I gotta tell ya, reading this response made me a little sick.
I didn't really find the article to be endorsing a double standard, because really, you could write a very similar article about men and I don't think it would cause a big deal.
I think a more refined view of what is being argued about rape is that some studies define rape so broadly as to include definitions that declare rape to be a woman having remorse the next morning for consent given the night before.
I think a more refined view of what is being argued about rape is that some studies define rape so broadly as to include definitions that declare rape to be a woman having remorse the next morning for consent given the night before.
When you publish a meta-analysis in a major academic journal, let me know. Until then, you aren't in any position to make such a judgment. And, no, you can't just google your way around the subject because the vast majority of authoritative academic sources are only available through subscription, aka, your local major academic library. Not to mention that your research on the subject is worthless if you can't get it published in a peer-reviewed journal.
Not to mention that your research on the subject is worthless if you can't get it published in a peer-reviewed journal.
Depends on what you research. In this age of publish-or-perish, with grad school students being urged to send out as early as their masters programs, two things are happening:
1) The academic publishing market is absolutely flooded with more submissions than reputable journals know what to do with.
2) Because areas like the humanities emphasize increasingly highly specialized areas of study, finding a home for articles on a given subject can be difficult.
I'm just saying that research isn't necessarily worthless if it can't find a home somewhere.
When you publish a meta-analysis in a major academic journal, let me know. Until then, you aren't in any position to make such a judgment. And, no, you can't just google your way around the subject because the vast majority of authoritative academic sources are only available through subscription, aka, your local major academic library. Not to mention that your research on the subject is worthless if you can't get it published in a peer-reviewed journal.
When you actually have sex with a woman, let me know. Until they you aren't in any position to make a judgement. And no, you can't google your way around the subject.
The reality is that anyone with half a brain can realize that including a flawed definition into the study is going to yield flawed results. If the definition of rape includes instances where the woman had remorse the next morning for an act she consented to the prior night, then it is obvious you would have an inflated number of rapes. Basic GIGO, (garbage in garbage out) that doesn't require any sort of academic background to understand. A study about rape has to include definitions that really are rape or else that study is flawed.
For as educated as you claim to be, you sure don't appear to be able to ever do more than make nonsense claims and tell anyone you disagree with that they are stupid.
I'm just saying that research isn't necessarily worthless if it can't find a home somewhere.
Of course not, but if someone has legitimate groundbreaking research on this particular subject, it's going to get published. Not only that, but so much has been thrown around on rape and sexual assault that really you need to seek out some sort of stamp of legitimacy rather than just posing some opinionated article on whatever site will host it. As far as publishing for library journals goes, there is also so much crap out there because of the pressure for everyone to publish that anything remotely significant definitely stands out. I would guess that's the case across the board.
For as educated as you claim to be, you sure don't appear to be able to ever do more than make nonsense claims and tell anyone you disagree with that they are stupid.
It's all about quality of research. If your research methods can findings can't stand up to scrutiny, then your conclusion is BS. Of course, here we are talking about a conclusion you haven't even come to through any sort of research, so it's automatically totally invalid.
And it's very telling that you retreat to middle school insults and accusations of intellectual oppression the second I brought up anything related to real research and higher education. You clearly have some real inadequacy issues there.
Cheating is cheating. IF you get into a relationship, living together to marriage- you need to seriously think it through. If you love someone, you love them regardless of imperfections, or changes in schedule, weather, etc.
You need to take the good with the bad. You should be best of friends before you even think about getting serious in a relationship. I do know that if we saw an article about this same subject, but on the other shoe (about men) they'd be talking crap about men in general about how they are 'unfaithful' and 'lying' dogs' who need the legal system to squash them. Followed by cheers of scores who say 'take him to the cleaners!'.
I don't remember who, but they summed up the general population of this country pretty well in the following words:
"Generally speaking, Americans are largely overweight, irresponsible cry babies, who want the gov't to take care of everything- and when it does not work out to how they thought, they cry yet again with how the gov't was unfair- then try to sue over it, sickening"
When I first read that long ago, I was very upset- but as the years pass- I see more and more truth in that as each day passes.
It's all about quality of research. If your research methods can findings can't stand up to scrutiny, then your conclusion is BS. Of course, here we are talking about a conclusion you haven't even come to through any sort of research, so it's automatically totally invalid.
And it's very telling that you retreat to middle school insults and accusations of intellectual oppression the second I brought up anything related to real research and higher education. You clearly have some real inadequacy issues there.
Actually what is quite telling is the bullying you do anonymously in a forum. Obviously it is to compensate for the lack of control and power you feel in real life.
However aside from that I'll gladly, yet again call your bluff. You are welcome to link to any peer reviewed research you have done. If it has a cost, I'll easily pay it. If you, yet again, want to claim some sort of authority that you believe entitles you to lord over others and belittle their viewpoints, then present your credentials.
Otherwise, shut up and realize that no one is going to give your view more weight "just because you say so."
Middle school reasoning, indeed.
