Vaporware - BMW iPod Adapter
Although it was supposed to ship on July 12, the iPod adapter for my BMW 330 is nowhere in sight. I have been told it is on "national backorder." My dealer had one or two that it tried to install, but apparently it was for a Z4 not a 330. No one can tell me when it will ship, although they now claim they are releasing some in waves. My dealer, one of the largest in the US still has NONE! So I doubt that they really are getting out in anything other than ones or twos. Anyone have any luck getting one for a 330?
what are you saying about BMW? They have been doing a better job than apple at getting products out on time, over the last few years.
Also, see: humor, subclass irony.
sorry, what i waslooking at was an m3 convertable, not an M5
My dealer called me yesterday to tell me they got one in!
Of course, it was the first one and I am number 2 on the list. He thinks every dealer got only 1. Can you believe that?
Anyone actually have a iPod kit installed in their 330?