (7457) is due next year's 2nd quarter. So an announcement late 1st quarter (March?) by Apple would seem reasonable.

    However, March will be 7 months since the last update, and with Apple making the PowerBooks very competitive, they may choose to do the same this year with the Power Macs.

    So maybe a minor update before thanksgiving* (most probably Monday, which would include the GeForce FX aka NV30)

    There could also be simply a new BTO option for the GeForce FX on Monday.

    The Power Mac G5 will probably be introduced 3rd quarter next year, as that's soon before fishkill switches to 90nm (and IBM said that the PowerPC 970 would be made at 130nm switching soon to 90nm). This may or may not be anything like you've ever seen before.

    I'm hoping for a revolutionary interconnect which can link 2 systems together to become a single mega computer. 20cm3 (8" cube) cores with PCI, HD, CD and Combo PCI/HD stack-on modules (with a Power Supply or UPS being the first module, then the core).

    The interconnect would connect all the major chips in a chain, and the master chip would connect to an external port as well, for low-latency with a 2nd core.


    *I have no idea when "thanksgiving" is, but everyone here talks about needing an intro before that to catch the christmas buying season.

    [ 11-16-2002: Message edited by: Barto ]</p>
  • Reply 5 of 17
    cubecube Posts: 142member
    I were hoping fore the same price cutt hat Apple made on the Powerbook, to be made on some new Powermac`s and Imac`s :cool:

    And a price cut on the LCD`s but also bigger ones

    Shuld i buy now ore wait til about after cristmas some time :confused: ( this wuld fit my economy better , but i can hardly wait to make the svitch <img src="graemlins/hmmm.gif" border="0" alt="[Hmmm]" />

    I realy like this forum I get so good and usefull posts from you thx

    [ 11-16-2002: Message edited by: Cube ]

    [ 11-16-2002: Message edited by: Cube ]</p>
  • Reply 6 of 17
    stevesteve Posts: 523member
    You should ask yourself if you really need the PowerMac's expandability.

    IMO, you can get a newly-released PowerBook and have almost as much power in a sleek design that's much quieter. I have an 800MHz Ti and it is a godsend of a computer, so I can only imagine how much better the newer models are. You'll be able to take advantage of getting super-fresh hardware. You can also connect your PowerBook to an external LCD (whenever they should happen to come out), since they have DVI ports on them.

    If you need a new Mac now, there is absolutely no way you can go wrong with a PBG4.
  • Reply 7 of 17
    cubecube Posts: 142member
    I have been tinking realy hard about bying the new powerbook sins it came out about 10 days ago. Its just the nisest thing iv ever seen. But im not sure about how long it wil last. I like that you can change parts and opgrade the Powermac so it wil last longer :confused: But the computer of my dream is the Powerbook.

    Any advise?
  • Reply 8 of 17
    stevesteve Posts: 523member
    Well, there PowerMacs aren't exactly upgradable in the traditional sense, either.

    The TiBook is a fantastic computer--the best I've ever owned, period. The 1GHz Ti is phenomenally powerful, and I'm betting it'll not only meet your needs, but go beyond them, especially since the interface will be sped up with that 64MB Radeon. Personally, no added power from the PowerMacs could ever replace my TiBook. When you have a laptop--especially one as thin and light as this one--you begin to think about using your computer in new ways, particularly if you have AirPort. IM'ing my mofos while I eat my corn flakes is neato, and computing just gets so much better when you aren't tethered to your desk.

    In the PowerBook, you can upgrade the memory (though you'll probably get 1GB right off the bat, with Apple's cool promotion), hard disk, and optical drive easily, which, for me, are the most important components (unless you're a hardcore gamer--which you're probably not, since you're getting a Mac--the video card will be fine for you). And since you can also use dual monitors on the Ti, that problem is fixed, as well.

    You should also consider that, unlike PC's, most Mac peripherals are handled via FireWire, which can be daisy-chained. Want to add that TV capture device? Just plug it in via FireWire. It's not like the Ti doesn't already have all the I/O a sane person could ever want, anyway. You'll also be able to use FireWire 2 and USB 2 via PCMCIA ("PC Card") cards.

    IMO, the Ti is the better deal. Plus, you'll be buying hardware that just came out, and you won't have to wait.

    Go to <a href=""; target="_blank"></a>; right away, and order your PowerBook today. <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" />
  • Reply 9 of 17

    The TiBook is a fantastic computer--the best I've ever owned, period.