P.S. Here is where we get the long winded answer about how "complicated" everything you do is, how you don't have to reveal anything, how we wouldn't "understand" what you do, and in the end you just go back to anonymously bullying people. You must live a very sad life.
Its important to take into account all of the reasons behind someones decision to cheat (man or woman) but more importantly is their predisposition to being secretive. At the risk of sounding like a holy roller I'd go on record saying that people who are in marriages where the communication level is healthy are less likely to deal with infidelity in their relationship (not immune just less likely). The other major factor to be considered is that people are victims of their self control and this is true of your wife/husband. While you might love that person its important not to become complaisant in your time with them and even more importantly your trust for them. Trust is not granted its earned.
Actually what is quite telling is the bullying you do anonymously in a forum. Obviously it is to compensate for the lack of control and power you feel in real life.
trumptman once again harping on his favorite feeling of fear and anxiety; the sublimated castration fear: fear of women, especially women who are manipulating the media and the legal system
and he's talking about it in these boards again while posting about other people's posts as a form of compensation for an inadaquacy!!!!
Really, this whole thread is typical trumptman . . . afraid of sissors while missreadng the simplest texts, distorting its simple meaning under the pressure of psychological anxiety.
I read this article: all it is is a sensationalistic human-interest news story that thrives off of people's fears of breaking marriage's and loose women.
The reason-for-being with this article is simply that the state of our culture, the work world, expectations, ect. have created a situation where more women are responsible for the big deed that breaks up marriages: cheating
Because make no mistake about it, this article is mainstream normalization . . . its moral: if you react to your slumped marriage then you will most likely end in divorce, cheating is wrong, and the double standard of women-who-cheat='evil', but men-who-cheat='merely playing around' is still prevalent, though not as strong.
I don't know what article Trumptman read, something that threw him into his usual sexuality issue-hysterical-anxiety reaction, but the article that I read, and the one linked to above, clearly discusses the reality of the women-cheat=bad, men-cheat etc dichotomy.
It then does nothing to attempt to get beyond that dichotomy, except perhaps to act as if such dichotomies are value judgments, and, as such, worth 'nuetrality' and 'objective' journalism (statistics). . . but clearly that is where trumpt has his fit . . .
how dare an article not denounce women who cheat more than men who cheat!!!
Its obviously the sign of a vast women oriented conspiracy aimed at disempowering men!
It must be hard for you to see so many issues like this rearing their ugly heads . . . women all over the place trying to get you . . . . "sad life indeed"
Originally posted by trick fall
I gotta tell ya, reading this response made me a little sick.
I didn't really find the article to be endorsing a double standard, because really, you could write a very similar article about men and I don't think it would cause a big deal.
I think a more refined view of what is being argued about rape is that some studies define rape so broadly as to include definitions that declare rape to be a woman having remorse the next morning for consent given the night before.
Originally posted by trumptman
I think a more refined view of what is being argued about rape is that some studies define rape so broadly as to include definitions that declare rape to be a woman having remorse the next morning for consent given the night before.
When you publish a meta-analysis in a major academic journal, let me know. Until then, you aren't in any position to make such a judgment. And, no, you can't just google your way around the subject because the vast majority of authoritative academic sources are only available through subscription, aka, your local major academic library. Not to mention that your research on the subject is worthless if you can't get it published in a peer-reviewed journal.
Originally posted by giant
Not to mention that your research on the subject is worthless if you can't get it published in a peer-reviewed journal.
Depends on what you research. In this age of publish-or-perish, with grad school students being urged to send out as early as their masters programs, two things are happening:
1) The academic publishing market is absolutely flooded with more submissions than reputable journals know what to do with.
2) Because areas like the humanities emphasize increasingly highly specialized areas of study, finding a home for articles on a given subject can be difficult.
I'm just saying that research isn't necessarily worthless if it can't find a home somewhere.
Originally posted by giant
When you publish a meta-analysis in a major academic journal, let me know. Until then, you aren't in any position to make such a judgment. And, no, you can't just google your way around the subject because the vast majority of authoritative academic sources are only available through subscription, aka, your local major academic library. Not to mention that your research on the subject is worthless if you can't get it published in a peer-reviewed journal.
When you actually have sex with a woman, let me know. Until they you aren't in any position to make a judgement. And no, you can't google your way around the subject.
The reality is that anyone with half a brain can realize that including a flawed definition into the study is going to yield flawed results. If the definition of rape includes instances where the woman had remorse the next morning for an act she consented to the prior night, then it is obvious you would have an inflated number of rapes. Basic GIGO, (garbage in garbage out) that doesn't require any sort of academic background to understand. A study about rape has to include definitions that really are rape or else that study is flawed.
For as educated as you claim to be, you sure don't appear to be able to ever do more than make nonsense claims and tell anyone you disagree with that they are stupid.
Originally posted by midwinter
I'm just saying that research isn't necessarily worthless if it can't find a home somewhere.
