Tim Cook Keynote in Paris Expo?



  • Reply 21 of 27
    kennethkenneth Posts: 832member
    Ladies and gentlemen.. it's Omar's turn!

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  • Reply 22 of 27
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member

    Originally posted by monkeyastronaut

    It's not taken out of context and it's quoting several people into one, not just you. Apple needs to operate on their own. That "Steve is our savior" mentality won't help them in the long run. Instead of hoping he stays for a considerable longer time I think they need to start planning what they'll do if he decides to go. Groom a succesor, make the world believe they'll be ok, show them. I'm sure stockholders shit their pants just thinking about it, because this is one company that doesn't know how to work without the magical, save us all CEO. They need to start being a company like Wal-Mart which operates well after their founder died, and less like a cult.

    as said. you don't "groom CEOs". I don't know what fantasy world you're living in. And I don't understand why Apple has to be held to a standard or practice that no other companies are held to.

    Apple is very self dependant now and probably doesnt need Jobs. He's there for vision. That's not something that you can "groom". But that's also not saying Apple would not be an innovative company that made compelling products without him. The likely case is they would have a couple more misses than they usually have with Jobs since he seems to have a golden touch with choosing what to release and what not to.

    I don't think Steve is crucial to Apple's survival and success....he's merely someone who stregthens it. Steve wont be working till Sept....I don't see the company going to shambles because of that.
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  • Reply 23 of 27
    Danika Cleary!
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  • Reply 24 of 27

    Originally posted by applenut

    as said. you don't "groom CEOs". I don't know what fantasy world you're living in. And I don't understand why Apple has to be held to a standard or practice that no other companies are held to.

    Apple is very self dependant now and probably doesnt need Jobs. He's there for vision. That's not something that you can "groom". But that's also not saying Apple would not be an innovative company that made compelling products without him. The likely case is they would have a couple more misses than they usually have with Jobs since he seems to have a golden touch with choosing what to release and what not to.

    I don't think Steve is crucial to Apple's survival and success....he's merely someone who stregthens it. Steve wont be working till Sept....I don't see the company going to shambles because of that.

    I'm not living in any fantasy world. It's a reality that a company has to be prepared for life without their "fix-my-life, oh-saviour" guy. Apple is that kind of company. Just wait and see. I do think Steve is crucial to Apple's success. They may survive without him, but only for so long. Like I said, time will tell.

    And I'm not suggesting the company is going to shambles in the month he's recuperating from his surgery, that's preposterous. But they'll probably become an example of the don'ts in books like this one if they don't groom a CEO (as much as you hate the idea) to take over the company's operations. And I'm not suggesting this has to be done quick because Steve is leaving soon. It's just something that has to be done.

    It's happened to other companies and that book by Jim Collins is full of examples of it.
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  • Reply 25 of 27
    pbg4 dudepbg4 dude Posts: 1,611member
    I know my parent company's stock has been negatively affected because there is no clear succession plan. The current CEO has been in his position since 1967 and he's getting on in age. Believe me, Wall Street wants to know who's being groomed to replace him.
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  • Reply 26 of 27
    Exactly. A lot of companies groom CEOs. That's something that's been happening for a long time.
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  • Reply 27 of 27
    a10t2a10t2 Posts: 191member

    Originally posted by soulcrusher

    Danika Cleary!

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