Happy birthday Anders

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Only one year more to go, before you turn 30. Enjoy your last year of youngness


  • Reply 1 of 3
    andersanders Posts: 6,523member

    30 is just a number. I celebrated my 10000 day birthday some years ago and that was just another number

    I have another deadline for myself. When I have finished my postgraduate degree in sociology of law and have to be serious, then I turn 30 for real. No more spontanious trips abroad, no more saying "fuck you" to your job when you are fed up and no more avoiding 35h/week each week for 47 week per year. Hopefully instead I will have a job where the nessesary seriousness pay off and I can change the things needed for change.

    And a happy joint birthday to TRooney95403, Justin Macduff , xsmi, oldmacman, NeoLogic1, maxxwel726, macaroma and especially to mpitts.
  • Reply 2 of 3
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member

    Originally posted by Anders


    30 is just a number. I celebrated my 10000 day birthday some years ago and that was just another number

    I have another deadline for myself. When I have finished my postgraduate degree in sociology of law and have to be serious, then I turn 30 for real. No more spontanious trips abroad, no more saying "fuck you" to your job when you are fed up and no more avoiding 35h/week each week for 47 week per year. Hopefully instead I will have a job where the nessesary seriousness pay off and I can change the things needed for change.

    And a happy joint birthday to TRooney95403, Justin Macduff , xsmi, oldmacman, NeoLogic1, maxxwel726, macaroma and especially to mpitts.

    I expect that, It's not because you will get a job, that you have to turn serious

    Life is too serious by itself, we need to relax and by light hearted.
  • Reply 3 of 3
    jimmacjimmac Posts: 11,898member
    Happy birthday Anders!

    Don't worry about thirty. You'll be surprised to find how young you are and how much life is still ahead of you when you pass it.
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