Of course not, but if someone has legitimate groundbreaking research on this particular subject, it's going to get published. Not only that, but so much has been thrown around on rape and sexual assault that really you need to seek out some sort of stamp of legitimacy rather than just posing some opinionated article on whatever site will host it. As far as publishing for library journals goes, there is also so much crap out there because of the pressure for everyone to publish that anything remotely significant definitely stands out. I would guess that's the case across the board.
Originally posted by trumptman
For as educated as you claim to be, you sure don't appear to be able to ever do more than make nonsense claims and tell anyone you disagree with that they are stupid.
It's all about quality of research. If your research methods can findings can't stand up to scrutiny, then your conclusion is BS. Of course, here we are talking about a conclusion you haven't even come to through any sort of research, so it's automatically totally invalid.
And it's very telling that you retreat to middle school insults and accusations of intellectual oppression the second I brought up anything related to real research and higher education. You clearly have some real inadequacy issues there.
You need to take the good with the bad. You should be best of friends before you even think about getting serious in a relationship. I do know that if we saw an article about this same subject, but on the other shoe (about men) they'd be talking crap about men in general about how they are 'unfaithful' and 'lying' dogs' who need the legal system to squash them. Followed by cheers of scores who say 'take him to the cleaners!'.
I don't remember who, but they summed up the general population of this country pretty well in the following words:
"Generally speaking, Americans are largely overweight, irresponsible cry babies, who want the gov't to take care of everything- and when it does not work out to how they thought, they cry yet again with how the gov't was unfair- then try to sue over it, sickening"
When I first read that long ago, I was very upset- but as the years pass- I see more and more truth in that as each day passes.
Society needs a wake up call.
**ring, ring**
Originally posted by giant
It's all about quality of research. If your research methods can findings can't stand up to scrutiny, then your conclusion is BS. Of course, here we are talking about a conclusion you haven't even come to through any sort of research, so it's automatically totally invalid.
And it's very telling that you retreat to middle school insults and accusations of intellectual oppression the second I brought up anything related to real research and higher education. You clearly have some real inadequacy issues there.
Actually what is quite telling is the bullying you do anonymously in a forum. Obviously it is to compensate for the lack of control and power you feel in real life.
However aside from that I'll gladly, yet again call your bluff. You are welcome to link to any peer reviewed research you have done. If it has a cost, I'll easily pay it. If you, yet again, want to claim some sort of authority that you believe entitles you to lord over others and belittle their viewpoints, then present your credentials.
Otherwise, shut up and realize that no one is going to give your view more weight "just because you say so."
Middle school reasoning, indeed.
P.S. Here is where we get the long winded answer about how "complicated" everything you do is, how you don't have to reveal anything, how we wouldn't "understand" what you do, and in the end you just go back to anonymously bullying people. You must live a very sad life.
Its important to take into account all of the reasons behind someones decision to cheat (man or woman) but more importantly is their predisposition to being secretive. At the risk of sounding like a holy roller I'd go on record saying that people who are in marriages where the communication level is healthy are less likely to deal with infidelity in their relationship (not immune just less likely). The other major factor to be considered is that people are victims of their self control and this is true of your wife/husband. While you might love that person its important not to become complaisant in your time with them and even more importantly your trust for them. Trust is not granted its earned.
Originally posted by trumptman
Actually what is quite telling is the bullying you do anonymously in a forum. Obviously it is to compensate for the lack of control and power you feel in real life.
trumptman once again harping on his favorite feeling of fear and anxiety; the sublimated castration fear: fear of women, especially women who are manipulating the media and the legal system
and he's talking about it in these boards again while posting about other people's posts as a form of compensation for an inadaquacy!!!!
Really, this whole thread is typical trumptman . . . afraid of sissors while missreadng the simplest texts, distorting its simple meaning under the pressure of psychological anxiety.
I read this article: all it is is a sensationalistic human-interest news story that thrives off of people's fears of breaking marriage's and loose women.
The reason-for-being with this article is simply that the state of our culture, the work world, expectations, ect. have created a situation where more women are responsible for the big deed that breaks up marriages: cheating
Because make no mistake about it, this article is mainstream normalization . . . its moral: if you react to your slumped marriage then you will most likely end in divorce, cheating is wrong, and the double standard of women-who-cheat='evil', but men-who-cheat='merely playing around' is still prevalent, though not as strong.
I don't know what article Trumptman read, something that threw him into his usual sexuality issue-hysterical-anxiety reaction, but the article that I read, and the one linked to above, clearly discusses the reality of the women-cheat=bad, men-cheat etc dichotomy.
It then does nothing to attempt to get beyond that dichotomy, except perhaps to act as if such dichotomies are value judgments, and, as such, worth 'nuetrality' and 'objective' journalism (statistics). . . but clearly that is where trumpt has his fit . . .
how dare an article not denounce women who cheat more than men who cheat!!!
Its obviously the sign of a vast women oriented conspiracy aimed at disempowering men!
It must be hard for you to see so many issues like this rearing their ugly heads . . . women all over the place trying to get you . . . . "sad life indeed"
.... Ah I forgot : this forum is closed
Edit : not the forum, but the thread. May be I did not made this mistake by pure hazard ...