That whole rushing to the hospital when the water breaks is for TV drama.
My wife wanted to labor at home and go to the hospital only when she was ready to deliver. Her water broke at 2am so she tried to go back to sleep. Had to get up at 5am due to labor pains. Whet to the hospital about 3pm. When we got there she was full dilated and ready to push. That took 6 more hours.
I didn't know you were a daddy, Scott. Anyway, as you probably know, most women do go to the hospital as soon as their water breaks. It may not be a life-or-death rush, but if I was bleeding or something I'd want to get to the hospital fast too.
The article never mentions how long it took to get to the hospital once the husband drove off. If they were still some time from the hospital, they should have waited for an ambulance. Although EMTs couldn't handle every possible complication, it would be better for her to give birth in the back of an ambulance than next to her husband if they couldn't get to the hospital in time.
I wonder what would have happened if she gave birth in the car and the baby died because it didn't get prompt medical attention. Would the cop have been sued for not forcing them to wait for an ambulance.?
They broke the law, got pulled over (oops, they were already over) as a result, disobeyed the officer by not waiting for an ambulance, then continued to break the law. Even if he wasn't inclined to give them a ticket the first time, I think most, if not all, cops would after a stunt like that.
For me, I look at it like this regardless of what anyone says or thinks...
My family's safety and well-being are most important to me, above all, regardless of law. If I deem it is most important for my family to disregard a law for their own safety or well-being then so be it. We have a right of Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness. Our right to life regardless of what some cop or jury or judge says is My judgement call, and my right, and I will continue to fight for this freedom.
I know my wife better than any chump off the street, and if she is telling me to disobey a law to get her to the hospital then I know to do that for her. She would do the same for me. There are times when you have a make a decision and that is it. Ticket or not, who cares?! The guy made the right choice for his family and should stand up for his rights in court, even if he loses he can now rest peacefully.
For me, I look at it like this regardless of what anyone says or thinks...
My family's safety and well-being are most important to me, above all, regardless of law. If I deem it is most important for my family to disregard a law for their own safety or well-being then so be it. We have a right of Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness. Our right to life regardless of what some cop or jury or judge says is My judgement call, and my right, and I will continue to fight for this freedom.
I know my wife better than any chump off the street, and if she is telling me to disobey a law to get her to the hospital then I know to do that for her. She would do the same for me. There are times when you have a make a decision and that is it. Ticket or not, who cares?! The guy made the right choice for his family and should stand up for his rights in court, even if he loses he can now rest peacefully.
DING DING DING! No more calls please, we have a winner.
Scott is showing what is wrong with Republicans now. They are just Christian/Big Company syncophants. Men tell women what to do, period. Whatever happened to personal liberties? And um, "right to life, and rights of the unborn" etc?
ijerry that post was just beautiful. That's like the best paragraph I've read this year.
Did it say he was driving recklessly? He just didn't want to sit on the side of the freaking road with his wife screaming, when he could be MOVING towards the hospital. Duh.
I think most men who have a set of balls would have done the same thing. "sorry honey, can't make the cop angry".
Scott is showing what is wrong with Republicans now. They are just Christian/Big Company syncophants. Men tell women what to do, period. Whatever happened to personal liberties? And um, "right to life, and rights of the unborn" etc?
WTF? Take your head out of your paranoid ass. Talk about trying to tie totally unrelated issues. If the cop was a woman, this could still have come out as it did.
Having said that. As far as everyone saying the cop shouldn't have discretion or be the judge and jury...this was a traffic offense, in which cops in almost every jurisdiction have a lot of leeway when it comes to citations. This officer could certainly have had a heart and escorted the woman to the hospital. There is a difference between letter of the law and spirit of the law.
...this was a traffic offense, in which cops in almost every jurisdiction have a lot of leeway when it comes to citations.
Yes indeed.
Ticket? No.
Escort? Yes. If the cop had time to write a ticket, it seems unlikely there was something so pressing demanding his attention that he couldn't have provided a police escort.
Ambulance? She's having a baby not a frickin' coronary. Wait for an ambulance. To what end? I doubt most women would regard either a car or an ambulance as the most ideal place to give birth. I also doubt, if it came to the crunch, few would care provided they had a healthy child. As far as complications go, I'd guess the most common treatment for problems during childbirth is caesarian section - a procedure an ambulance is only marginally better equipped for than your average family car.