    End Quote.

    I've got t second that opinion. When I switched from a powerMac dual 1Ghz to the PBG4 800 a couple of months ago (sure wish I had that superdrive, but I definetly couldn't live without that CD-RW drive), I wasn't sure if I could hack it with just a notebook. But man oh man, has this machine really expaned the possibilities for what I can do. I can edit on this machine (and soon I'll be able to edit HD without any special hardware when Panasonic adds firewire to their HD decks and Apple makes a custom Quicktime codec), I can remotely record sound at 24bit/96Khz, I can do After Effects comps that are pretty meaty, it works with my D60 wonderfully so I can edit pictures on location, etc. etc. etc. Photoshop runs faster on this machine that on my 1.8Ghz P4 at work. This thing is a workhorse, and I'm sure that the 1Ghz model out now is even better. In fact I'm not too sure I'm going to get a desktop G5 when they come out. I just might wait for a powerbook G5 I've been so pleased with this model. So from someone who works with PowerMacs all day at work (where we do need them for uncompressed video and compositing), I can say that except for the uncompressed video part, these powerbooks can do pretty much everything else.
  • Reply 10 of 17
    cubecube Posts: 142member
    thx alot

    you have comvinced me il go fore the Powerbook its so cool :cool:

    Im going to use it fore Photoshop, mp3, light videoedeting, wrighting, surfing and som light gaming. Its so perfect!!!!

    But shuld i get it whitout the superdrive? then i can reburn faster and cut the prise?? but i wil need dvd burner later, shuld i by an external DVD burner (that can be faster) at that point instead???? im clueles <img src="confused.gif" border="0">
  • Reply 11 of 17
    stevesteve Posts: 523member
    [quote]Originally posted by Cube:

    <strong>But shuld i get it whitout the superdrive? then i can reburn faster and cut the prise?? but i wil need dvd burner later, shuld i by an external DVD burner (that can be faster) at that point instead???? im clueles :confused: </strong><hr></blockquote>

    If you get an external burner, you will only be able to burn data DVD's. iDVD 2 will only work with internal SuperDrives (also, buying a Mac with a SuperDrive is the only way to get that elusive application). External drives are also faster than the 1X drive in the Ti. It's up to you. It's actually not that much more expensive to get the SuperDrive (only $200), but that money might be better spent on software, depending on your needs.

    If you just want to burn data DVD, you'll be better off getting the external drive, as that'll do the job faster and probably cheaper (since you'll be getting it down the road, when DVD-R will become more commonplace).
  • Reply 12 of 17
    cubecube Posts: 142member
    Ok so How long wil it take to burn a full DVD whit the suerdrive 1x?

    and how long do it take to burn a full cd at 8x and reburn at 4x?

    And i wuld like to burn video DVD`s to play on a DVD player.

    This might deside it al

    [ 11-17-2002: Message edited by: Cube ]

    [ 11-17-2002: Message edited by: Cube ]</p>
  • Reply 13 of 17
    stevesteve Posts: 523member
    If I recall, it'll take a little over an hour for a DVD to burn at 1X. External drives will cut that time in half.

    If you want to burn video discs to play in consumer DVD players, the internal SuperDrive is the way to go.

    Have fun with your new Ti! :cool:
  • Reply 14 of 17
    cubecube Posts: 142member
    Ok I wil go fore the 1Ghz 1Gb ram and superdrive one

    But im not shure that its availebol in Norway yet, but i now that the 867 mhz one is out <img src="graemlins/oyvey.gif" border="0" alt="[No]" /> So il have to wait a bit im afraid <img src="graemlins/hmmm.gif" border="0" alt="[Hmmm]" /> But i think it wont be long
  • Reply 15 of 17
    bjnybjny Posts: 191member
    [quote]Originally posted by Steve:

    <strong>And since you can also use dual monitors on the Ti, that problem is fixed, as well.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    How does one do that? <img src="graemlins/bugeye.gif" border="0" alt="[Skeptical]" />
  • Reply 16 of 17
    The intanal Superdrive burns at 1X. So the time it takes is doubled, so half hr film will take 1hr to burn a 1hr move will take 2hr, and so on.

    [ 11-17-2002: Message edited by: Alpha Mac ]</p>
  • Reply 17 of 17
    cubecube Posts: 142member
    Nice information thx.

    But wat about cd's???

    churently i have a 24x at my crapy computer, and it takes about 3-4 min to burn a cd.
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