dual display quick question

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in Current Mac Hardware edited January 2014
recently i saw a topic on here how the 12 inch powerbook could not support dual displays... i was just about ready to get a 12 inch until i saw this, this was something i was planning to use my powerbook mainly for..

so i wana kno, if it can be done with a 12" power book, how is it done?

or with a 15 inch, how is it done?

i am most probably going to be running the powerbook in clamshell mode connected to 2 external lcd displays (not apple displays, normal 17 inch monitors) with the bluetooth wireless keyboard and mouse of course (unless u guys dont recommend it? i am not familiar with blue tooth technology, so is it worth it?)


  • Reply 1 of 7
    wmfwmf Posts: 1,164member
    All PowerBooks support dual displays. The 12" only supports one external display, though. If you want two external displays you will need a 15" and a VTBook graphics card.
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  • Reply 2 of 7
    moazammoazam Posts: 136member
    Running powerbooks in clamshell mode causes them to heat up like hell. Not recommended at all. Your best bet is to run the 12" Powerbook open, with one external monitor attached to it. You'll get 2 working LCDs this way.

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  • Reply 3 of 7
    ikaika Posts: 52member
    Can the screen be turned off without closing it to save power? Do they ever overheat enough to break?
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  • Reply 4 of 7
    ipodandimacipodandimac Posts: 3,273member

    Originally posted by Ika

    Can the screen be turned off without closing it to save power? Do they ever overheat enough to break?

    i would hope you wouldnt be on battery power with this setup to begin with, but you can at least dial down the brightness so the display goes dark. it's not off, but uses very little power.
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  • Reply 5 of 7
    d3ctd3ct Posts: 56member
    so it would damage a 15" powerbook if i connect it to 2 external (windows/normal) lcd's, and put it on clamshell mode? if so, leaving it open with the brightness all the way down would relieve the heating-up/damage problem?

    i also have one other concern if anyone could help me out, does the 12inch come with 256mb ram PLUS 1 open slot to add more ram and the 15 inch comes with 512mb PLUS 2 open slots to add 2 extra sticks of ram? or is the occupied slot counted as an "open slot" in apple's descriptions?
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  • Reply 6 of 7
    mcqmcq Posts: 1,543member

    Originally posted by D3ct

    so it would damage a 15" powerbook if i connect it to 2 external (windows/normal) lcd's, and put it on clamshell mode? if so, leaving it open with the brightness all the way down would relieve the heating-up/damage problem?

    i also have one other concern if anyone could help me out, does the 12inch come with 256mb ram PLUS 1 open slot to add more ram and the 15 inch comes with 512mb PLUS 2 open slots to add 2 extra sticks of ram? or is the occupied slot counted as an "open slot" in apple's descriptions?

    Leaving the screen open would relieve heating.

    12" has 256MB soldered on that you can't touch, and one open slot for ram.

    15" has 2 slots, the stock 15" Combo has 256MB in one slot with one slot free, the stock 15" SD has both slots occupied with 256MB in each slot.
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  • Reply 7 of 7
    a10t2a10t2 Posts: 191member
    For what it's worth, I've heard that PowerBooks are designed to be run with the screen closed. iBooks, on the other hand, can be seriously damaged.

    If Apple didn't want the PowerBooks run while closed I seriously doubt they would enable it when an external keyboard/mouse is attached.
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