And surely US courts and taxpayers have better things to spend their time and money on than deciding whether this poor guy should have his speeding fine waived. If the law thinks the risk posed by the husband speeding outweighs the needs of the mother and child, then the law is indeed an ass. Personally, I'm not overwhelmed by moral conundrums at the thought of having to choose between obeying the road rules or assisting a woman in labour.
I'd reprimand the cop, dock his pay and make him formally apologise to the couple.
Scott is showing what is wrong with Republicans now. They are just Christian/Big Company syncophants. Men tell women what to do, period. Whatever happened to personal liberties? And um, "right to life, and rights of the unborn" etc?
What a truly idiotic reply. The story specifically states that it was the woman telling the man what to do.
Perhaps what's wrong with Democrats now is that they can't read?
Perhaps what's wrong with Democrats now is that they can't read?
Originally posted by Aquatic
Scott is showing what is wrong with Republicans now.
Oh I'm sorry I thought I was in AO not PO.
Hang on...I am in AO!
Um, don't you guys have some other place you need to be? Down the hall, third door on the right (or left depending on your POV). Mind you don't trip over the dead bodies on your way in.
How do we know the cop didn't agree with the guy and just gave him the ticket because he was obligated to?
Have you ever been stopped for speeding, but been let off with just a warning? Cops aren't completely obligated to give out tickets, it is their discretion.
Have you ever been stopped for speeding, but been let off with just a warning?
Sure, but that's with the agreement that I'm not going to continue doing it. If he says it's OK to keep speeding and driving on the shoulder, he'll get shit on if it comes back to him, particularly if there was an accident and particularly if little sally gets killed in said accident. I'm not a cop so I don't know exactly what would have to be weighed in a situation like this, but I could certainly see the cop giving a ticket while at the same time personally agreeing with the guy.
Is this what happened? I don't know. The cop could have just been a dick, and the odds certainly wouldn't be against it.
Scott is showing what is wrong with Republicans now. They are just Christian/Big Company syncophants. Men tell women what to do, period. Whatever happened to personal liberties? And um, "right to life, and rights of the unborn" etc?
ijerry that post was just beautiful. That's like the best paragraph I've read this year.'re reaching here.
I think that the cop is an ass.
I think the guy could probably get a judge to throw out the ticket.
Originally posted by Scott
That whole rushing to the hospital when the water breaks is for TV drama.
My wife wanted to labor at home and go to the hospital only when she was ready to deliver. Her water broke at 2am so she tried to go back to sleep. Had to get up at 5am due to labor pains. Whet to the hospital about 3pm. When we got there she was full dilated and ready to push. That took 6 more hours.
I didn't know you were a daddy, Scott. Anyway, as you probably know, most women do go to the hospital as soon as their water breaks. It may not be a life-or-death rush, but if I was bleeding or something I'd want to get to the hospital fast too.
I wonder what would have happened if she gave birth in the car and the baby died because it didn't get prompt medical attention. Would the cop have been sued for not forcing them to wait for an ambulance.?
Originally posted by groverat
This cop = jack-ass supreme.
They broke the law, got pulled over (oops, they were already over) as a result, disobeyed the officer by not waiting for an ambulance, then continued to break the law. Even if he wasn't inclined to give them a ticket the first time, I think most, if not all, cops would after a stunt like that.
My family's safety and well-being are most important to me, above all, regardless of law. If I deem it is most important for my family to disregard a law for their own safety or well-being then so be it. We have a right of Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness. Our right to life regardless of what some cop or jury or judge says is My judgement call, and my right, and I will continue to fight for this freedom.
I know my wife better than any chump off the street, and if she is telling me to disobey a law to get her to the hospital then I know to do that for her. She would do the same for me. There are times when you have a make a decision and that is it. Ticket or not, who cares?! The guy made the right choice for his family and should stand up for his rights in court, even if he loses he can now rest peacefully.
Originally posted by ijerry
For me, I look at it like this regardless of what anyone says or thinks...
My family's safety and well-being are most important to me, above all, regardless of law. If I deem it is most important for my family to disregard a law for their own safety or well-being then so be it. We have a right of Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness. Our right to life regardless of what some cop or jury or judge says is My judgement call, and my right, and I will continue to fight for this freedom.
I know my wife better than any chump off the street, and if she is telling me to disobey a law to get her to the hospital then I know to do that for her. She would do the same for me. There are times when you have a make a decision and that is it. Ticket or not, who cares?! The guy made the right choice for his family and should stand up for his rights in court, even if he loses he can now rest peacefully.
DING DING DING! No more calls please, we have a winner.
Originally posted by groverat
Yet you still ignore that she gave birth 7 minutes after arriving.
No I didn't. I mentioned it in my reply. Did you bother to read it?
ijerry that post was just beautiful. That's like the best paragraph I've read this year.
Who then is in the right?
And yes I do think the cop was a tool and should have given them an escort.
And nothing is risk free.
Originally posted by Aquatic
ijerry that post was just beautiful. That's like the best paragraph I've read this year.
Kind of like a much more humane version of the speech Annabeth Markum (Laura Linney) gives to her husband (Sean Penn) at the end of Mystic River.
I think most men who have a set of balls would have done the same thing. "sorry honey, can't make the cop angry".
I'd gladly take the ticket, thank you.
Originally posted by Aquatic
Scott is showing what is wrong with Republicans now. They are just Christian/Big Company syncophants. Men tell women what to do, period. Whatever happened to personal liberties? And um, "right to life, and rights of the unborn" etc?
WTF? Take your head out of your paranoid ass. Talk about trying to tie totally unrelated issues. If the cop was a woman, this could still have come out as it did.
Having said that. As far as everyone saying the cop shouldn't have discretion or be the judge and jury...this was a traffic offense, in which cops in almost every jurisdiction have a lot of leeway when it comes to citations. This officer could certainly have had a heart and escorted the woman to the hospital. There is a difference between letter of the law and spirit of the law.
Originally posted by Tulkas
...this was a traffic offense, in which cops in almost every jurisdiction have a lot of leeway when it comes to citations.
Yes indeed.
Ticket? No.
Escort? Yes. If the cop had time to write a ticket, it seems unlikely there was something so pressing demanding his attention that he couldn't have provided a police escort.
Ambulance? She's having a baby not a frickin' coronary. Wait for an ambulance. To what end? I doubt most women would regard either a car or an ambulance as the most ideal place to give birth. I also doubt, if it came to the crunch, few would care provided they had a healthy child. As far as complications go, I'd guess the most common treatment for problems during childbirth is caesarian section - a procedure an ambulance is only marginally better equipped for than your average family car.
And surely US courts and taxpayers have better things to spend their time and money on than deciding whether this poor guy should have his speeding fine waived. If the law thinks the risk posed by the husband speeding outweighs the needs of the mother and child, then the law is indeed an ass. Personally, I'm not overwhelmed by moral conundrums at the thought of having to choose between obeying the road rules or assisting a woman in labour.
I'd reprimand the cop, dock his pay and make him formally apologise to the couple.
Originally posted by Aquatic
Scott is showing what is wrong with Republicans now. They are just Christian/Big Company syncophants. Men tell women what to do, period. Whatever happened to personal liberties? And um, "right to life, and rights of the unborn" etc?
What a truly idiotic reply. The story specifically states that it was the woman telling the man what to do.
Perhaps what's wrong with Democrats now is that they can't read?
Originally posted by Frank777
Perhaps what's wrong with Democrats now is that they can't read?
Originally posted by Aquatic
Scott is showing what is wrong with Republicans now.
Oh I'm sorry I thought I was in AO not PO.
Hang on...I am in AO!
Um, don't you guys have some other place you need to be? Down the hall, third door on the right (or left depending on your POV). Mind you don't trip over the dead bodies on your way in.
Originally posted by giant
How do we know the cop didn't agree with the guy and just gave him the ticket because he was obligated to?
Have you ever been stopped for speeding, but been let off with just a warning? Cops aren't completely obligated to give out tickets, it is their discretion.
Originally posted by PBG4 Dude
Have you ever been stopped for speeding, but been let off with just a warning?
Sure, but that's with the agreement that I'm not going to continue doing it. If he says it's OK to keep speeding and driving on the shoulder, he'll get shit on if it comes back to him, particularly if there was an accident and particularly if little sally gets killed in said accident. I'm not a cop so I don't know exactly what would have to be weighed in a situation like this, but I could certainly see the cop giving a ticket while at the same time personally agreeing with the guy.
Is this what happened? I don't know. The cop could have just been a dick, and the odds certainly wouldn't be against it.
Originally posted by Aquatic
Scott is showing what is wrong with Republicans now. They are just Christian/Big Company syncophants. Men tell women what to do, period. Whatever happened to personal liberties? And um, "right to life, and rights of the unborn" etc?
ijerry that post was just beautiful. That's like the best paragraph I've read this year.'re reaching here.
I think that the cop is an ass.
I think the guy could probably get a judge to throw out the ticket.